Calista's Reviews > Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close

Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close by Jonathan Safran Foer
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I really enjoyed this movie. It was well done and touching, so I picked up the book. It is a powerful story told, but I think this is an instance the movie is better than the book.

I didn't like the narration of the grandmother and grandfather running throughout the book. I felt the point of view worthy of our time was o Oskar Schell. I wanted the other parts to hurry up and be over. It was strange and didn't seem to have that much import on the story really.

I did like the book. There were some touching parts and there were some funny parts and there were uncomfortable parts. Oskar is 9 years old and he wants to kiss this 40 year old woman.

I do like the idea of this little kid connecting all these different people with a last name of black. Many of them were very lonely and he was able to make them feel not so lonely. I like that idea.

The destruction of the Twin towers is part of the plot in this novel. He goes into thinking what could have happened to those people and he discusses footage that the news did not show of people jumping out of the windows. It is fairly intense. Oskar lost his dad in the attack.

It is a unique little story and I'm glad I read this. It took me a while to finish it, but I'm glad I did. I went back and forth on how many stars. I could give it 3 stars and I could give it 4 stars so I went with this is unique and not like much else out there, so I gave it 4 stars.
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Reading Progress

September 14, 2016 – Shelved
September 14, 2016 – Shelved as: to-read
January 29, 2019 – Started Reading
February 8, 2019 – Shelved as: 2006
February 8, 2019 – Shelved as: award-various
February 8, 2019 – Shelved as: bage-young-adult
February 8, 2019 – Shelved as: genre-drama-tragedy
February 8, 2019 – Shelved as: genre-coming-of-age
February 8, 2019 – Shelved as: genre-fantasy
February 8, 2019 – Shelved as: genre-mystery
February 8, 2019 – Shelved as: histiorical
February 8, 2019 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-8 of 8 (8 new)

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Calista Nicola wrote: "Great review Calista!"

Hey Nicola. Thank you! I appreciate it.

message 2: by Julie (new)

Julie G (remembering the good old days of GRs) Calista,
I have a "the movie was better" shelf, and it doesn't have too many titles on it, but this may be one that qualifies?

Calista Julie wrote: "Calista,
I have a "the movie was better" shelf, and it doesn't have too many titles on it, but this may be one that qualifies?"

Julie, everyone is different and for me, the movie was better. It is only my opinion. I would interested in what you thought.

message 4: by Julie (new)

Julie G (remembering the good old days of GRs) I know what you mean. Just for the record, I wouldn't add a book to a shelf like that, unless I experienced it for myself. And, sometimes the movie is just "different" from the book, but not in a negative way. I'm one of those people who liked both the book and the movie version of The English Patient. I didn't feel that either one detracted from the other.
And then. . . of course. . . there are all of the bad movies made from great books!

Calista Julie wrote: "I know what you mean. Just for the record, I wouldn't add a book to a shelf like that, unless I experienced it for myself. And, sometimes the movie is just "different" from the book, but not in a n..."

I have not read the English Patient. I thought the movie was OK. I guess it all depends on how the movie tells the story. I have seen too many movies who add or take away from stories that did nothing for them and that irks me. Usually, I feel like, show us the story, bring our imagination to life and when they mess with that, it's annoying. This book was better in that it got rid of the stuff that didn't really add to the story in my mind.

message 6: by Liquidlasagna (new)

Liquidlasagna But is the novel a future candidate for
"It's sooooo bad it's good"

The bad reviews are actually sounding far more entertaining than the book! But there are a few movies where people hate the book out there

Calista Liquidlasagna wrote: "But is the novel a future candidate for
"It's sooooo bad it's good"

The bad reviews are actually sounding far more entertaining than the book! But there are a few movies where people hate the book..."

Liquid - I don't think 'it's so bad it's good". This isn't one of those.

message 8: by Liquidlasagna (new)

Liquidlasagna What would you rate the book from 0.1 to 9.9?

unless there is the really remote possibility it's 10.0! [cough]

Seeing the reviews it feels like the 'Robot Monster' of Sci-Fi films ooops wacky novels...

vegan butterfly collectors?
who solve mysteries like Scooby Doo?

man, add some Robot Birds and an imaginary Fox that hides in her purse, and you got something worthy of 'so bad it's good'

possibly a talking sea monster and guest appearances by Charles Nelson Reilly to make it King of the Heap!

I'm still in shock how people generally like the movie
and generally hate the book!

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