Diana's Reviews > Interborough

Interborough by Santino Hassell
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's review

it was amazing
bookshelves: m-m, turning-pages-buddy-read

5 real life stars

Interborough picks up a year and half into Raymond and David’s relationship. Life is a struggle at the moment, with Raymond working 2 jobs plus school. David is worried about being reviewed at work and receiving tenure. To make matters worse, with Raymond gone all the time, David’s insecurities are starting to nag him. He is worried about his relationship with Raymond is turning into is previous relationship that ended in a disaster.
As much as I love being in love, I know that the existence of it isn’t a magic ticket to a happy ending. And I know that as much as two people love each other, relationships don’t always work, and then people split up and find other people to give it a go again. It’s a horrible cycle and I’m afraid that we’re becoming a part of it.~David

Raymond is exhausted all the time, but he keeps pushing himself because finances are tight. He feels guilty that he can’t spend time with David, but he is really trying to make his life better, eventually. When his life takes another turn, he has to make a decision. The problem is, will it be the right decision for him to keep David or to push him away further.

I really enjoyed this story, maybe because their issues are so real life. How many times do we get caught up trying to do everything on our own, or feel like nobody is listening to you? Very relatable, and I would highly recommend this series.
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Reading Progress

October 24, 2016 – Started Reading
October 24, 2016 – Shelved
October 24, 2016 – Shelved as: to-read
October 24, 2016 – Shelved as: turning-pages-buddy-read
October 24, 2016 – Shelved as: m-m
October 25, 2016 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-23 of 23 (23 new)

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Fabi NEEDS Email Notifications Great review! I felt the same way. So true to life.

Diana Fabi wrote: "Great review! I felt the same way. So true to life."

Thanks, Fabi. I am sure we were all a little like Raymond or David at some time in our lives.

*J* Too Many Books Too Little Time Yay! Glad you liked it! Great review!

Jessica ❥Chatterbooks Book Blog❥ Wonderful review, Diana! :)

Diana J *deep in the heart of Texas* wrote: "Yay! Glad you liked it! Great review!"
Thanks, hon!! xx

Jessica wrote: "Wonderful review, Diana! :)"
Thanks so much, sweetheart!!

Talia (Red Hot Ink) Great review, Diana! Loved that quote you chose, even if it made me a bit sad xoxo

message 7: by Coco.V (new)

Coco.V Excellent review, sweetie! :) xx

Diana Talia wrote: "Great review, Diana! Loved that quote you chose, even if it made me a bit sad xoxo"

Thanks, sweetheart!! Yea, that quote got to me too.

Coco.V wrote: "Excellent review, sweetie! :) xx"

Thank, hon!! xx

Judith Great review,babe!

Santy That was fast!! Nice one Di!!!

message 11: by Caipi (new) - added it

Caipi Great review, Di!!!

message 12: by Deborah (new)

Deborah Fab review honey xx

Diana Judith wrote: "Great review,babe!"
Thanks, sweetie

Asantewah wrote: "That was fast!! Nice one Di!!!"
Welp, that is what happens when you are almost an empty nester. Thanks, hon!! xx

Caipi wrote: "Great review, Di!!!"
Thanks, Caipi!! xx

Deborah wrote: "Fab review honey xx"

Thanks so much, hon!! xx

message 14: by Caz (new)

Caz Malpas Fab review Di, I've not started this series yet I will have to move it up my list ;)

message 15: by JewelsyGoolsy (new)

JewelsyGoolsy Terrific review, mate! Loved that quote xxx

message 16: by Diana (last edited Oct 26, 2016 04:29AM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Diana JewelsyGoolsy wrote: "Terrific review, mate! Loved that quote xxx"

Thanks so much, hon!! That quote is a tough one. xx

Diana Caz wrote: "Fab review Di, I've not started this series yet I will have to move it up my list ;)"

CAZZZAAA!!! Thanks so much and yes, you should read this series ASAP. xx

✦❋Arianna✦❋ Awesome review, babe! xx

Diana Arianna✦❋SteamyReadsBlog❋✦ wrote: "Awesome review, babe! xx"

Thanks, hon!! xx

message 20: by Dilek VT (new)

Dilek VT Beautiful review darling :)

Diana Dilek VT wrote: "Beautiful review darling :)"

Thanks, sweetheart!! xx

message 22: by Alp (new)

Alp Great review, hon. Glad you loved it. :)

Diana Alp wrote: "Great review, hon. Glad you loved it. :)"

Thanks, sweets!!

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