Natalie's Reviews > Alex + Ada, Vol. 1

Alex + Ada, Vol. 1 by Jonathan Luna
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's review

it was ok
bookshelves: graphic-novels


This story follows Alex, a human that lives in a world where is it common for people to live alongside robots.
These robots are there to help in any way to make life easier for humans.


We read only from Alex's perspective, which I found to be really disappointing. He felt like a very bland character and I didn’t like that his facial expressions almost never changed.

But when he did feel something (mostly sadness), he started to remind me of Joseph Gordon-Levitt’s character in (500) Days of Summer. Meaning that he's very selfish and not a romantic role model. Maybe that was the goal?
I just didn’t feel for him at all.


I’m kind of upset that this graphic novel left no real impression on me, I’d been really looking forward to it.

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This review and more can be found on my blog.
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Reading Progress

April 3, 2016 – Started Reading
April 3, 2016 – Shelved
April 3, 2016 –
page 81
April 3, 2016 – Shelved as: graphic-novels
April 3, 2016 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-6 of 6 (6 new)

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message 1: by Vish (new)

Vish oh its sad that it turned out dissapointing. i was planning to read this one :(

Emma Ahhh, you're the first reviewer I've seen who didn't enjoy this! Sorry it wasn't as you had hoped.

Arlene♡ I'm sorry you didn't enjoy this.

Fafa's Book Corner Aww I'm sorry that you didn't like it :(

Btw I love the gif! I totally agree with her!

I hope your next read is better! Great review :)

Natalie Thank you so much!

message 6: by Ayesha (new)

Ayesha Great review!❤

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