Sean Barrs 's Reviews > Pride and Prejudice

Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
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it was amazing
bookshelves: classics, love-and-romance, 5-star-reads, romantic-movement

Society, with all its restrictive constructs, is one nasty piece of work.

It comes with so many silly rules, so many silly expectations. Those of social station and wealth must be seen to marry someone of the same “worth” regardless of the feelings involved; they must be seen to marry someone on their level of class structure. But what of love? What of passion? Should it be quenched because of these all-encompassing silly constructs?

Austen doesn’t think so.

Enter Darcy, a man who is royally pissed off; he has fallen in love with someone considered far beneath him, to declare his love for her is to step outside the realms of his supposed pedigree: it is a form of social death. So he is a man torn in two. At the route of things, he is a product of his society; consequently, he is affected by its values. Although he hates it all the same; thus, the long sullen silences, the seemingly moody and arrogant exchanges with Elizabeth. But it’s all the expression of a man struggling to deal with the raging tempest of emotions that have taken hold of his mind: his being.

“In vain have I struggled. It will not do. My feelings will not be repressed. You must allow me to tell you how ardently I admire and love you.”


Indeed, Austen slowly reveals the dangers of false perception as she gradually peels away the mask of this stoic pillar of aristocracy, and underneath blossoms a misunderstood and sensitive soul. So the romance plot is born. Elizabeth eventually loses her prejudice and sees through Darcy’s false pride. Darcy loses his integrated construct of prejudice and ignores the pride of his relatives. As ever with Austen, the title of the work is suggestive of the main motifs; she’s never subtle as its all ways clear which way her razor sharp sarcasm is pointed.

So love conquers all. Austen was a strong advocate of social mobility, and often it’s based upon love in her works. But she only believes in real love. She’s not interested in fleeting moments of heat and sexual lust; she portrays true and lasting romantic attachments, relationships that are strong and real. For her, such things transcend class boundaries, wealth and intelligence. Love is love. It doesn’t matter who it is with as long as it is real; hence, Austen becomes a critique of society and its customs that prevent these relationships from being realised. She knows how stupid it is, and she loves to poke fun of her caricatures of the old stilted class of her era: the ones that resist her ideas.

Is this the best Austen?

I did really enjoy this book, and I have given it five stars, but it’s not as good as her other works. For me it lacks the moral growth of Northanger Abbey and Emma.It lacks the conciseness of Persuasion. The emphasis on the injustice of romance has made it popular, though I do strongly believe that the love in Persuasion is stronger than it is here. That endures rejection, separation, war and decades; yet, it still lingers. I love Austen, and I have loved each one of her books I’ve read so far in different ways. I hope to continue to do so. This is the fourth Austen I’ve given five stars, I can easily celebrate her as one of my favourite writers.


You can connect with me on social media via My Linktree.
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Reading Progress

November 2, 2016 – Shelved
November 2, 2016 – Shelved as: to-read
November 3, 2016 – Shelved as: classics
November 3, 2016 – Shelved as: love-and-romance
Started Reading
November 13, 2016 – Shelved as: 5-star-reads
November 13, 2016 – Finished Reading
November 29, 2016 – Shelved as: romantic-movement

Comments Showing 1-24 of 24 (24 new)

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message 1: by Jim (new) - rated it 5 stars

Jim This is my favorite Jane Austen book. Very funny and the pacing is very tight.

message 2: by [deleted user] (new)

My favourite as well. I hope you like it.

message 3: by Rosemary (new)

Rosemary Atwell The sharpest and wittiest, closely followed by Emma. Hope you enjoy.

Charlotte This is my fav Austen book, hope you enjoy it!

message 5: by Don (new) - rated it 5 stars

Don You can't go wrong with Austen.

♛ Garima ♛ This one is my fav, hope u love it too

Sean Barrs Thanks :)

I'm hoping I love it :)

Hailee I'm currently (re)reading this as well. It's my favourite book ever. I love it.

Nadja Thank you!!!

Virginia Pavone Jane Austen was great!

Anna Kay I really love this book (I first read it when I was twelve), but as an adult I find myself loving the ones that aren't as famous -- Northanger Abbey, Persuasion & Mansfield Park. I truly believe that the love in Persuasion is ten times stronger than P&P. :)

Carmen Great review!

message 13: by Lyn (new) - rated it 4 stars

Lyn good review

Jenny Smuts The less well-known of her novels (Mansfield Park, Persuasion, and Northanger Abbey) are my favourites :-)

Stephen Richter Jo Baker wrote Longbourn which tells the story from the point of view of the servants. I found the book to be very inventive in it re-telling.

message 16: by Neha (new) - rated it 5 stars

Neha One of the best reviews I have read of this book!

Sean Barrs Neha wrote: "One of the best reviews I have read of this book!"


Tarsis Here, she did emphasis in how the pride can destroy your opportunities, your relationships, your life.

message 19: by Laura (new)

Laura Thomas My favorite of all her books and also on my list of favorite reads!

message 20: by Jessica (new) - added it

Jessica Conant This is the third review of yours I have happened to just randomly stumble upon in the last two weeks - the reason this grabbed me (other than the fact that I enjoyed the reviews ) was because all 3 were for books from VERY different genres - I think what I like most about your them is that they were written objectively. I have read plenty of reviews on which I could sense the reviewer was biased towards a particular genre so if the book was one that ventured out of their normal comfort zone of preferred reading the book's rating suffered. I'm not saying it is wrong to only like one particular genre. Everyone has different tastes and opinions. It's just that when I am searching for new books to read I am open to anything and everything and biased reviews just aren't very helpful to me.
Other than your open minded and objective approach I also found found that your reviews are very entertaining , informative, honest and i don't know sometimes when I'm debating putting a book on my tbr list or not I will read review after review and get nowhere further into being swayed in my decision. For some reason once I read your reviews I felt like my decision was settled I'd add the book (or not)
I am putting this one on my tbr list and I think I will also be reading more of your reviews!

message 21: by Mara (new) - added it

Mara Louk I like how you start with questions, intriguing me with this review. I love how you refers to Darcy as “a man who is royally pissed off”.
I really like this review a lot, and agree.

message 22: by Thirikwa (new)

Thirikwa Nyingi I admire your grasp of this book and command of the language. I have gained a better understanding of the book. I loved the book though I am still trying to read more about it to fully comprehend the ideas in the book.

message 23: by use (new) - added it

use 我还没有学习英语可以换为中文吗谢谢

Shahana Sherin This is an awesome book.I had studied about this book in my PG classes. Since then I was interested to read it. I really enjoyed this book.As the title signifies Austen emphasize on pride and prejudice in the society.

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