Paromjit's Reviews > Dark Matter

Dark Matter by Blake Crouch
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's review

it was amazing
bookshelves: netgalley, science-fiction, thriller, mystery

Dark Matter is a book that thrills, horrifies and asks deep philosophical questions. It begins with Jason, a physics professor surrounded by his beloved wife, Daniela, and his teenage son, Charlie, cooking supper. He steps out to meet with a long time friend, Ryan, who has been awarded a prestigious prize. On his way home, Jason is abducted, after which life as he knew it shatters.

I found myself seeing the book through the lens of the band, The Talking Heads...their album titles, song titles and lyrics....this is not my beautiful wife.....Stop Making Sense......Psycho Killer... and so on. Scientific thinking comes into play, the quantum world, string theory and game theory. The mathematics of identity. If this novel was art, it would be a fusion of Surrealism, Cubism and Abstract Art. It is a rumination of all that a person could be, the many paths that could have been followed and decisions taken.

Distilled to its essence, this is a story of one man's love for his family. What will he do to get back? Home is the love of Daniela and Charlie. What has to happen to ensure he has a future with them? They are the stars in his sky, they are everything. Wonderful novel. Highly recommended and brilliant read. Thanks to PanMacmillan for an ARC.
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Quotes Paromjit Liked

Blake Crouch
“We all live day to day completely oblivious to the fact that we’re a part of a much larger and stranger reality than we can possibly imagine.”
Blake Crouch, Dark Matter

Reading Progress

August 2, 2016 – Started Reading
August 2, 2016 – Shelved
August 2, 2016 – Shelved as: netgalley
August 10, 2016 – Shelved as: science-fiction
August 10, 2016 – Shelved as: thriller
August 10, 2016 – Shelved as: mystery
August 10, 2016 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-50 of 88 (88 new)

Maureen I've just got this from Netgalley Paromjit - don't know when I'll get round to it though!

Frances Hope you are enjoying Paromjit!

message 3: by Tina (new)

Tina I'd like to read this one too. Can't wait for your review.

Paromjit Snap, Maureen. I'm swamped. Thank you, Tina!! Frances, I have yet to start!!!

Melissa Wow! Is EVERYONE reading this book? hahaha :)

Paromjit I blame Jennifer, her review made me feel I had to read it!!!!

message 7: by Christine (new) - added it

Christine Zibas Melissa is right. Everywhere I turn, this book appears!

Melissa Christine wrote: "Melissa is right. Everywhere I turn, this book appears!"

Hahaha! I'm thinking we need to give it a shot Christine. :)

Paromjit Christine and Melissa, have just finished. Think you might enjoy this. xx

Petra Intriguing review, Paromjit! Just starting this on audio now. Melissa and Christine, you're so right. I've been seeing this everywhere as well.

Katie I'm still to encounter a bad review of this book. Thanks for enticing me still more to read this soon, Paromjit.

Paromjit Thanks, Petra and Katie. So hoping you will enjoy. xx

Latkins Glad you liked this one too - I thought it was brilliant!

message 14: by Dem (new) - rated it 4 stars

Dem Really liked this one too.

Paromjit Thank you, Latkins and Dem. Yay, a book we loved!!!

Frances Great review Paromjit! Glad you enjoyed! :-0)

Paromjit Thank you, lovely Frances. A good book, xx

message 18: by Emma (new) - rated it 5 stars

Emma Can't wait to get my hands on this..

Michael Nice job! Talking Heads the perfect theme music. Now I want the movie.

Melissa Awesome review, Paromjit! I have to read it now after all of the glowing reviews I've seen. :)

Paromjit Emma, I think you will love it. xx

Paromjit Michael, thank you. I'm so glad my review made sense to you with the Talking Heads. I gather they're in the process of making the movie. x

Paromjit Melissa, I love you. So many thanks. xx

Jennifer Masterson Great review, Paromjit! :) <3

Paromjit Thank you for your kind words, Jen. So appreciated!!! xx

message 26: by Supratim (new) - added it

Supratim Wonderful review, Paromjit !

Paromjit Thank you, Supratim. So very kind of you to say so!!!

Cheri Paromjit, I'm not going to read your undoubtedly terrific review until I've read this, since I just got this yesterday - but I was so glad you gave it five stars!

Paromjit I understand, Cheri. Enjoy the book!!!!! xx

message 30: by Erin (new) - rated it 5 stars

Erin Clemence Great review, Paromjit! I also loved this book! Such a fascinating trip!

message 31: by Paromjit (last edited Aug 10, 2016 10:33AM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Paromjit Thank you, Erin. Loved your review. I agree, fantastic book!! xx

message 32: by Mike (new) - added it

Mike Appreciated your review of this one, Paromjit.

Paromjit Thank you, Mike. Very kind of you to say so!!!

message 34: by Toni (new) - rated it 4 stars

Toni Osborne great review

Paromjit Thank you, Toni. Much appreciated. xx

message 36: by Fabian (new) - added it

Fabian  {Councillor} Such an awesome review, Paromjit! My interest for this novel continues to increase, so many of my friends have read and 5-stared it already. :)

Paromjit Thank you for your generous comments, Councillor. So appreciated. I'm thinking you will definitely enjoy this book. x

message 38: by Mary (new) - rated it 5 stars

Mary I picked up this book in my local bookshop recently but because I saw 'sci-fi' on its cover,I put it down again and chose another.
Think I might give it a go especially after reading your great review and 5* rating.

Paromjit Thank you for your kindest words, Mary. It is a wonderful book to read, and I feel you will like it. xx

Paromjit Thank you, dearest Stephanie. Your kindness is appreciated. xx

Sniperkid700YT (Fire Star) Omg thats a amazing review!!!

Paromjit Thank you so much, ssundee. So generous of you!!!

Marjorie This is up for my next read so I'm glad to hear that you liked it!

Paromjit Thanks so much, Marjorie. I'm hoping that you enjoy reading it. Looking forward to reading what you make of it. xx

message 45: by Carol (new)

Carol Excellent review, Paromjit! I can't wait to find this one!

Karen Paromjit you have the golden touch with making me want to read every interesting book you so eloquently review. I smiled about the talking heads.

Paromjit Thank you, Carol. I'm sure you will enjoy reading it. xx

Paromjit Karen, you are an absolute sweetheart. So many thanks . So hope you enjoy the book. xxx

Victoria I love the fusion of music and art as metaphor for this book, simply brilliant review!

Paromjit Dearest Victoria, how very generous and kind you are. So many thanks. xoxox

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