Elise ✘ a.k.a Ryder's Pet ✘'s Reviews > The Professional

The Professional by Kresley Cole
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Review posted: 15.04.2016 (edited 10.05.2016)

“How could I close you out when I never let you in?”

I'm a bit undecided on the rating...simply because I actually liked the book in the beginning. I mean, it started out really good, with Aleksei Sevastyan being awesome. In fact, he was hot, but as the story went on...well, he turned out, in my head, weak? He was insecure and so...unsure of himself. Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against those who are that, I am that myself, but when he started out so different, so sure and confident, sexy and commanding? You know what I mean or am I just babbling here?
“When a woman singles me out”—he leaned down to murmur at my ear—“it’s because she wants to get fucked. She looks at the scars and tattoos and knows she’ll get fucked hard.”

Anyway, the story, again, started out so good, but it wasn't long before it went downhill from there either. Here the thing, Aleksei might have 'kidnapped' Natalie Porter, but we all know she would have gone with him either way. He should've just been patient with her, but we all know he lacks that.
“I’ll consider myself lucky, my elusive girl, once you consider yourself taken. Every man has a weakness; you are mine. I’ve accepted that. Now you must accept me.”

Moving fast forward to getting to her father's place in Russia. There Natalie meets her father, who's adorable, and not at all as a mafia. I can't picture him as a mafia at all. So that was just...wrong. I was Incredible sad though, when (view spoiler) I was shocked, I hadn't really expected that.
A body like that was good for two things that started with f. And fighting was the other one.

Other than that, nothing did really happen. Exept Aleksei and Natalie's relationship. Which wasn't all that. I wasn't Natalie's biggest fan, you see. Why, I cannot remember, but I just remember not liking her all that much... But the book did have its moments, so it wasn't the worst I've read, but not the best either. I will not continue with this series though.
We’ve established that you’re hot-blooded—and you know your own mind. Yet you were a virgin?”
When he moved to my other breast, my lids slid shut. “I had some bad experiences.”
Dropping his hands, he tensed around me, gritting out one word: “Names.”
My eyes went wide. “No, no, not like that! I had some unfortunate, clumsy experiences, I should say.”

Rate: 2.5/3-2 stars.
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Reading Progress

March 22, 2016 – Shelved
March 22, 2016 – Shelved as: considering-it
March 22, 2016 – Shelved as: adult
March 22, 2016 – Shelved as: contemporary
March 22, 2016 – Shelved as: first-in-series
March 22, 2016 – Shelved as: mafia
March 22, 2016 – Shelved as: romance
March 29, 2016 – Started Reading
March 29, 2016 –
1.0% "“If you run, I will catch you. It’s what I do.”
“Heading off to a Russian gangsterland.
With a twisted enforcer who’s hotter than the sun.
What could possibly go wrong?”

Please be good!"
March 29, 2016 –
6.0% "“You must trust me, pet,” he said as he reached forward to gently grasp my chin.
Pet. He said pet. Not sure if I approve since it's not Ryder saying it... Judgment call is still on."
March 29, 2016 –
52.0% "That was....really sad.
March 29, 2016 –
77.0% "“We’ve established that you’re hot-blooded—and you know your own mind. Yet you were a virgin?”
When he moved to my other breast, my lids slid shut. “I had some bad experiences.”
Dropping his hands, he tensed around me, gritting out one word: “Names.”
My eyes went wide. “No, no, not like that! I had some unfortunate, clumsy experiences, I should say.”
March 29, 2016 – Shelved as: 2-stars
March 29, 2016 – Shelved as: read-in-2016
March 29, 2016 – Shelved as: tortured-heros
March 29, 2016 – Shelved as: possessive-controlling-men
March 29, 2016 – Finished Reading
June 14, 2016 – Shelved as: anti-hero
March 15, 2017 – Shelved as: he-she-is-a-virgin
May 11, 2017 – Shelved as: reviewed

Comments Showing 1-10 of 10 (10 new)

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message 1: by Elle (new)

Elle ✟ Søren's ♡ (i'm too old for this shite) Oopsie :o What's wrong?

Elise ✘ a.k.a Ryder's Pet ✘ Elle wrote: "Oopsie :o What's wrong?"

What started out great, turned...boring? I mean, I love a broody, sexy and dominant alpha male, but he turned out to just be a...wounded man deep inside. Insecure and obsessed. I really liked him in the beginning, but at the end of the book I just found him alright.

message 3: by Elle (new)

Elle ✟ Søren's ♡ (i'm too old for this shite) Elise ✘ a.k.a Ryder's Pet ✘ wrote: "Elle wrote: "Oopsie :o What's wrong?"

What started out great, turned...boring? I mean, I love a broody, sexy and dominant alpha male, but he turned out to just be a...wounded man deep inside. Inse..."

Oh my... I'm still considering to read this one :/ Nicely said Elise!

Elise ✘ a.k.a Ryder's Pet ✘ Elle wrote: "Oh my... I'm still considering to read this one :/ Nicely said Elise!

Thanks, dove :) You might love it though <3 ;))

Leigh Well that stinks. I have books 1 & 2 and planned on reading them both soon.

message 6: by Maya (new) - added it

Maya I felt the same way about this book. Wasn't one of my favs. :/

Elise ✘ a.k.a Ryder's Pet ✘ Leigh wrote: "Well that stinks. I have books 1 & 2 and planned on reading them both soon."

Good luck, Leigh :) Hopefully you'll love them ;D!

Elise ✘ a.k.a Ryder's Pet ✘ Maya wrote: "I felt the same way about this book. Wasn't one of my favs. :/"

Good thing I'm not alone! ;))

message 9: by Ashleyjo (new)

Ashleyjo Uh, I can’t stand it when authors whitewash their characters. Growth is one thing. Turning a hardass soft for his woman is one thing. But, screw turning hard men soft just to lube the slide down the rainbow to HEA. Don’t think I’ll read this. Fab review:)

Elise ✘ a.k.a Ryder's Pet ✘ Ashleyjo wrote: "Uh, I can’t stand it when authors whitewash their characters. Growth is one thing. Turning a hardass soft for his woman is one thing. But, screw turning hard men soft just to lube the slide down th..."

I know right!?!!?? It's the worst! My favorite series have been ruined because of this -.- Thanks! <3

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