Ron's Reviews > Dead Wake: The Last Crossing of the Lusitania

Dead Wake by Erik Larson
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So, I listened to Dead Wake: The Last Crossing of the Lusitania by audio while working at my computer. At times, I felt like I was there floating on the water. Many of the descriptions by Eric Larson are really that good. He’s got the gift of transporting his readers. (view spoiler)

No one can accuse Larson of not researching his projects. This true story was filled with facts and dialogue, from the Lusitania and its patrons, to the progress of WWI and the main players involved. I’d call it a very good book for those interested in the War itself, or the luxury Atlantic liners of that period. 1,191 lives were lost in the sinking of the Lusitania, and although under very different circumstances, it can’t help but remind me of the Titanic disaster only 3 years prior. According Larson’s observations, the odds of the Lusitania crossing paths with that German submarine and that particular day and time, let alone being struck, was definitely the needle in the haystack.

I learned a lot about the events surrounding the story of the Lusitania. Some people are going to kick me in the shin, but I would have been happier with some things removed. There is much included about Woodrow Wilson, other semi-pertinent things before and after the war, and many details of the passengers themselves that could have been left out.

Scott Brick is an excellent audio narrator, but don’t listen if you’re feeling drowsy…unless a nap is what you were looking for. :)

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Reading Progress

January 3, 2016 – Started Reading
January 4, 2016 – Shelved
January 4, 2016 –
0% "Listening to one book about WWI and reading another about WWII...Now I'm sad."
January 8, 2016 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-12 of 12 (12 new)

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message 1: by Liz (new)

Liz Great review Ron!

message 2: by Ron (new) - rated it 4 stars

Ron Thanks Liz!

message 3: by Liz (new)

Liz I think the reason I haven't read this is because I shy away from non-fiction, but I've heard that Larson can make non-fiction feel like fiction. Would you agree with that?

message 4: by Ron (new) - rated it 4 stars

Ron Probably yes, but it's always hard for me to tell when I listen by audio. I have still yet to like an audiobook like I do when reading. Plus, I'm guessing that Devil in the White City would be his better book (I have not read it though). :)

Debbie W. Great review, Ron! Tons of research + a masterful writing style = a fantastic book! I, too, thought of the Titanic while reading this book, and while I know quite a bit about that ship, I knew very little about the Lusitania. Now I know more.

message 6: by Ron (new) - rated it 4 stars

Ron Debbie wrote: "Great review, Ron! Tons of research + a masterful writing style = a fantastic book! I, too, thought of the Titanic while reading this book, and while I know quite a bit about that ship, I knew very..."

Thank you! I understand and agree on the praise given to Larson for his research and storytelling ability. This is the only of his I've read/listened to, but aren't all of his bestsellers. Strangely, I thought about this book just the other day as I noticed it at the thriftstore.

message 7: by Linda (new)

Linda Great review, Ron

message 8: by Ron (new) - rated it 4 stars

Ron Linda wrote: "Great review, Ron"

Thank you Linda.

message 9: by Maureen (new)

Maureen Excellent review Ron.

message 10: by Ron (new) - rated it 4 stars

Ron Maureen wrote: "Excellent review Ron."

Thank you Maureen.

message 11: by Jill (new) - rated it 5 stars

Jill Hutchinson I am a huge fan of Larsons' books and consider this one of his best. You wrote a fine review, Ron. I was lucky enough, in one of my trips to the Republic of Ireland, to sit on the cliffs which were across from where the Lusitania sank and where bodies washed ashore. It was a rather solemn moment.

message 12: by Ron (new) - rated it 4 stars

Ron Jill wrote: "I am a huge fan of Larsons' books and consider this one of his best. You wrote a fine review, Ron. I was lucky enough, in one of my trips to the Republic of Ireland, to sit on the cliffs which were..."

Thank you, Jill. Sitting and looking over the sea would bring about many feelings, I am sure. It's been a few years since listening to this audio, so I forget the location details now, but can't forget Larson's description of the U-Boat looking on as the Lusitania went down so quickly. When I pick up another of his books, I'll make sure to read in physical form.

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