Sandra Orchard's Reviews > The Bachelor Girl's Guide to Murder

The Bachelor Girl's Guide to Murder by Rachel McMillan
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really liked it

This is a fun historical romantic mystery set in 1910 Toronto, featuring two female sleuths who aspire to be like Holmes and Watson, with personalities to match. There are so many unique and whimsical things about this story that made it engaging. The mystery didn't draw me into the story as much as the girl's lives and historical information. I especially enjoyed the unique extras that added to the historical feel of the story, from the cleverly constructed quotes of imagined how-to books of the period to the occasional footnote that gave readers a little inside information. I’m looking forward to the next instalment.
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April 24, 2016 – Finished Reading
April 25, 2016 – Shelved

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Melanie Kilsby I think just having "Canadian" and "Sherlock Holmes" in the same sentence or premise, makes this a must read lol!

Sandra Orchard Melanie wrote: "I think just having "Canadian" and "Sherlock Holmes" in the same sentence or premise, makes this a must read lol!"

And the role reversal, it's a fabulous concept.

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