Optimist ♰King's Wench♰'s Reviews > Sutphin Boulevard

Sutphin Boulevard by Santino Hassell
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December 4, 2015 – Shelved
January 30, 2016 – Started Reading
February 2, 2016 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-27 of 27 (27 new)

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message 1: by SheReadsALot (new)

SheReadsALot The Hassell put The Hurt on Cupcake. :-o

Was there...leakage from the upper quadrant? Everyone and their mother loved this book it seems. Great review, Cupcake.

Also LOL @ New Yorkiness. I think I might use this in a sentence.

"No. No, you're mistaken. It's not attitude. It's New Yorkiness." ;)

Optimist ♰King's Wench♰ No leaking occurred. Things clenched a couple times like when you brace for impact. Or are readying to clock someone.

Thanks Baby.

FantasyLiving SOLD......:

"The Hassell came to play! And he brought the big guns, and by “big guns” I mean a prostate massager and a slutty bottom who can be a bit shameless when he’s being wrecked. I ain’t mad at him."

message 4: by SheReadsALot (new)

SheReadsALot Oh thank goodness for no upper quadrant leaking. I think the one I'm reading now might...pull something out of me. I totally want to read this book sometime this year.

I got to try and plan face leakers as far apart as possible.

But clenching... >:D

That is alright with me. Clocking someone as well. ;D

Optimist ♰King's Wench♰ I'm telling you the sex... It's so visceral. The Hassell has a gift, FL.

Looking forward to your thoughts.

Optimist ♰King's Wench♰ I too have to spread out the leaking books.

BTW how do you pronounce this Blvd?


I know you will know all the New Yorkiness things.

FantasyLiving Tehehe - put it into google maps and see what the nice GPS lady says.....

Optimist ♰King's Wench♰ I ❤️ That! That GPS person always jacks it up. Good idea.

FantasyLiving It's hard to have road rage when you're laughing at the GPS unit's pronunciation..... And the "At the round about take the second exit"... you mean go straight?!

message 10: by SheReadsALot (new)

SheReadsALot Okay all my life, I've pronounced it wrong (& continue to do so) And say SUFF-TIN. All my peeps do, so whatever. A lot of locals do come to think of it.

I won't tell you about the hilarious conversation I had when I found out it's supposed to be pronounced sut-fin. Like my entire life was a lie. That was one hilarious fucking train ride.

:( I read a disappointing NY setting about 2 books ago. So I look forward to reading this one just for the setting.

message 11: by SheReadsALot (new)

SheReadsALot FantasyLiving wrote: "SOLD......:

"The Hassell came to play! And he brought the big guns, and by “big guns” I mean a prostate massager and a slutty bottom who can be a bit shameless when he’s being wrecked. I ain’t..."


Me too.

Optimist ♰King's Wench♰ I guessed right! I can't believe it! Go Cuppers! I could make it in NY. In the summer. I'd have to ditch that city like a bad habit for the winter months.

FL, I can't even tell you how many times THAT EXACT THING HAPPENED TO ME IN FRANCE! I was calling the GPS Benson & by the end of the trip I was calling it FUCKING BENSON!

message 13: by Sheziss (new) - added it

Sheziss Great review!

I'm reading it but interrupted. I didn't feel like it. I'll go on. Sometime.

I've never been to New York, either! We are twins! :D

Optimist ♰King's Wench♰ You are kinda busy being a DOCTOR & all.

Have you ever been anywhere in the US?

message 15: by Sheziss (new) - added it

Sheziss Today we operated on a hip. Pretty cool.

The surgeon said I'm crappy with the scissors. The scissors!!! To cut threads!!! Can you believe that????

I'm still rocking back and forth in the corner.

Yes, I was pretty busy crying :'( .

Not at all! I'm American-territory virgin! How are humans there? Did you come out alive? Tell me!

message 16: by SheReadsALot (new)

SheReadsALot You don't want to be blizzarded? ;P

message 17: by Sheziss (new) - added it

Sheziss No, seriously, I'm dying to go to the States. Someday. It's not as if I've travelled a lot, you know? Lots of my friends have been to lots of places. I envy them. Some of them dared to go to Canada or the States for a while. I'm not that adventurous. I don't know. One day :) .

Optimist ♰King's Wench♰ You should've come back with "I'll show you crappy with scissors, buddy. When I cut you."

I beamed here. Like an angel. >__________>

You came to be in a tapas dish, yes? And then there was a parade?

Baby, the only blizzard I'm interested in is from DQ.


message 19: by Sheziss (last edited Feb 02, 2016 12:40PM) (new) - added it

Sheziss Optimist ♰King's Wench♰ & MANTIES Champion wrote: "You should've come back with "I'll show you crappy with scissors, buddy. When I cut you."

I beamed here. Like an angel. >__________> "

You are a genius! Why didn't I say that?

I was pretty stupid, my glove got stuck to some adhesives there. Had to change them.

Sheziss' IC: 0

Noooooooo, everybody knows that here people come to the world dancing flamenco (with the dress stuck to the skin and, yes, men TOO) during a bullfighting and eating paella till it comes out of our ears.

That. Is. The. Truth. :D

Optimist ♰King's Wench♰ Men in dresses & paella?!?!

Clearly I pissed someone off in the beaming process. They're probably still laughing & flipping me off.

message 21: by Sheziss (new) - added it

Sheziss Men in dresses... probably drunk.

But Scotland sounds like a good place for you :P .

message 22: by Marcie (new) - added it

Marcie I shall be joining you in the been unvirginized by Hassell soon.
*waggles eyebrows*

Optimist ♰King's Wench♰ Sheziss wrote: "Men in dresses... probably drunk.

But Scotland sounds like a good place for you :P ."

You know me well because KILTS! Who doesn't like a man in a kilt? No one. That's who!

Optimist ♰King's Wench♰ Marcie wrote: "I shall be joining you in the been unvirginized by Hassell soon.
*waggles eyebrows*"

He will wreck you in the best way. I'm hooked. The second one has already sucked me in. Plus! You won't have to use the translate dealy doo on all the Español!

message 25: by Marcie (new) - added it

Marcie Sounds promising. Wait. Did you say it has the español?!?!!! Don't play with my heart, Opti

Optimist ♰King's Wench♰ Oh yeah, I wouldn't chain yank you that way. They are Puerto Rican & lapse into Spanish regularly.

message 27: by Marcie (new) - added it

Marcie *happy smile*
Seems I like it already ;)

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