Allison ❤️Will Never Conquer Her TBR❤️'s Reviews > The Air He Breathes

The Air He Breathes by Brittainy C. Cherry
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4 "Big, fat, giant TICK!" Stars!

Sometimes the hardest part of existing without your love ones was remembering how to breathe.

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The Air He Breathes
is a first Brittainy C Cherry book for me. I'll admit the book buzz was contagious and I pretty much dropped everything to read this. Problem with buzz books for me is they tend to give me a false high expectation. Because of that, I forced myself to read very few reviews...but I don't live under a rock. This book was everywhere on social media- well deserved, I might add. With that being said...

I love the premise of a book with two protagonists suffering a major loss. Nothing produces insta-angst like that. But Ms Cherry captured my heart with a little five-year old spit-fire more than anything else. Elizabeth is a single mother, a widow, trying to get through her grief one step at a time. When taking off to live with her mother gets stale, she decides to move back to her home, a small town filled with gossip mongers and a house filled with memories...and a lawn grown up to her knees. What she didn't bank on is hitting a man's Golden Retriever just as she entered town. A man that was clearly And he's not too happy. How is this her fault?

From the very beginning, we were gifted with a fantastic banter between a clearly assholish disgruntled hero and a sweet heroine that still has a backbone to defend herself. He too is suffering from the loss of both his wife and child and chooses to be a grade-A dick because, quite frankly he doesn't deserve anyone's sympathy or compassion. At least that's what he tells himself. Keep the walls up and the sympathizers at bay so he can wallow alone. So he chooses to withdraw from townsfolk by being the town asshole. Something about Tristan Cole drew Elizabeth to him. Yes, his bark was pretty ferocious but she didn't sway from getting under his tough exterior. Couple that with her adorable daughter Emma, and Tristan doesn't stand a chance.

Nothing I love more in a love story than that angsty tug of war from within. Of two people fighting their attractions for whatever reasons. So when the two MCs decide to take their release within each other, it was fantastic and steaming!

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I could seriously highlight 90% of this book. It's simply very beautiful and I actually took quite a bit away from some of the philosophical quotes within this novel.

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Yes, sometimes I found myself thinking, "What guy really talks like this?" The sap factor was high but my heart swooned nonetheless. Sometimes we like alpha tough brooding heroes, but Tristan is more the damaged "bark is worse than his bite" sympathetic-type character. Secondary characters almost stole the show for me. Her daughter Emma, her best friend Faye, the town "weirdo" Mr. Henson all added that extra bulk to the story. Set in dual POVs (my favorite) we get clear picture of Lizzy and Tristan's grief and ensuing feelings for each other.

The first 80% of the book was clearly a five-star read for me. Then things started to deteriorate a bit. I have very little tolerance for immature drama (which is why I don't read much NA- but these MCs are in their early thirties). Drama I can take if it fits the character and the author stays true to that but with these two, revelations occur and they appeared to turn into two different people. Immature, selfish and heartless to a little girl who's endured enough. I also wasn't entirely in love with the whole suspenseful plot device towards the end. It just was a bit far-fetched and changed the whole tone of the book for me. But overall, I enjoyed this book and I look forward to more from Ms Cherry.

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Reading Progress

September 21, 2015 – Shelved
September 27, 2015 – Started Reading
September 29, 2015 –
80.0% "1) Liz please grow up. 2) Tristan quit being a dick. Drama stops now!  photo newgirl-stop_zpsb2ce9023.gif "
September 29, 2015 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-50 of 56 (56 new)

message 1: by Dee (new) - rated it 5 stars

Dee Montoya <3

Rosalinda *KRASNORADA* Enjoy x

Allison ❤️Will Never Conquer Her TBR❤️ Dee wrote: "<3"

You loving it? I see you three are reading it. I want angst but now Jas said it had a fair amount of humor.

Allison ❤️Will Never Conquer Her TBR❤️ Rosalinda *KRASNORADA* wrote: "Enjoy x"

Thanks, Rosa! How are you! I never chat with you much. Martin well? Stay in touch babe.

Rosalinda *KRASNORADA* Allison ❤️Will Never Conquer Her TBR❤️ wrote: "Rosalinda *KRASNORADA* wrote: "Enjoy x"

Thanks, Rosa! How are you! I never chat with you much. Martin well? Stay in touch babe."

Allison I am kinda back! Yayyyyy! Martin is ok, thanks for asking my love

Hope you are having a great year full of amazing books. Vadim says hello haha x

message 6: by Allison ❤️Will Never Conquer Her TBR❤️ (last edited Sep 21, 2015 12:17PM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

Allison ❤️Will Never Conquer Her TBR❤️ Rosalinda *KRASNORADA* wrote: "Allison ❤️Will Never Conquer Her TBR❤️ wrote: "Rosalinda *KRASNORADA* wrote: "Enjoy x"

Thanks, Rosa! How are you! I never chat with you much. Martin well? Stay in touch babe."

Allison I am kinda ..."

Bahaha. I have a story about that. (view spoiler)

message 7: by Saffron (new)

Saffron LOL!! Cant wait to see what you think. I one clicked this one.

Allison ❤️Will Never Conquer Her TBR❤️ Supreet *The Cupcake Queen* wrote: "LOL!! Cant wait to see what you think. I one clicked this one."

IKR? For .99 and all the hype it's a deal. I need to lower expectations though. It's not fair when I go in expecting the sun, moon and stars.

message 9: by Alice (last edited Sep 21, 2015 10:52PM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Alice Yes, lower your expectations! I started to read it and there were already tons of 5 star reviews and I was getting anxious.. I tried not to expect much from it and I was rewarded with a great read :P hope you both enjoy it :)

Rosalinda *KRASNORADA* Allison ❤️Will Never Conquer Her TBR❤️ wrote: "Rosalinda *KRASNORADA* wrote: "Allison ❤️Will Never Conquer Her TBR❤️ wrote: "Rosalinda *KRASNORADA* wrote: "Enjoy x"

Thanks, Rosa! How are you! I never chat with you much. Martin well? Stay in to..."

Sorry to hear hon, I saw that on his FB but I never related it to you to be honest. He was probably having a bad day, don't take it personally ;)

Vadim will always be our shared hubby anyway hehe x

message 11: by Allison ❤️Will Never Conquer Her TBR❤️ (last edited Sep 22, 2015 04:10AM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

Allison ❤️Will Never Conquer Her TBR❤️ Alice wrote: "Yes, lower your expectations! I started to read it and there were already tons of 5 star reviews and I was getting anxious.. I tried not to expect much from it and I was rewarded with a great read ..."

Awesome, Alice! I'm always a Wildcard on these kind of buzz books and I seriously do think it's an expectations thing. Perfect example is Grayson's Vow. All the arc reviews were glowing. I DNFed it. Oops.

message 12: by Allison ❤️Will Never Conquer Her TBR❤️ (last edited Sep 22, 2015 04:12AM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

Allison ❤️Will Never Conquer Her TBR❤️ Rosalinda *KRASNORADA* wrote: "Allison ❤️Will Never Conquer Her TBR❤️ wrote: "Rosalinda *KRASNORADA* wrote: "Allison ❤️Will Never Conquer Her TBR❤️ wrote: "Rosalinda *KRASNORADA* wrote: "Enjoy x"

Thanks, Rosa! How are you! I ne..."

Ha ha. Yah. That was a great series. (view spoiler)

ReadandWeep It's a great book. Enjoy!

Allison ❤️Will Never Conquer Her TBR❤️ ReadandWeep wrote: "It's a great book. Enjoy!"

Thanks! It's up next. I had to space it from my last read as the plots were almost identical.

Patty ~ Wrapped Up In Reading Book Blog Hope you're enjoying Sweetie! :)

~Stéphanie~ All my friends here gave it 5 stars! I'll wait for your review... You know just to be sure it's for me ;)

Sophie's Reading Corner Damn last 20%!! Wonderful review, sweetie! :))

Allison ❤️Will Never Conquer Her TBR❤️ Patty ❤️❤️ Belongs To ❤️Kellan❤️Jesse❤️Lautner❤️Miller❤️Garrett❤️Malcolm and Archer❤️❤️ wrote: "Hope you're enjoying Sweetie! :)

Thanks babe. I liked it. Had a few issues that prevented a five star but she is a beautiful writer.

Allison ❤️Will Never Conquer Her TBR❤️ ~ Stéphanie ~ Belgian Naughty Reader ~ wrote: "All my friends here gave it 5 stars! I'll wait for your review... You know just to be sure it's for me ;)"

Ha ha. I think you'll like it Stephanie. I don't know if it'll be a LOVE but I bet at least what I rated it.

Allison ❤️Will Never Conquer Her TBR❤️ ღSophieღ wrote: "Damn last 20%!! Wonderful review, sweetie! :))"

Thanks Sophie! You read this?

Sophie's Reading Corner Allison ❤️Will Never Conquer Her TBR❤️ wrote: "
Thanks Sophie! You read this?"

Not yet, I have to prep myself for emotional reads, I don't jump easily in them -even when I know I'm going to love them.

message 22: by Amanda (new)

Amanda Awesome review, Allison.

Allison ❤️Will Never Conquer Her TBR❤️ ღSophieღ wrote: "Allison ❤️Will Never Conquer Her TBR❤️ wrote: "
Thanks Sophie! You read this?"

Not yet, I have to prep myself for emotional reads, I don't jump easily in them -even when I know I'm going to love t..."

I hope it's a love for you then. I think it hit #1 on AMZ within the first few days. My four star review is actually lower than 95% of my friends.

Allison ❤️Will Never Conquer Her TBR❤️ Amanda wrote: "Awesome review, Allison."

Thanks, Amanda.

Sophie's Reading Corner Allison ❤️Will Never Conquer Her TBR❤️ wrote: "I hope it's a love for you then. I think it hit #1 on AMZ within the first few days. My four star review is actually lower than 95% of my friends. "

Thank you, love! I hope so.. I always fear that 5star reads won't meet my expectations and I won't love them as much. But I have a good feeling with this one *fingers crossed*

Patty ~ Wrapped Up In Reading Book Blog Allison ❤️Will Never Conquer Her TBR❤️ wrote: "Patty ❤️❤️ Belongs To ❤️Kellan❤️Jesse❤️Lautner❤️Miller❤️Garrett❤️Malcolm and Archer❤️❤️ wrote: "Hope you're enjoying Sweetie! :)

Thanks babe. I liked it. Had a few issues that prevented a ..."

BEAUTIFUL review Hun! :)
I know what you mean.
I think I know what you had issues with because I did too but I just loved it so much, I gave the author a pass! LOL

Allison ❤️Will Never Conquer Her TBR❤️ Patty ❤️❤️ Belongs To ❤️Kellan❤️Jesse❤️Lautner❤️Miller❤️Garrett❤️Malcolm and Archer❤️❤️ wrote: "Allison ❤️Will Never Conquer Her TBR❤️ wrote: "Patty ❤️❤️ Belongs To ❤️Kellan❤️Jesse❤️Lautner❤️Miller❤️Garrett❤️Malcolm and Archer❤️❤️ wrote: "Hope you're enjoying Sweetie! :)

Thanks babe...."

Thanks babe. I can't five star anything I have any issues with. No matter how much I love it. I'm so tough. Ha ha. If you liked this, Resurrecting Phoenix was awesome. I think I liked the story better there. But the writing here was so beautiful.

Val ⚓️ Shameless Handmaiden ⚓️ Great review Al, totally agree about the change in tone. Well stated and glad you enjoyed it <3

message 29: by Jen (new) - rated it 5 stars

Jen Awesome review Allison! ❤️

message 30: by NinaReader (new)

NinaReader Excellent review Allison! :)

Christy Fantastic review, lovely!!! xoxo

message 32: by Jen (new) - added it

Jen Beautiful review, Allison! Sometimes we just wsnt the broody.

message 33: by [deleted user] (new)

This review is superb, love your images xx

message 34: by Elle (new)

Elle ✟ Søren's ♡ (i'm too old for this shite) Wow love your review. Glad you enjoy it ;)

Jennifer Kyle Fab review Allison!! <3 it

Allison ❤️Will Never Conquer Her TBR❤️ Val ⚓️ Shameless, Bitchy, Skanky & Not Sorry ⚓️ wrote: "Great review Al, totally agree about the change in tone. Well stated and glad you enjoyed it <3"

Thanks babe. Off this emotional read train and on to some MM lovin'...

Allison ❤️Will Never Conquer Her TBR❤️ Christy wrote: "Fantastic review, lovely!!! xoxo"

Lisa wrote: "Fab review, Allison!"

NinaReader wrote: "Excellent review Allison! :)"

Jen wrote: "Awesome review Allison! ❤️"

Thanks, ladies!

Allison ❤️Will Never Conquer Her TBR❤️ Jen wrote: "Beautiful review, Allison! Sometimes we just wsnt the broody."

Ha ha. Touché. Thanks, Jen.

Allison ❤️Will Never Conquer Her TBR❤️ Madeleine wrote: "This review is superb, love your images xx"

Thanks, Madeleine.

Allison ❤️Will Never Conquer Her TBR❤️ Elle wrote: "Wow love your review. Glad you enjoy it ;)"

Thanks so much, Elle!

Allison ❤️Will Never Conquer Her TBR❤️ Jennifer wrote: "Fab review Allison!! <3 it"

Thanks Jen babe!

Pavlina Read more sleep less blog  Amazing review Allison xx

Allison ❤️Will Never Conquer Her TBR❤️ Pavlina loves Dex ❤❤ wrote: "Amazing review Allison xx"

Thanks so much, friend.

message 44: by Roisin (new) - added it

Roisin Black Fantastic review Alison - thank you :-)

Allison ❤️Will Never Conquer Her TBR❤️ Roisin wrote: "Fantastic review Alison - thank you :-)"

Thank you Roisin. My pleasure.

message 46: by Jayme (new) - added it

Jayme Expectations for this book are so high that each next reader expects a little more. I agree with you that this false high expectations can be very confusing. But this book sounds great and I'm sure at some point decide to read it! Your review only convince me of this. Great review, as always, Allison:)

Rachel  L Wonderful review Allison! xoxo

* Meli Mel * Lovely review, Allison!! ♥

Brandi Terrific review, Allison! xx

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