Esil's Reviews > Lillian Boxfish Takes a Walk

Lillian Boxfish Takes a Walk by Kathleen Rooney
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bookshelves: netgalley

3.5 stars. I liked a lot of things about Lillian Boxfish Takes a Walk, but I didn't love it. Lillian is 84 years old in 1984. It's New Year's Eve, and she's walking across Manhattan reminiscing about her life. In her prime, she was the highest paid female advertising copy writer and she was a poet. She had a failed marriage, a son she adores and a stint with serious mental health issues. Alternating chapters take us on different parts of her New Year's Eve walk and through her earlier years. Oddly, I enjoyed the late night walk through Manhattan most of all. Perhaps unrealistic, but it was fun to see Lillian speak so fearlessly to all the people she met on her walk, and to see Manhattan in the mid 1980s. Lillian's recollections of her earlier life were interesting, but felt a bit disjointed and incomplete. 84 year Lillian came into focus more sharply than the younger Lillian. Still, this makes for a good read and I expect many people will really enjoy it. Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for an opportunity to read an advance copy.
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Reading Progress

October 27, 2016 – Shelved
October 27, 2016 – Shelved as: to-read
October 27, 2016 – Shelved as: netgalley
November 20, 2016 – Started Reading
December 1, 2016 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-22 of 22 (22 new)

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message 1: by Candi (new) - added it

Candi Great review, Esil. Sounds like a good comfort read :)

message 2: by Snotchocheez (new)

Snotchocheez Sounds like an American female-centric Harold Fry (which I'm embarrassed to admit I loved). Nice review, Esil! Might have to give it a try.

Esil Snotchocheez wrote: "Sounds like an American female-centric Harold Fry (which I'm embarrassed to admit I loved). Nice review, Esil! Might have to give it a try."

Interesting comparison. As you know, I loved Harold Fry too -- so we can be embarrassed together or just agree that it was lovely. I'll be curious to see what you think if you end up reading it.

Esil Candi wrote: "Great review, Esil. Sounds like a good comfort read :)"

Thanks Candi. That's actually a perfect description.

Diane S ☔ I liked her walk through Manhattan the best also, but at times as you said in her early life I was bored. Good review, Esil.

Angela M is taking a break. I skipped this one - just too many . I don't feel too badly though since neither you nor Diane loved it .

Esil Diane S ☔ wrote: "I liked her walk through Manhattan the best also, but at times as you said in her early life I was bored. Good review, Esil."

Thanks Diane. It sounds like we had similar reactions. The Manhattan walk was definitely the most original part of the book.

Esil Angela M wrote: "I skipped this one - just too many . I don't feel too badly though since neither you nor Diane loved it ."

Thanks Angela. I'm with you on having too many books. I'm really trying to reduce my requests. This one was worthwhile, but I'm sure you have more pressing books on your tbr pile

Angela M is taking a break. Now I want to get it because you think it's worthwhile- lol ! I'm trying to be better at not requesting so many either , but it doesn't always work !

message 10: by Canadian Jen (new)

Canadian Jen Great review not sure I'm going to tackle it - will wait on some more reviews. Thx Esil!

message 11: by Esil (new) - rated it 4 stars

Esil Elyse wrote: "Esil...Good points 'walking girl'............. :)

I loved it lots you know. glad you liked it a little! :)

Happy moving on..........
I hope you have a wonderful holiday Dec. holiday month!"

Thanks Elyse. I definitely liked the scenes of Lillian walking through Manhattan. Thanks for putting me onto this one. I hope that when I'm 84 I have the chutzpah to walk for miles late into the night :)

message 12: by Esil (new) - rated it 4 stars

Esil Jen wrote: "Great review not sure I'm going to tackle it - will wait on some more reviews. Thx Esil!"

Thanks Jen. I definitely think it's worth reading despite my reservations.

message 13: by Debbie (new) - added it

Debbie Great review, Esil. I won this in a giveaway, yay! Now maybe I'll bump it up. I love books about old farts, especially those set in NYC (I'm thinking Florence Gordon here).

message 14: by Esil (new) - rated it 4 stars

Esil Debbie wrote: "Great review, Esil. I won this in a giveaway, yay! Now maybe I'll bump it up. I love books about old farts, especially those set in NYC (I'm thinking Florence Gordon here)."

Thanks Debbie. She's not grumpy like Florence Gordon but I definitely thought of the parallels. I'll be curious to see what you think.

message 15: by Carol (new) - added it

Carol Elyse and I both gushed a bit about this one. It's good to hear the different pov from all of you. We take different things from books and this is a book that points out why I've given up on stars. One day I might give this a 3, the next a 4, then I'd read your review and think why did I give that a 4. Better I just try to tell you how it made me feel. Lillian was a cork who has lived a long life and is still popping!

message 16: by Esil (new) - rated it 4 stars

Esil Carol wrote: "Elyse and I both gushed a bit about this one. It's good to hear the different pov from all of you. We take different things from books and this is a book that points out why I've given up on stars...."

So true, Carol. I actually wondered as I read this one whether my reaction was contextual. But I do like rating books because it helps me pinpoint my overall reaction. For this one, I do definitely understand what had you and Elyse gushing.

message 17: by Esil (new) - rated it 4 stars

Esil Elyse wrote: "Jumping in.... (late Friday afternoon here) --
I like the conversation Carol & Esil are having about ratings and stars --(just saying) :)
I don't feel ratings mean nearly as much as what members h..."

Thanks for jumping in Elyse :) it definitely gets challenging keeping up with everyone's reviews. I generally manage through the daily email I get every morning but I know that I miss some of them.

Barbara I just finished this novel. I LOVED it!!

message 19: by Esil (new) - rated it 4 stars

Esil Barbara wrote: "I just finished this novel. I LOVED it!!"

Glad you loved it, Barbara. I'm looking forward to reading your review.

Glenda I absolutely loved this book. Five ***** for me. I still think about this book often. I have never been to NYC but, like a lot of people, are fascinated by it. Lillian was a great character and gave me a glimpse of Manhattan in the 80's. This may be one I re-read, which I almost never do.

Kathleen Great review, Esil. I liked the book.

message 22: by Esil (new) - rated it 4 stars

Esil Kathleen wrote: "Great review, Esil. I liked the book."

Glad you liked it, Kathleen.

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