Sharon ∞❥ is an emotional book junkie ❥∞ 's Reviews > Undecided

Undecided by Julianna Keyes
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bookshelves: read-in-2016

3.5 - 4 ★'s

Nora doesn't do things halfway...she's full out one way or the other. Last year she was a total partier...getting suspended at school, getting drunk and hooking up and even streaking downtown and getting arrested and losing a lot of her school funding. This year...things will be different.

She has to move out of the dorms and decides to find a nice, studious roommate and luckily she finds one that is right up her alley. They decide to meet and low and behold, it's one of her hook ups but he doesn't remember her. On top of that and to convince her to move in, he gives her free rent for a few months. She can hardly say no to that but still...he is also a well known partier and manwhore who wants to change his ways. She decides to give it a go.

Thinking that she's going to have Kellan on her mind 24/7, she surprised when it's Crosbie, Kellan's best friend and also manwhore, who's on her mind. And he's seemingly wanting to be around her...A LOT. Things progressed more and more until Halloween night when even Superman can't keep them apart! ;)

However, Nora doesn't want to be known as one of the "Crossbabes" and they decide to keep things on the down low...even from Crosbie's best friend. And well, we all know what's gonna happen!


And happen it all it's very spectacular fashion. Things basically fall apart after that but Nora picks herself up and brushes herself off...somewhat. And Crosbie? Well, he's nowhere to be found.

Hang on though...because it does end well...and very sweetly.

I did like both the characters and I liked when they got together but I'm just not sure about the romance. There were plenty of sweet moments but something just didn't gel for me.

And then there was Kellan and his "problem" that led to the big reveal. I'm just not sure about him. I wanted to like him but I just really didn't.

Nora's best friend, Marcela, was interesting but different. I felt like the situation with her and Nate was way too dragged out and took away from Crosbie and Nora's story.

Overall, it was enjoyable but not very angsty. I liked the addition of Crosbie's hobby and how they integrated it into their relationship. And what Crosbie did in the epilogue was very romantic...I wish there was more of that!
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Reading Progress

May 23, 2016 – Started Reading
May 23, 2016 – Shelved
May 24, 2016 – Finished Reading
May 25, 2016 – Shelved as: read-in-2016

Comments Showing 1-41 of 41 (41 new)

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message 1: by Kathleen (new)

Kathleen Enjoy Sharon <33

Sharon ∞❥ is an emotional book junkie ❥∞ Kathleen wrote: "Enjoy Sharon <33"

thanks Kathleen! :)

message 3: by Jen (new) - rated it 5 stars

Jen Great review Sharon...and I can definitely understand your points!!

Sharon ∞❥ is an emotional book junkie ❥∞ Jen wrote: "Great review Sharon...and I can definitely understand your points!!"

thanks Jen! xo

Maria✦❋Steamy Reads Blog❋✦ Terrific review :) 4 stars is good, very good! ♥♥♥

Sharon ∞❥ is an emotional book junkie ❥∞ ✤Maria✤ wrote: "Terrific review :) 4 stars is good, very good! ♥♥♥"

thanks Maria! <333

Deanna❤Pink Lady❤️ Lovely review Sharon❤️

message 8: by Rachel (new)

Rachel  L Great review Sharon!

message 9: by Rheeza (new)

Rheeza Great review, sweetie!

message 10: by Kristen (new)

Kristen Great review, Sharon. ❤️

Astrid - The Bookish Sweet Tooth Lovely review, Sharon <3

Sharon ∞❥ is an emotional book junkie ❥∞ Deanna❤Pink Lady❤️ wrote: "Lovely review Sharon❤️"

thanks Deanna! xo

Sharon ∞❥ is an emotional book junkie ❥∞ Rachel Reads Ravenously (AKA The Wildcard Reader) wrote: "Great review Sharon!"

thank u Rachel! <333

Sharon ∞❥ is an emotional book junkie ❥∞ rheeza (callowaybooks ) wrote: "Great review, sweetie!"

thanks rheeza! ♥

Sharon ∞❥ is an emotional book junkie ❥∞ Kristen wrote: "Great review, Sharon. ❤️"

thanks Kristen! xo

Sharon ∞❥ is an emotional book junkie ❥∞ Astrid - ☆☆☆ Vanilla & Spice Books ☆☆☆ wrote: "Lovely review, Sharon <3"

thank u Astrid! <333

Wendys Wycked Words Great review Sharon ! ;) xoxo

Sharon ∞❥ is an emotional book junkie ❥∞ Wendy wrote: "Great review Sharon ! ;) xoxo"

thanks Wendy! xo

Geleen Faye Great review, dear! :)

Jennifer Kyle Terrific review glad you liked it <3

Sharon ∞❥ is an emotional book junkie ❥∞ Geleen wrote: "Great review, dear! :)"

thanks Geleen! ♥

Sharon ∞❥ is an emotional book junkie ❥∞ Jennifer wrote: "Terrific review glad you liked it <3"

thank u Jen! <333

message 23: by Judith (new)

Judith Great review,darling,xx

Lana ❇✾DG Romance❇✾ Great review, Sharon!

Jen Wonderful review, Sharon! :)

message 26: by Es Summer (new)

Es Summer Stunning review, dear!! :))

Sharon ∞❥ is an emotional book junkie ❥∞ Judith wrote: "Great review,darling,xx"

thanks Judith! xo

Sharon ∞❥ is an emotional book junkie ❥∞ Lana ❇✾Dirty Girl Romance❇✾ wrote: "Great review, Sharon!"

thanks Lana! <333

Sharon ∞❥ is an emotional book junkie ❥∞ Jen wrote: "Wonderful review, Sharon! :)"

thank u Jen! ♥

Sharon ∞❥ is an emotional book junkie ❥∞ Es Summer wrote: "Stunning review, dear!! :))

thanks Es! xo

 Sonya ♕Chatterbooks book blog♕ Fab review Sharon!! Sucks it didn't have a lot of angst though. We need that!! Lmao ;) xo

message 32: by Dee (new)

Dee Montoya Nice review my friend.

message 33: by Pearl (new) - added it

Pearl Angeli Fab review, Sharon! <3

Maida (Medley of Books) Wonderful review, Sharon! I hate it when a reader can't connect to the romance. Glad you enjoyed it overall though! :D xoxoxo

Sharon ∞❥ is an emotional book junkie ❥∞ Sonya-❥Chatterbooks book blog ❥ wrote: "Fab review Sharon!! Sucks it didn't have a lot of angst though. We need that!! Lmao ;) xo"

LOL...thats for sure. thanks Sonya! xo

Sharon ∞❥ is an emotional book junkie ❥∞ Dee wrote: "Nice review my friend."

thanks Dee! <333

Sharon ∞❥ is an emotional book junkie ❥∞ Vilda wrote: "Great review, Sharon! Never fun when the romance isn't quite convincing though. :)"

seriously! thanks Vilda! xo

Sharon ∞❥ is an emotional book junkie ❥∞ Pearl wrote: "Fab review, Sharon! <3"

thanks Pearl! <333

Sharon ∞❥ is an emotional book junkie ❥∞ Maida»-(¯`v´¯)-» wrote: "Wonderful review, Sharon! I hate it when a reader can't connect to the romance. Glad you enjoyed it overall though! :D xoxoxo"

im glad i did too! thanks so much Maida! xo

message 40: by NinaReader (new)

NinaReader Great review Sharon!

Sharon ∞❥ is an emotional book junkie ❥∞ NinaReader wrote: "Great review Sharon!"

thanks NinaReader! xo

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