Jilly's Reviews > The Laughing Corpse

The Laughing Corpse by Laurell K. Hamilton
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bookshelves: vampires, urban-fantasy, paranormal-mystery

When I read the Kate Daniels series, I would see a lot of reviews that compared her to Anita Blake, and Kate would always come out on top. I could see some similarities, obviously, but I find Anita a little disappointing in how dumb she is. She really doesn't know how to shut the hell up so that someone would NOT want to kill her for a change.

"I'm going to kill you," he hissed.
"Take a number," I said.

She'll need to buy more number machines if she keeps up this pace of pissing people off...

I mean, seriously, this woman threatens and antagonizes everyone she meets. It just isn't smart. Can't she just simmer with rage and kill people in her head like the rest of us do?

now, that's a healthy attitude!

So, in this book, there are a boatload of people who want to kill Anita. She's trying to help the police with a murder investigation and her standard way of interviewing people goes along the lines of this:

Anita: "Did you kill people?"

Person: "no".

Anita: "Well, I think you are a terrible person and should die, so I will be killing you as soon as possible."

Person: "Not if I kill you first."

Anita:"Did I mention that you are ugly and that I had sex with your mother? Also, I'm going to kill you."

Person: "Alright this is getting personal, now I'm going to torture you and then kill you."

Anita: "I'd like to see you try, bitch!"

Person: "Lady, I'm just trying to take your order. Do you want fries with that or not?"

And, then she is shocked when people keep trying to kill her! In this book, an old Voodoo lady tells her straight out that she is going to send a zombie to Anita's house to attack her while she sleeps that night. That night, lo and behold, a zombie tries to kill her. Then, Anita acts all shocked about it. That seems a little dumb to me. I mean, the lady was pretty clear on the plan. It really shouldn't have been shocking at all. I think that Anita has so many people telling her they are going to kill her each day that she can't keep up with all of the threats. She needs one of those day-planners to keep track. That's what they had back in the 90's right? When people still had to use pen & paper for stuff. Fucking barbaric!

Anyway, I have to say, despite it all, I am still entertained. I'm going to go on to the next book to see how many people try to kill Anita in that one. Also, I'm intrigued by her fashion sense. Don't worry, I will be discussing that in greater detail in my next review. There has been mention of a fanny-pack. That is just too good to devote only a sentence or two on. It deserves the star treatment in my next review.
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Reading Progress

November 1, 2015 – Started Reading
November 1, 2015 – Shelved
November 2, 2015 – Shelved as: vampires
November 2, 2015 – Shelved as: urban-fantasy
November 2, 2015 – Shelved as: paranormal-mystery
November 2, 2015 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-13 of 13 (13 new)

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The Girl In Boots lol i cant stop laughing! And anita sounds sooo annoying!

message 2: by Jo (new) - rated it 3 stars

Jo ★The Book Sloth★ Hahahahhahahah

You ain't seen nothing yet!!! You are still in the good part of the series. Be prepared to hate even reading the word Nikes!!!

And Anita only gets worse....

message 3: by Mel (last edited Nov 03, 2015 05:22AM) (new) - rated it 3 stars

Mel Simply put, Anita always has to be the baddest bitch in the room. If she isn't pissing everyone off, it's not a good day for her. I've been reading the Anita Blake series for well over a decade and after awhile that got old. You mentioning a number machine made me giggle. At the current point in the series (I think there's been 24 books), she's going through those machines like crazy.

As for her fashion sense (at this stage), while it is lame, it was the early 90's. That said, I wouldn't have been caught dead in those clothes at that point in my life. Granted I was an angsty teen and was more into flannel and Docs, but still.

Great review, Jilly. I look forward to seeing what you think of future books in the series.

✘✘ Sarah ✘✘ (former Nefarious Breeder of Murderous Crustaceans) Some people dare compare KD (All Hail The Queen of the Universe and Nearby Dimensions) to that Anita of the Aggravating Ways?! I want names! NOW!

PS: down down down my tbr this series goes.

Jilly Girl in Boots: Anita is very annoying, but also very entertaining. It's like watching an old person on a skateboard. You know what's coming, but it sure is funny.

Jo: I already have a word-count going on "Nikes". I just hope the author got some sort of kick-back for all of that product placement. Or, at least a free pair of Nikes since she obviously loves the brand.

Mel: I can't believe she is still alive after 24 books. The people/monsters in St. Louis must be really bad at killing people. She needs to come down here to Texas. We are good at it.

Sarah: haha! I love the nicknames for Kate and Anita! Kate is my girl and there is nobody that can replace her in my heart. Also, I think she could kick Anita's ass and finally kill her. There would probably be a ticker-tape parade for Kate after doing it. They could use all of those take-a-number tickets. Recycle!

message 6: by Pearl (new)

Pearl Angeli Great review, ate Jilly! :)

Aj the Ravenous Reader Bahahahaha! Love the everything about this review, Ate Jilly especially the dialogue part.

Jilly Thank you, ading Pearl & AJ! ;)

Alexis Rogers-Esparcia This is the best review!

Jilly Alexis wrote: "This is the best review!"

Thanks, Alexis! :)

the red stockings You made me laugh out loud xD Unfortunately in UF, (too) many she-hero tend to have brain cells connection issue....

Jilly Thewalkingdreamer wrote: "You made me laugh out loud xD Unfortunately in UF, (too) many she-hero tend to have brain cells connection issue...."

Well, good!
I agree with you on the UF ladies. There are a few awesome exceptions, but often they are TSTL. ;)

message 13: by Lilbit (new) - added it

Lilbit I am on page 55 and there have already been 3 people wearing acid wash jeans lol

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