Brooke's Reviews > Pure

Pure by Julianna Baggott
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it was amazing
bookshelves: dystopian-sci-fi, arc, i-own-a-copy, big-bad-evil-people, out-in-2012, multi-pov

4.5 stars.

Pure is a gritty, intense, gruesome, disturbing, gripping and incredibly original post-apocalyptic / dystopian novel.

Set in a world 10 years after what could only be described as a nuclear holocaust, the Detonations, the reader is quickly made aware that there are two distinct groups of people. The first are the Pures, a 'superior' group of healthy, well cared for individuals with (seemingly) no imperfections. The Pures are people who were either inside a structure called the Dome, designed to withstand a disaster like the Detonations, or those lucky enough to make it in in the moments following the disaster. The second group are the wretches, people who were not in or around the Dome, people who have been fused to metal, glass, animals, objects, nature and even other people. The thing they are fused to is whatever (or whoever) they were standing closest to or holding on to when the Detonations took place.

Pressia is a wretch. She lives in an abandoned Barber shop with her grandfather and pet Cicada, Freedle, left to scavenge and barter for food with trinkets she learned to make from scraps of metal and wire she recovers from the debris on the streets. As is the law, when Pressia's 16th birthday rolls around, her name is listed on a notice, indicating that it is her time to turn herself in to the OSR to be trained as a Soldier or worse, used as a live target for Soldier training. Pressia's Grandfather tells her she must escape, she knows they will be looking for her, so she turns to an acquaintance for somewhere to hide.

Bradwell is the acquaintance, a fellow wretch with birds fused into his back. Bradwell has been living alone since approximately 9 years of age, after his parents were murdered in their sleep. His carers were killed in the detonations, and he has well and truly learnt to fend for himself. Together, he and Pressia hear rumors of a Pure who has escaped from the Dome. Such an escape is unheard of, and it isn't long before rumors are running wild.

Partridge, a Pure, is the son of Ellery Willux, the man in charge of the Dome and also one of the Dome's original creators. After his brother's apparent suicide, and being told that his mother was killed trying to save victims of the Detonations, Partridge feels more alone then ever and decides that he wants out.

The three meet, cue action. The story alternates between 5 points of view (the other two being additional characters were are introduced to, El Capitan and Lyda - I will leave their stories for you to discover on your own) which may sound like a lot, however is wonderfully executed. It was easy to keep up with each alternation as the story flowed flawlessly - while you may be going from an outside-of-the-dome setting to an inside-the-dome setting, everything continues on in sequence.

As someone has described an another early review, Pure has the perfect balances character and plot development, each spurred on by the other. There were pages which felt a bit like 'fillers' and didn't really add anything to the book and, if anything, caused a bit of a lull in the story progression. They certainly didn't detract from my enjoyment of the book as a whole though, but they could be removed and nothing would be missed.

As for the comparisons to Suzanne Collins' 'The Hunger Games' I don't think that the comparisons really warranted, if I am being honest. The two are incredibly different, and while there are similarities (i.e. the Dome "bugs" people - they can see, hear what the bugged person is seeing / hearing, similar to the Capitol monitoring the Districts / Tributes etc.), the plots are most certainly, unrelated and not comparable.

I eagerly await the release of the next book in this series, I can't wait to see where things go from here. An excellent novel from Julianna Baggott!

Nic - on to you next!
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Reading Progress

May 10, 2011 – Shelved
May 10, 2011 – Shelved as: dystopian-sci-fi
June 23, 2011 – Shelved as: arc
June 23, 2011 – Shelved as: i-own-a-copy
July 29, 2011 – Started Reading
July 29, 2011 –
page 17
3.94% "So much description, wow. Feels a bit confusing, I guess it's setting up the story though. I'm definitely interested!"
August 31, 2011 – Shelved as: big-bad-evil-people
August 31, 2011 – Shelved as: out-in-2012
September 3, 2011 –
page 17
3.94% "Alrighty, time to make some serious progress here. I'm locking myself away."
September 4, 2011 –
page 100
23.2% "*shudders*."
September 4, 2011 –
page 242
56.15% "This one is good. Not loving it as much as I'd hoped, but it's pretty gripping!"
September 5, 2011 –
page 257
59.63% "NOW we're getting interesting. This should be good."
September 7, 2011 – Finished Reading
September 19, 2011 – Shelved as: multi-pov

Comments Showing 1-10 of 10 (10 new)

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oliviasbooks 5? Yaaaay!!

message 2: by ~Tina~ (new)

~Tina~ Ohhhh! 5 Stars?! Can't wait to hear your thoughts on this one:)

Brooke And review is done! I really need to learn to proofread... haha :oP

Nomes oh fab review brooke :) i seriously cannot wait for it now :D

i love how you mentioned the awesome balance of plot and character. sounds perfect to me :)

message 5: by ~Tina~ (new)

~Tina~ Wow Brooke! This sounds amazing! Can't wait for it to come out!

Kristy great review... I want to read it NOW!!!!

message 7: by Flannery (new)

Flannery Oh wow, I am insanely interested in this one after your review. The idea of the wretches seems so cool--limitless possibilities. There are a couple sci-fi books that seem a bit related. (A Crack in the Sky and recently Skyship Academy) This does sound a bit different. I'm excited to read it on the tour! Great review, Brooke:)

oliviasbooks Pure has fantastically beautiful writing, Flann. I thought it was outstandig.

message 9: by Emily (new)

Emily Can't wait to read this!

message 10: by Julianna (new)

Julianna thank you so much for the review, Brooke! glad the book struck you. have you heard about PURE: The Inner Circle? a chance for bloggers and readers and students and teachers to get a behind the scenes look at the making of the trilogy! check it out -

there will be a book trailer and free apps ... but for now feel free to check out the placeholder site --

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