Louise's Reviews > Under Rose-Tainted Skies

Under Rose-Tainted Skies by Louise Gornall
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it was amazing

Hey guys,

My name is Louise and I'm the author of Rose. Thank you for giving Norah's story a shot. I really hope you enjoy reading it, as much as I enjoyed writing it.
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December 12, 2015 – Shelved

Comments Showing 1-15 of 15 (15 new)

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Louise I'm sorry!! And thank you... :)

message 2: by Lindsey (new) - added it

Lindsey I just saw your book on NetGalley and it sounds so good! I also suffer from OCD so I can't wait to read it and see how the story of Norah unfolds! The cover is also beautiful :)

Chloe I LOVED THIS BOOK!!! It's a book I am going to recommend to all of my reader friends! Should be a best seller!!! 5/5 stars all the way!

Rachael Loved your book so so so so so so so much! Probably my favourite book! <3

Louise Thank you guys, heaps ❤️❤️❤️

Bella LOVE IT AND YOU AS AN AUTHOR! I can't wait for more books from you!

Bella I'm so sorry, Louise! I finally put up a review for the book on here! I thought I had already. I'll be posting it every where else like Amazon and so on as well.

Louise Please don't apologies, lovely. I'm so grateful. Thank you <3

Wan rohani harun Hi i love your book and as a bipolar 2 disorder patient i could relate to your book even though its abt agrophobia and ocd. When i was relapsing into depression, most days i didnt want to go outside unless i was dragged by my family members. I was thinking then that no one understood me and what i am going through. Now that i am older and my bipolar under control for the time being,(my last relapse was in 2012), i read your book and finally met someone who knew how it feels. Keep on writing, maybe not on the same subject, but i am sure your next book would be great too!

Brooke This was such a lovely read!! Thank you so much for writing a world that needs more awareness; a world that collides a little too close to home. Norah & Luke are wonderful characters & I look forward to future endeavors with them (if you choose to do so). Either way I hope you continue writing because it's powerful, & voices need to be heard. Thank you for sharing yours.

Morgan I loved it so much! Thank you for writing a book that I can finally relate to as someone with severe GAD and panic attacks ❤It was so nice actually being able to have a character who experiences "irrational" fears and intense anxiety and racing thoughts because that's everyday for me, and were not all understood enough. It's inspiring that you made something beautiful out of your conditions!

message 13: by maé (new) - rated it 4 stars

maé thank you so so much for this book! I also suffer from OCD and this is the first book that I've read with a main character who suffers from it too and this book was like fresh air. I absolutely loved it ❤

message 14: by maé (new) - rated it 4 stars

maé thank you so so much for this book! I also suffer from OCD and this is the first book that I've read with a main character who suffers from it too and this book was like fresh air. I absolutely loved it ❤

message 15: by Yohanes (new)

Yohanes Bhayu Is it ok for junior high school library?

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