Melanie S's Reviews > Scary Modsters…and Creepy Freaks

Scary Modsters…and Creepy Freaks by Diane Rinella
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bookshelves: 2016

*NOTICE: I received a copy of this book from eBook Discovery. This is my independent, voluntary, and honest review.* Scary Modsters is the strangest ghost story I've ever read. It's also the strangest crime and revenge story I've ever read. It is one of the oddest romances I've ever read. And it is absolutely fantastic. The sad tale of 1960's rocker Peter Lane and his wife Jane, who were both murdered, is interwoven with the modern story of Rox, misfit '60s music fangirl, and her guy Niles, an oddly unemotional lawyer. Turns out Rox is Jane reincarnated, while Peter and Niles share an even stranger connection. In order to save his future with Rox, Niles has to have Peter's help to right some serious old wrongs, and there's a time limit to getting the job done. Filled with beautifully fleshed-out characters, jam-packed with fabulous music references that had me hitting iTunes search with every chapter, and written in a quirky style from three separate POVs (Rox, Peter, and Niles), this novel is impossible to pigeonhole but easy to love.

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Reading Progress

November 11, 2016 – Started Reading
November 11, 2016 – Shelved
November 11, 2016 – Shelved as: 2016
November 11, 2016 – Finished Reading

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