Hana ♡'s Reviews > Barbarian's Touch

Barbarian's Touch by Ruby Dixon
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really liked it
bookshelves: friends-to-lovers, like-a-virginnnnn, romance-novels, sexy-aliens, sweetness-overload

4 Stars!

Great addition to my favourite alien series!

Rokan was such a sweetheart, he was really patient and caring and all together super lovable. He was very thoughtful and worked hard to understand Lila despite her disability.

"My mate, I think with fierce, possessive joy as her flavour dances on my tongue. My perfect mate."

Lila was very fierce and determined. She didn't complain despite everything she was going through. As a reader you can see her getting stronger and more confident as the story went on.

I have 2 complaints, which is the reason I gave it 4 instead of 5 stars. First, I really liked Hassen and didn't like how he got painted as kinda bad/pathetic... took away from how his character was portrayed in the previous books. Second, the steam factor to this book was very minimum, the first sex scene was in the very last chapters. (there's only so much foreplay I want to read about)

But I am super stoked for the next book! I that epilogue didn't make it super clear who it will be a bout than I am crazy! Its gonna be Maddie and Hassen!! I am 99.9999% sure :)
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Reading Progress

March 25, 2016 – Shelved
March 25, 2016 – Shelved as: to-read
June 12, 2016 – Started Reading
June 12, 2016 – Shelved as: friends-to-lovers
June 12, 2016 – Shelved as: like-a-virginnnnn
June 12, 2016 – Shelved as: romance-novels
June 12, 2016 – Shelved as: sexy-aliens
June 12, 2016 – Shelved as: sweetness-overload
June 12, 2016 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-11 of 11 (11 new)

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Megan I didn't see the bit about the menage on her FB. Man, I'm with you and hope there's not one. I wouldn't think so with the resonance and such. *fingers crossed*

Hana ♡ Megan wrote: "I didn't see the bit about the menage on her FB. Man, I'm with you and hope there's not one. I wouldn't think so with the resonance and such. *fingers crossed*"

She had a poll a couple months ago asking readers opinion, and she brought it up again recently. But I think the fans have spoken and we'll be safe :) You're right, it just doesn't seem like it'll work with the resonance!

Courtney Lashawn I feel like Maddie should be with Bek I feel like she could handle him lol and I wouldn't mind a little menage action lol

Hana ♡ Courtney wrote: "I feel like Maddie should be with Bek I feel like she could handle him lol and I wouldn't mind a little menage action lol"

Maddies and Bek would be awesome! I want him to have a redemption book :)

message 5: by Coco.V (new)

Coco.V Great review, Hana! :)

message 6: by Yesenia (new) - added it

Yesenia Gonzalez who is lila?

Hana ♡ Coco.V wrote: "Great review, Hana! :)"

Thanks!! xo

Hana ♡ Yesenia wrote: "who is lila?"

2 new characters were introduced in the last book! And Lila was one of them :)

✦❋Arianna✦❋ Terrific review, Hana! xx

message 10: by Yesenia (new) - added it

Yesenia Gonzalez Oh okay, I was all confused I forgot about joise's book

Hana ♡ Arianna wrote: "Terrific review, Hana! xx"

Thanks Arianna :)

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