Bharathi's Reviews > A Walk in the Rain

A Walk in the Rain by Udai Yadla
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This is my first book review and glad to do it for this book.

Author makes us to get in sync into each character's track from the beginning , quite usual but had links between them that makes our hands to hold the book upright. Little illogical when complete story flips and narrows down to a day and interestingly unexpected plots bound within . it has all the hidden thoughts between the characters visible only to us and tempt us to break the bubbles wherever we feel it will.

Simple words and deep elaboration of the details within every scene play into our mind with clear flow without boring. Ultimate center point being the love between the leads gives good feeling of a differently approached love story that seldom expose between them.

Overall Udai as a debut author pinches you with good story and warm feeling of romance that makes you play the scenes for a while . Great Work Udai
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Finished Reading
September 9, 2016 – Shelved

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message 1: by Naga (new)

Naga I completely enjoyed while reading this book.
The introduction of each character in this book is
really superb and exciting.
This novel very well explains the emotions of love and
The complete story is filled with twists and turns.
Please never miss this book in any price.
It'll touch your heart surely.
It's romantic, emotional story of life.
Its attract you from all the part.
Never miss it...If you miss it, think you miss
a great book from your reading list...

Thank You soo much Yadla Udai...for giving this book
As a reader we are expecting a another book
soon from you....!!

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