Wendy Darling's Reviews > Zero World

Zero World by Jason M. Hough
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I don't understand why so few people I know have read this, because it's incredibly fun.

If you liked Rachel Bach's Paradox scifi series or the Jason Bourne films (plus diverse MCs! Star Trek-y dilemmas! Spaaace.), this book is gonna rock your world. Also an easy transition for YA readers if you want to venture into adult SF.

Review to come.
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August 25, 2015 – Shelved
December 10, 2015 – Started Reading
December 16, 2015 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-17 of 17 (17 new)

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message 1: by Bonnie (new) - added it

Bonnie Oh great, you said Rachel Bach. On the TBR it goes. lol

Wendy Darling Bonnie, you'll enjoy this SO MUCH. :D I was just thinking how little scifi I've read and enjoyed this year, and BAM, this steps in to save me.

message 3: by Bonnie (new) - added it

Bonnie Now that you say it, I can't think of any scifi I've read in 2015. It's been such a weird (and disappointing) reading year. My book picker got broke somewhere in early 2015. lol This is definitely on my list though. :)

Wendy Darling I'm glad I've persuaded you! Why even bother to write a review, hah.

It's been kind of a random year for me, too. A few standouts, but lots of disappointments as well--plus I've had so little reading time, and I've struggled with having the headspace for fantasy or other complicated books when I do have time. I'm trying my best, but I don't know what I'm going to be able to plow through before the end of the year.

Also, where are the good zombie books?! It's been ages since we've had one. And it was a long time before The Girl with All the Gifts as well.

message 5: by Bonnie (new) - added it

Bonnie Yeah, all you had to say really was Rachel Bach and you had me. ;)

I kept sticking to my review pile in hopes that I'd finally conquer it and never really picked things up based on how I was feeling which is usually when I find my best reads. And yeah, nothing too complicated because I don't have time at all these days. Especially with the holiday season, I've been working crazy hours. I'm currently reading (and loving) Dear Mr. You as well as Fates and Furies but I'm not loving that one quite as much.

Apparently zombies were a fad and it has officially died out. I added this one recently, The Last Weekend: A Novel of Zombies, Booze, and Power Tools, but I'm very on the fence for obvious reasons. lol

message 6: by [deleted user] (new)

Yes! I loved this!

message 7: by Tandie (new) - added it

Tandie Wendy, do you know how much you influence my reading choices? I guess it's the good kind of peer pressure!

message 8: by Sandy (new)

Sandy Williams Rachel Bach? Well, this book wasn't even on my radar before. Now...downloading a sample!

message 9: by Sandy (new)

Sandy Williams $13.99 for the Kindle version? *chokes* Well, that explains why so few people have read this. Yikes! Might have to wait for paperback/discount.

Wendy Darling Bonnie--zombies are not a fad! Zombies are life. Book zombies, anyway. I just got one in the mail that sounded interesting that I'd never heard of before, I'll have to add it to see what the reactions are like thus far. We're overdue.

Sh3lly--yay! I'm glad to see other people enjoying this, too. SO good. Have you read his other books? I'd never heard of this author before.

Tandie--heh. I'd happily take full control over everyone's reading lists. :D

Sandy--oh, I think you'd like this one! But yikes, $14 is crazy for an ebook. $10 is my cutoff point, and even then only if I REALLY REALLY want it, or it's a top 10 book I'm gifting to someone else. I don't blame you for waiting...but I might hound you a bit until you've read it. ;) It's really fun.

message 11: by Susan (new) - added it

Susan You had me a Rachel Bach. ;-) Thanks for the recommendation!

message 12: by Sandy (new)

Sandy Williams Nox wrote: "Really not that into zombies to be honest but it was the star trek comment that got me! Haven't heard of Rachel Bach either so I'll have to check it out.

Consider me persuaded too Wendy, but I'm ..."

I absolutely loved the first Sirantha Jax book. Enjoyed the rest, but haven't read the very last book. I think I'm afraid of it! lol

I can't get into zombies either. I read Linnea Sinclair's Downhome Zombie Blues and couldn't make myself love it (I absolute worship everything else she writes). I even tried inserting a different word for the word "zombie" b/c her "zombies" weren't very zombie-like, and it just didn't work for me. So I totally understand where you're coming from. I keep wanting to watch Walking Dead b/c everyone talks about how awesome it is. I just... haven't convinced myself yet. :-)

message 13: by Rachel (new) - added it

Rachel Marks Oh this one looks good!

message 14: by Tandie (new) - added it

Tandie I was so distracted by the Star Trek/Jason Bourne comment that I didn't notice UNRELIABLE NARRATOR! So much of what I love.

Jéssica now i'm pumped for this one

message 16: by Amy (new) - rated it 3 stars

Amy $1.99 on Kindle today, June 2, 2016

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