Kelly (and the Book Boar)'s Reviews > This Is Where It Ends

This Is Where It Ends by Marieke Nijkamp
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it was ok
bookshelves: arcs, pretty-on-the-outside, read-in-2015

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Here’s another book I read nearly a month ago and never reviewed. This time it wasn’t because I’m lazy even though I am, it’s because I feel bad giving this one a negative review. But a negative review is what I must give when I read a book about a “Columbine” type school shooting and . . . .

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This Is Where It Ends was easily my most anticipated YA contained in the BuzzBooks sneak preview. I requested it immediately and was thrilled to receive an advanced copy. I love books that push the envelope with respect to subject matter and I figured this was definitely not going to be stereotypical YA fare. And while it did deliver a story free of instalove and Mary Sues, it had a lot of problems.

1. Did you know Opportunity, Alabama is a real melting pot? Yeah, no one else does either. I’m all for books having a lot more diversity when it comes to characters, but don’t set it in a town where 80% of the population is white . . .

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2. Speaking of the town, it’s also small. Like under 7,000 people. Do you really think a single gunman type of school shooting would last for 54 minutes? In 2015? Where nearly every child is going to have a cell phone handy and be able to call the local po-po???

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3. Back to the characters. Diverse = good. Multiple narrators with little to no development = cardboard cutouts. Cardboard cutouts are bad – well, mostly . . .

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Speaking of cardboard cutouts, Mitchell would like this for Christmas:

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So bottom line is This Is Where It Ends was a book with a lot of potential (and a most excellent cover) that wound up being nothing special. If you want a YA book about a school shooting that is special, check out Jennifer Brown’s Hate List. I read that one back before I started reviewing, but Rose wrote a real good one : )

ARC provided by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you, NetGalley!
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Reading Progress

July 16, 2015 – Started Reading
July 16, 2015 – Shelved
August 12, 2015 – Shelved as: arcs
August 12, 2015 – Shelved as: pretty-on-the-outside
August 12, 2015 – Shelved as: read-in-2015
August 12, 2015 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-23 of 23 (23 new)

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Shelby *trains flying monkeys* I wanted this sucker so bad. They declined me and then put it up as a read now..that I couldn't get since they always said heck no.

Kelly (and the Book Boar) I already read it but suck at reviewing so I haven't posted one yet. You didn't miss out on anything.

Shelby *trains flying monkeys* Kelly (and the Book Boar) wrote: "I already read it but suck at reviewing so I haven't posted one yet. You didn't miss out on anything."

It usually goes that way when one gets made a read now.

message 4: by Sammy (new)

Sammy Loves Books I hope your next read is a 5 star, hun!!

Kelly (and the Book Boar) Me too! Halfway through and so far it's at least 4 : )

message 6: by Jeff (new)

Jeff Here’s another book I read nearly a month ago and never reviewed.

It's like were flarking twins.

As per the Mitchell gif: proof positive that he's snapped.

Kelly (and the Book Boar) Jeff wrote: "It's like were flarking twins."


message 8: by Jeff (new)

Jeff Kelly (and the Book Boar) wrote: "Jeff wrote: "It's like were flarking twins."


Admit it, you'd love to be dosed with my DNA?


message 10: by Jeff (new)

Jeff You have a course mind.

Go for it.

Kelly (and the Book Boar) I'm just thankful you're one of the five friends of mine here who is old enough to get a Lewinsky reference.

Houston commercial photography

message 12: by Christopher (new)

Christopher Is that the bar for old now?

Kelly (and the Book Boar) One of many : (

message 14: by Jeff (new)

Jeff The Captain and the Tennille is another one.

Kelly (and the Book Boar) I'm not old enough to know that one. Captain of what? A boat?

message 16: by Jeff (new)

Jeff Sure, you don't Mrs. A Horse With NO Name. Lallalalalalalalalalallala.

Shelby *trains flying monkeys* Jeff wrote: "Sure, you don't Mrs. A Horse With NO Name. Lallalalalalalalalalallala."

You have an unhealthy fascination with that.

message 18: by Jeff (new)

Jeff I have an unhealthy fascination with lots of stuff...

message 19: by Licha (new)

Licha Lalalalalala.

Carol M I should have read your review before I posted mine.So much potential squandered!

message 21: by Wendi (new) - rated it 1 star

Wendi WDM I think the town in the book is based on the tow. Where I went to high school (Enterprise, AL) where, in 2007, a tornado killed nine people and demolished the high school.

I'm effing pissed at this book because the town and people she describes are nothing like what it was really like, and we had a heck of a lot more reason to act out than any of the characters in her book.

And no, it was not a melting pot. Everyone was related to everybody else. If you were t white you were black with just a sprinkle of Asian and Latino kids from the military base. This book is crap.

Amanda Omg the length of time it took the police to come was bugging the hell out of me. If they said "the police will be here soon" ONE more time...

Hailee Ippolitto This review really summed up the thoughts I could not type. I read this in about 2ish hours and felt empty in like a wanting more information type of way. It all happened so quickly and I really didn’t feel connected with anyone at all throughout the story and I felt bad feeling this way and skimming over some lines.

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