Fabian {Councillor}'s Reviews > Love You Forever

Love You Forever by Robert Munsch
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did not like it
bookshelves: reviewed, year-1986, childrens-books

Obviously enough, I'm in the minority here, but this children's book is weird, creepy, disturbing and will probably give me more nightmares than any Stephen King novel ever did.

"Love You Forever" is, as the title indicates, about a mother who loves her sweet little baby boy forever, until her baby has grown into an adult and she into an old woman. I'm perfectly fine with the message that mothers (respectively parents in general) will always love their children and will (in most cases - sadly enough, there are always exceptions) do everything for them to be comfortable. But Robert Munsch simply overexaggerated while portraying this message, and finally made me see a totally different message in this book: That a mother's love justifies stalking her children and entering into their lives in one of the creepiest and most disturbing ways - by climbing a ladder to her son's bedroom, entering the house and picking her son up to rock him back and forth while he's sleeping.

I'm sorry, but this is so weird, I can't even find it funny anymore. Yes, the book is meant to be understood metaphorically, the book is supposed to be somehow funny and cute and oh-so-sweet (although I only furled my eyebrows in confusion rather than actually laughing). In the beginning, the book was still interesting; everyone can relate to the way children can bring chaos into everything. But then the mother began to enter her son's room at night. Is it okay to go into your two-year-old son's bedroom while he's sleeping with the intention of admiring him and admitting that you will love him forever? Yes, it is. I am totally fine with that. Doing so with a nine-year-old son begins to show signs of creepiness, but it's still acceptable.
It isn't acceptable if your son is thirty and has moved on with his own life. You can't just break into his house to admire him, indifferent from how lonely you might feel. (And yes, I understand that this book is not supposed to be taken seriously, and it's not even realistically possible for an old woman to be able to pick up her full-grown son while he's sleeping, but this book pretends it is, so I will too.) There are thousands of better ways to incorporate a message about a mother's love into a book. I wouldn't even consider this one to be a children's book ... calling it a horror novel would perhaps be more appropriate.

If you want to read a fantastic children's book, then please skip this and read The Velveteen Rabbit instead, which is an absolutely wonderful story. Or if you want to read two more reviews of "Love You Forever" which I really enjoyed and can whole-heartedly recommend reading, then read this Anne's review or the other Anne's.
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February 22, 2016 – Started Reading
February 22, 2016 – Shelved
February 22, 2016 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-32 of 32 (32 new)

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Fabian {Councillor}
This is what I entered into the input field on the review page. Nothing wrong with the link, or? I just copied and pasted it with both reviews. Yet Anne's review is linked and Anne (Anneshka)'s review not. Weird.
Any ideas what I may have done wrong?

message 2: by Vanessa (new)

Vanessa J. Councillor wrote: "
This is what I entered into the input field on the review page. Nothing wrong with the link, or? I just copied and pasted it with both reviews. Yet Anne's review is linked and Anne (Anneshka)'s re..."

You closed the tag of the first link before you had to. Check it carefully and you'll see what's wrong. Too difficult to explain it, you see.

Fabian {Councillor} Vane wrote: "Councillor wrote: "
This is what I entered into the input field on the review page. Nothing wrong with the link, or? I just copied and pasted it with both reviews. Yet Anne's review is linked and A..."

Oh, yes. I can be such a fool sometimes. :D
Thank you very much! I fixed it now. :)

message 4: by Anne (last edited Feb 22, 2016 12:38PM) (new) - rated it 3 stars

Anne I agree!! I totally agree!! Oh gosh I felt so creeped out after this book, I had to read this to feel good again Guess How Much I Love You. Ahah. I'm not kidding!! It just reeks of obsessive looney behavior. Another disturbing part was when the grown man did the same thing to his new born daughter at the end. At that point, I imagined him crawling across the floor every night for the rest of the girl's life to pick her up and sing to her. Brrrr **shakes it off**... In real life if you did that, you would have probable child molester labels and rumors hanging over your head. There are healthy ways to portray a mother's unconditional and everlasting love in my opinion

Anne I love how composite and expressive your review is, by the way!

Rebekah I never realized how creepy this book was before lol

message 7: by Masooma (new)

Masooma Great review, Fabian <3

Fabian {Councillor} Anne (Anneshka) wrote: "I love how composite and expressive your review is, by the way!"

Aw, thank you. :)

Anne (Anneshka) wrote: "I agree!! I totally agree!! Oh gosh I felt so creeped out after this book, I had to read this to feel good again Guess How Much I Love You. Ahah. I'm not kidding!! It just reeks of ob..."

Yes! This book is so unrealistic. Of course (or I hope so) it is meant to be read in a metaphorical way, but still ... that doesn't make it less awkward. :/ I would leave my country and barricade all the doors and windows in my house if my mother used to do something like this. :D (Nothing against mothers, really! But a little privacy should be permitted, shouldn't it?)

Fabian {Councillor} Ana {The Good Gif Fairy} wrote: "Wow this sounds extremely creepy. *shudders* Great review Fabian :)"

Oh, it is very creepy, actually. :D Thanks, Ana :)

message 10: by Fabian {Councillor} (last edited Feb 23, 2016 12:13PM) (new) - rated it 1 star

Fabian {Councillor} Rebekah wrote: "I never realized how creepy this book was before lol"

Everyone reads a book in a different way, so it's only logical that people remember different things from a book. ^^

Fabian {Councillor} Masooma wrote: "Great review, Fabian <3"

Thank you, Masooma! :)

message 12: by Cecily (new)

Cecily Sounds weird!

Fabian {Councillor} Cecily wrote: "Sounds weird!"

That's how it is!

Fabian {Councillor} Sabah wrote: "Will definitely pass on this one....creepy and freaky.

But your review was fab! Thanks Councillor : )"

Thank you, Sabah, for your praise. :)

Aj the Ravenous Reader Very well expressed, Fabian. Definitely weird and creepy. Thank you for the honest recommendation.^^

Fabian {Councillor} Aj the Ravenous Reader wrote: "Very well expressed, Fabian. Definitely weird and creepy. Thank you for the honest recommendation.^^"

Marita wrote: "Councillor, this sounds very creepy!"

Thank you both. :) It's very creepy indeed to imagine the events of the book.

message 17: by Lynne (new)

Lynne King Councillor, I cannot handle creepy books but I love the review.

The Velveteen Rabbit sound interesting.

Fabian {Councillor} Lynne wrote: "Councillor, I cannot handle creepy books but I love the review.

The Velveteen Rabbit sound interesting."

Thank you, Lynne! The Velveteen Rabbit is probably my favorite children book. It has such a sad and thought-provoking story, told in such a smart way that even children can relate to the main character (a stuffed bunny) and understand the point the book tries to make.

message 19: by Lynne (new)

Lynne King Councillor wrote: "Lynne wrote: "Councillor, I cannot handle creepy books but I love the review.

The Velveteen Rabbit sound interesting."

Thank you, Lynne! The Velveteen Rabbit is probably my favorite..."

Thanks for that Councillor. Some children's books are quite brilliant regardless of one's age.

message 20: by Cindy (new)

Cindy Newton Great review, Councillor! You would think there is a myriad of ways the author could have found to express her message other than having the mother be a creepy psychotic. I had already read the other Anne's review, and hearing her kids' reactions to the book was priceless!

message 21: by Carol (new) - added it

Carol Eck!

message 22: by Anu (new) - added it

Anu Sheesh! Also, your frustration makes the review hilarious. Also, I don't know why I giggled so when you mentioned "...then read this Anne's review or the other Anne's.

Fabian {Councillor} Cindy wrote: "Great review, Councillor! You would think there is a myriad of ways the author could have found to express her message other than having the mother be a creepy psychotic. I had already read the oth..."

This is definitely a valid point! I am still surprised by the high average rating for this novel. After all, it has received more than 87,000 (!) 5-star-ratings.
You're right, Anne's entire review is priceless!

Fabian {Councillor} Carol wrote: "Eck!"

Yep. ^^

Fabian {Councillor} Anuradha wrote: "Sheesh! Also, your frustration makes the review hilarious. Also, I don't know why I giggled so when you mentioned "...then read this Anne's review or the other Anne's."

I know it sounded weird, but ... well, they are both called Anne, so that was the way to go. :p

message 26: by Anu (new) - added it

Anu Again, rational Anuradha understood that, but stupid Anuradha always wins, so she giggled. :P

Fabian {Councillor} Stupid Anuradha has my sympathy. :D I guess stupid Fabian would have giggled too. :P

message 28: by Anu (new) - added it

Anu Hehe! :P

message 29: by Missy (new)

Missy mad that no one loves you?

Fabian {Councillor} Missy wrote: "mad that no one loves you?"

Not at all; thanks for caring. ;P

Brett Hicks Would love to see your book with those thousands of other ideas you have!

Twins I never thought about this...But your right...i agree now sence u explained this.:)

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