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Rain Misoa's Reviews > Fruits Basket, Vol. 18

Fruits Basket, Vol. 18 by Natsuki Takaya
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it was amazing
bookshelves: manga

It has come to my attention that Fruits Basket will from this point forward... BE PISSING ME OFF TO NO END!!! OH MY GOD! I thought this one wasn't going to contain too much of the stupid but NOOOOOOOOO! I was wrong. It had stupid, i.e. Akito. That douche needs to perish! Right now! Argh! I was quite pleased with the beginning of the book. It was expanding Machi's life and what she went through. It's a bit... sad... as is eveyone's life in this manga... but it was good seeing that she had more of a purpose and does she have a purpose! *Smirks* Not going to tell of course but I'm sure you can figure it out~ So, yeah! I was enjoying myself until I got to the retarded parts! >_< Then, to top it all off, it ends on a sad note! Yeah, there's no happy ending to this volume! It's meant to tear your heart apart! All into tiny little pieces! *Sniffs* I can't believe that things are looking hopeless! Of course! I'm still praying things go well but... WAH! It's just too much to bare! (Suck it up, you big baby!) Where the hell did you come from? (...) ...I'm going mental, aren't I? *Sighs* Well, I still have some hope. I really want this all to end happily... BECAUSE I'M GOING TO BE SO PISSED OFF IF IT'S NOT!!!

My word... how else can I explain Takaya-sensei's pure awesomness? I feel that whenever I get to this part of my review, I'm saying the same thing over and over again. But it's the truth! I can't just not say how epic she is! It's just... not right for me to just say, "Oh... she did great." And then just end it there! What kind of fan would I be if I did that!? A lousy one, that's what! Know this, dear readers, that she doesn't shield people from anything. She will let you have it. You know how many times this woman broke my heart from just reading this series? I lost count! Oh, but she can make you feel healed again... the romance she writes... it's absolutely wonderful! I feel like falling in love just so I can feel that flutteriness people feel when they are in love. Then I think about all the jerks that are in this world and I'm happy I'm a free bird again! XD ( lady.) SHUT UP! I LOVE KYO! *Ahem* Anyway, truly amazing this manga is. I cannot wait to pick up the next volume!

But wait! I need to talk about the characters for this volume! XD We start off with Machi! We get to see how she's been feeling and why she was acting strange all this time. It's not her fault... it's those evil parents! Man, all the parents in this manga are screwed up in the head. (Well, not all. Hiro's parents are awesome. And so are Kagura's. And Tohru's. AND WE CAN'T FORGET SHISHOU!!! But yeah... after them... NO ONE!!!) Machi's parents are no different. They are a bunch of douches. >_< Yuki was there to help her along, though. I am actually kinda liking how these two get along. Machi is so quiet most of the time but when she gets upset... BOOM! WAR ZONE!!! XD We then move onto Minagawa and the conclusion of her story. (At least it felt like the end.) Minagawa really got on my nerves when she first appeared in the series but then... after reading this... I was actually shocked. She grew up. She really did. I guess she had to since graduation and all that... but I was really pleased to see how she grew! She's not as annoying anymore! How rare is that!? Also, she has herself an admirer. *Snickers*

Now for the stupid... Ugh... I can't stand Akito... I really thought that I would come to understand at least a little bit of what he's doing but... I don't. I really don't. He's just scum to me. Ren, his bloody mother (I figured since it was revealed in the last volume who she was and you're reading this review it's okay to say who she is now), is also a douche. I'll admit that I like her a bit better than Akito, but I still hate her guts. She does something to Rin that just upsets me! How in the hell did Shigure ever end up with her (Also okay to say since it was revealed in the previous volume)? Just the whole thing rubs me the wrong way. -_-" Kureno... well, he's not as agravating. I like him... I just want him to grow a spine. However, I think he did, a little, in this book! He was acting pretty awesomely. Haru... WAS THE BEST DAMN THING EVER! Holy crap! I've seen him get pissed before but not like this! Oh snap! That was sexy! He's such a man! I wants him! Man, Rin is such a lucky lady! *Smiles but has it slowly turn into a frown* She went through a lot... so much pain. Her hair... *Sniffs* least she had Haru. God, she's lucky! *Flails* Hiro was being cute with Hinata and Kisa. So cute! <3 Tohru... *Sighs* ...I don't want him to go either... KYO!!!!!!!!! I LOVE YOU!!!!! MAKE BABIES WITH TOHRU!!! IT'S GOING TO BE AWESOME!!! *Gets scratch* Okay! Okay! No more of the babies! I got it... though, it's something to consider... *Gets spleen cut out* X_X

Well, this volume didn't make me as mad as the previous one but... it still pisses me off. All in a good way of course! XD I live for this sort of drama! Being pissed off is something that... I don't know... it pleases me and this manga does it so well! I really do think this is THE best shoujo manga I have ever read. When reading, you just get sucked into this crazy world filled with so many tragic characters and problems and characters you just want to kill! *CoughAkitoCough* (What about Ren?) Well, if she continues down the path she's going then yeah. I'll want to kill her, too. For now... I'll just shove her in the dungeon. (You have a--) Silence, mortal! I'm reviewing! *Ahem* As I was saying, you get pulled into the story and you just have to keep reading until you find out what happens! It's the main reason why I have been reading this nonstop for the past few weeks! I can't think of myself reading anything else until I finish this series. And I'm almost done! Just five more to go! I cannot wait to start the next one! I feel that things are just going to get more crazy! I am so excited! Come on! Read it together with me and fangirl like no tomorrow! But! I claim Haru, Hatori, and Kyo for myself. You can have the others! XD Mata ne! <3
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Reading Progress

June 22, 2011 – Started Reading
June 22, 2011 – Shelved
June 22, 2011 –
page 1
0.5% "*Still twitchy* Alright... let's get this over with. I don't think this volume has too much of the stupid... but we shall see. Also, this is going to be the last volume I read until Friday because I have to wait on the library... poop. Oh well... I'll busy myself with studying... or something... *Plays video games* Anyway, let me finish this volume! <3"
June 22, 2011 –
page 40
20.0% "Awesome! We now know how Machi was feeling all this time. That's great! I understand her now! In fact, I had my suspicions that it was for those reasons she acted strangely. I get it now. And oh~ Yuki~ He's so nice with her. That chalk thing was epic. He gets it, too. *Happy sigh* Not many people understand so easily... it's great to see he does. <3 OOOOoooOOoooOO!!! I'm fangirling already! XD"
June 22, 2011 –
page 74
37.0% "Wow... Minagawa... you surprised me. You're not that bad after all. That's good. You were a bit annoying but... I'm glad to see you finally grew up. *Giggles* Oh, Nao~ So that's who you had a thing for. That's so cute~ <3 WAH! HINATA! THAT'S SO CUTE!!! HIRO AND HINATA! EVEN CUTER!!! *Flails* And holy crap... Rin... what did you do...? Uh-oh... this is not going to be good... *Reads on*"
June 22, 2011 –
page 104
52.0% "Oh snap... Haru's pissed. He's so pissed. This can't be good. Oh Rin! You're man's a-coming! *Squees* I'm so excited!!! Hiro really is a good boy. You see? I was right! You just had to have the maturity to understand him. He's becoming more mature as well... just like the rest of the characters. *Giggles* Him and Kisa make a good couple. I wants to see more! But first, Haru is going to kick some ass! >:3"
June 22, 2011 –
page 136
68.0% "... *Explodes* SFASBHIKDHNOLDHDBKJSDFVUDFHDJ!!! BAH! I WAS WRONG! THERE IS STUPID IN THIS VOLUME AS WELL! ARGH! WHY!? WHY MUST I ENDURE SUCH IGNORANCE!? Jesus, Akito is really starting to piss me off. I mean, even more so than usual. Ugh! How could he do that to Rin? Selfish little--UGH! Haru should have beaten him to a bloody pulp! I think he would have, too, if it wasn't for the curse. Damn it... -_-""
June 22, 2011 –
page 166
83.0% "Okay... I hate Ren, too, now. She was cool in the previous volume but after seeing what she did to someone I love dearly... yeah... she needs to die... along with her kid! Argh! I hate those two! So much! Burning passion! >_< But Haru! Oh, Haru! You are too beautiful for words! You and Rin belong together! Both so kickass! Make babies already! Dibs on your son! XD Okay, Rain. No pedophilia for you! XP"
June 22, 2011 –
page 216
100% "This is so frustrating!!! How can this be happening? Eventually? Yuck! Now! Yes! I'm probably not making sense but who cares!? What in the world? Really? Tohru! I know how you feel! I want Kyo free, too! T_T Shigure and Ren... I think I gagged a little... nope. A lot... I'm not liking that woman... not really. Although... still like her better than Akito. Akito needs to DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *Is pissed*"
June 22, 2011 – Shelved as: manga
June 22, 2011 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-15 of 15 (15 new)

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message 1: by N.T. (new)

N.T. Embeast *Smiles brightly* You see?! I told you things with Machi become amazing! Don't you LOVE her as a character?! <333 And her and Yuki! GAH. ABSOLUTE LOVE!!!!

On another note: I'm so happy you really enjoyed Minagawa's story too!!! I was so glad when I saw how she changed, and seeing that you can enjoy so much who she's become is wonderful! <3

...and yes. *Twitches* That's one of the things that makes me sick to my stomach about Ren. *Narrows eyes* ...I'd really rather not talk about it now though. x__x

Rain Misoa Machi is just so much fun! I love her! Yuki and her are like the cutest thing ever! That chalk thing he did for her was just so cute! <333 My favorite thing about Machi is how angry she gets! She makes me giggle.

Minagawa really surprised me. I was not expecting her to act that way. I was expecting her to continue to annoy me but look! She grew up! Thank God! XD

Ugh... Ren is starting to get on my nerves. That whole thing with Rin was just... ACK! -_-" I don't really HATE her yet but... she's already pissing me off. DX

message 3: by N.T. (new)

N.T. Embeast *GASP* I loved that part with the chalk!!! It was one of the most unique and beautiful things I've ever seen. In fact, everything about Machi and Yuki is so unique and unusual that their entire relationship is one of the most alluring to me. I remember how I was completely absorbed in them whenever they were together! I kept wanting to see them together!!! It's absolutely the most priceless thing!! <3333 And I was SOOOO HAPPY! for Yuki!! To find out that he's been essentially finding someone and the relief from the worries I had about there being a love triangle at the beginning faded away once this started happening to him. *Smiles brightly* He's really become a great character by this point. <3 And he's going to continue to~!

And I know. <3 That's why I said that you would appreciate her later on in the series. :3 And I'm glad that you do! ^__^ <333

And yeaahhh... >_< ...things will only continue to get more... interesting. I will tell you that much more will be explained. And I still have hope that you'll understand where Akito's coming from, and soften when you see what he does. *Smiles* With the help of a certain girl we all love~ <3

Rain Misoa I think... I needs to find me a Sohma... and fast. I am in need of the smexiness! XD Oh, but I do have smexies at home to keep me pleased for a very, very, very, very, very, very, very, ve--well, you get the idea. XD

Dude, I am so happy with Minagawa. Normally, girls like her, I just hate till the very end. But... *SHOCKED* ...yeah. Don't mind me. Haven't had sugar in over a month! DX

Well, I have faith in Tohru at least. She's the only one I think that might help me change my mind. Maybe. I hope. Anyway, I will keep thinking the same thing if I am not satisfied by how everything ends. Come on, Takaya-sensei! Don't fail me now! *Cheers*

message 5: by N.T. (new)

N.T. Embeast *Laughs!* Right?! <3 It's going to be a delicious next month! <333

And YES! 8D I'm so glad that you changed your opinion of her when she changed!! <333 I'm so proud of both of you! ^____^ ...maybe Tseng's softening you up. >:3

I think I was and wasn't at the same time, talking about the end. But the not being satisfied part was more my selfishness. X3 I wanted more. Much, much, MUCH more! *Flails!* But yes. Trust in Tohru. <3 You're doing her an injustice if you belief she can't help him too, after all that she's already done.

Rain Misoa Speaking of Tseng... after a long month of no sugar... I FINALLY HAVE COOKIES IN MY HOUSE! XD *Ahem* Anyway...

I know... I know... I have faith. Not much hope in the liking of the prick but I have faith in Tohru. <333333 I love that girl~

message 7: by N.T. (new)

N.T. Embeast Gasp! Congratulations! :D I'm very happy for you! ^___^ <333 I'm glad you're going to get to enjoy them and The Cookie together finally~! <3

And I'm glad. <3 I know you won't be disappointed. ^__^ You can trust Takaya-sensei, even if you don't always want to trust me. ;D Our taste difference sometimes sees to that. X333 <3

Rain Misoa I already had three of them! Huzzah! I am now a happy camper~ <3333 Must. Have. More. Soon!

*Nods* Yes. Yes. I agree! X3 Now... if only I can continue reading them... -_-"

message 9: by N.T. (new)

N.T. Embeast When are you going to be able to get the next volumes? :D? <3

message 10: by Rain (new) - rated it 5 stars

Rain Misoa Friday. DX I was supposed to get them yesterday but my father was too bloody lazy. Now I have to wait until Friday! What the hell... I WANT TO READ THEM ALREADY! BAH!!!!!

message 11: by N.T. (new)

N.T. Embeast *Laughs* You'll get them, no worries! ^__^ And then you can start on even more things! :D I'm hoping to get the next two volumes of V.B. Rose tomorrow if I can. If they have them in stock in the B&N I'm going to. If not~! I'll order them and pick them up whenever they come in. <3

message 12: by Rain (new) - rated it 5 stars

Rain Misoa Yeah, yeah. I know but still... I hate waiting. -_-"

Oh? More of the V.B. Rose, you say? Well, that's going to be very much fun indeed. *Smirks* Ordering is nothing. They come in fairly quickly and since it's being shipped to the store itself, you don't have to pay for shipping! Mwahahahaha!!!

message 13: by N.T. (new)

N.T. Embeast WE GOT BOTH VOLUME 11 AND 12! THEY HAD THEM IN TWO SEPARATE STORES BUT WE GOT THEM! 8DDDD And they say we can't order 13 yet, but I'm sure once July hits we'll be able to preorder it, since it's supposed to come in that month! 8D

message 14: by Rain (new) - rated it 5 stars

Rain Misoa *Smirks* Well, that's good to know~ You can finally read what happens next. *Flails* I can't wait to hear what you think of them! I hope it's just as epic as it has been! <3

message 15: by N.T. (new)

N.T. Embeast Oh I'm SURE it will be! In fact I'm tempted to take a break from reading books and just read V.B. Rose! XD Because a lot of the books I have lined up to read next are re-reads for me. I guess I'll have to wait and see what hits me! ^___^ <3

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