Aly is so frigging bored's Reviews > Dreams of a Dark Warrior

Dreams of a Dark Warrior by Kresley Cole
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's review

it was amazing
bookshelves: paranormal, favorites, hh-pnr-valkyries
Read 4 times. Last read April 29, 2024 to April 30, 2024.

3rd read: July 2014

2nd read: 2012
Surprisingly... actually not, since we're talking about Kresley Cole, I liked this even more then the 1st time I read it.

Lothaire's guide to being a good vampire:
“You can teach yourself to half-teleport, becoming as good as invisible to spy on people… Valkyrie blood tastes ambrosial. … Stealing money from humans is rewarding both financially and spiritually. … Females crave being bitten—they lie if they deny it. …”

EDIT: The lyrics from this song remind me of Declan/Aidan
[...]Cause you have everything I could ever want
You have everything I could ever want
You speak to my soul like you've known it before
And I just can't stop
Lord I can't stop, myself
I can't stop
Lord I can't stop, myself, now...

I'm loosing sleep, over you
And I don't know what, I've got myself into
You just have something that I need
I can't put my finger on it
You can't put yours on me[...]

Here's the song:
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Reading Progress

Finished Reading
Finished Reading
October 11, 2010 – Shelved
November 14, 2010 – Shelved as: paranormal
February 15, 2011 –
page 20
3.88% "Brandr said, “By Wóden’s beard, she glows!”
Regin spat, “He does not wear a beard!" =))"
February 16, 2011 – Shelved as: favorites
December 27, 2011 –
January 9, 2012 –
7.0% "Over these years, men had gazed at her with lust, reverence, and even, on occasion, respect—but Aidan had looked at her as no man had since.
With appreciation. He’d appreciated her exactly as she was."
January 9, 2012 –
9.0% "“Then take it,warlord.Take more time—you fight for us!You heal so quickly, you can recover from this!”
But his lids slid shut,his breaths rattling.Brandr roared with grief.
“Aidan,come back to me.”She wept over him,tears spilling onto his skin.“Come back to me,come back to me!”
Just before his breaths ceased, he vowed,“Somehow, love…I will find you.”[this part always has me crying like a baby]"
January 9, 2012 –
14.0% "I hate Declan now, I hate him! He hurt Regin :("
January 9, 2012 –
28.0% "Damn it! This book is making me cry so much!"
January 12, 2012 –
29.0% "So everybody thinks Lothaire is hotter than the sun he’ll never see,but I don’t get it.”[continued in 1st post]"
January 12, 2012 –
44.0% "Who couldn't love Lothaire like this?Hate scars. I’m physically flawless—why can’t everyone be? Everywhere Lothaire went, people stopped and stared. Of course, then they usually ran."
January 12, 2012 –
77.0% "“Precisely. She cared for Aidan,” Lothaire said. “I knew of Aidan the Fierce—no mortal could kill that many of the Horde without my hearing about it. And I know that he was a bold, blond Viking who was like a god among men. Women wanted him and men wanted to be him.” He sighed. “Reminded me of myself.” [ROTFL]"
January 13, 2012 –
83.0% "“You sound like Lothaire, making everything a transaction.”
“Maybe he’s right to.”[He's rubbing of on everyone :D]"
January 13, 2012 –
85.0% "“You can teach yourself to half-teleport, becoming as good as invisible to spy on people… Valkyrie blood tastes ambrosial. … Stealing money from humans is rewarding both financially and spiritually. … Females crave being bitten—they lie if they deny it. …”"
July 24, 2014 – Started Reading
July 24, 2014 –
0.0% "Because I have't cried enough reading book 10, I decided to start this one next."
July 24, 2014 –
page 232
45.05% ""Hate scars. I’m physically flawless—why can’t everyone be?"
LOOOOL Lothaire at his best!"
July 24, 2014 – Finished Reading
April 29, 2024 – Started Reading
April 30, 2024 – Shelved as: hh-pnr-valkyries
April 30, 2024 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-11 of 11 (11 new)

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layla is a picky reader :)) Typical Lothaire...or should I say that Aidan is Lothairistic =))

Aly is so frigging bored Exactly!!! I can be Lothairistic too :D

layla is a picky reader No one does Lothairistic better than Leo :))

Aly is so frigging bored =))))))))) so cool :D I loved that one :D

layla is a picky reader Aly (Lothaire) Daciano wrote: "=))))))))) so cool :D I loved that one :D"


harlequin {Stephanie} I want Regin's story to be next! I have to read six books and a novella before I can get her full story.

I'm so sad right now.

Aly is so frigging bored Why? All KC's stories rock!

harlequin {Stephanie} I finished no rest for the wicked and really loved regin. I was just hoping her story would come sooner.

Aly is so frigging bored True :D but really all the others rock :)

When Funmi Met Romance I LOVE THIS BOOK. I actually avoided it originally because i couldnt not stand Declan. I was soooo abhorrent and what this guy ordered, sanctioned, and carried out agaisnt some of my favorite loreans. I was so pissed. Yet, I decided to finally freaking read it and omg It was amazing. There love story was for me the most tragic. I don't know how regan stayed sane. I could not see the one I loved above all murdered so many freaking times right next to me. I've read this about 3 times

Aly is so frigging bored I read it 2 times :D And they both are quite spectacular :)

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