Pinky's Reviews > Sanctum

Sanctum by Madeleine Roux
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did not like it

Was this supposed to be a horror novel? Honestly, I didn't feel that way, it never gave me the creeps. I was so disappointed and I hoped that this series would get better. When I first saw this series, I thought that it would give me more scares. I thought it would be creepier than the Mara Dyer trilogy. But unfortunately, I was never scared. There were so many negative reviews but I wanted to read it anyway.

One of the reasons I didn't enjoy this novel was the writing style. For some reason, I wasn't really comfortable with it. All the dialogues and connections between the characters were so fake. The parts that were supposed to be funny, didn't make me laugh. The parts that were supposed to be scary, didn't scare me. I feel that the writing style didn't fit for this book.

Another reason is the plot, it was very week. I wasn't interested in the story because of how boring the plot became. The book was slow paced, and I just didn't enjoy it. I even tried reading at night, with my night lamp, but this novel wasn't scary. One of my favorite Booktubers explained how they didn't enjoy the book. I don't know why I read it, even after all the negative reviews.

The first book was also disappointing, but I was hoping that this book series would get better. But it never did, it just got worse. I didn't hate the characters, but I didn't love them either. I like it when I can relate to the characters, but I didn't. I felt that the main character, Dan, was selfish. He always got what he wanted and he gets jealous easily. The romance wasn't needed in this novel either.

I really wish I liked this book, but I didn't. Although the summary sounds epic, it isn't that interesting. But I guess this book isn't meant for me. Others may enjoy this book, but I definitely did not. This book just wasn't my cup of tea. I just kept reading because I hoped that it would get better, but it never did. I am lucky that I didn't get into another reading slump...
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Reading Progress

April 12, 2015 – Started Reading
April 12, 2015 – Shelved
April 20, 2015 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-15 of 15 (15 new)

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Aj the Ravenous Reader Very well thought out and honest review, Pinky. Better luck with the next read.^^

Pinky Thank you Aj! I'm just very disappointed because I thought this series was going to be epic.

Sarah Elizabeth Oh dear, I see I'm not missing anything by not reading this one yet! Great review hon ☺

Pinky Thank you Sarah!

Kenlame this book was dope af

Pinky I know I didn't enjoy it... :(

message 7: by Mony (new) - added it

Mony Burnett Well I enjoyed the first book I read it in a day. Though it wasn't up to my standards it kept me interested and wanting to know more. I doubt this book is meant to be extremely scary, give you the creeps every now and then maybe but definitely not to scare you. I mean after all this book is in my school library where I got it from in the first place. It's more of a thriller keep you guessing book. But there's not need to trash it.

Pinky I know, but everyone has an opinion. I wasn't trashing the book, I was explaining why I didn't enjoy it.

message 9: by Nim (new)

Nim i havent read the book but i still read your reviews. AND MARA DYER HAS A TRIOLOGY I JUST SPIT OUT MY CEREAL. i returned the first book today even though there are 75 pages left because i knew the ending wasnt going to be good, i didnt know there was a series. thank you pinky for unintetionally saving my life.

message 10: by Pinky (new) - rated it 1 star

Pinky No problem Nimra! Thanks for always being there for me and we need to talk ASAP!

message 11: by Pinky (new) - rated it 1 star

Pinky Wait... Mara dyer? Wait wat....

message 12: by Nim (new)

Nim what isnt the first book called the unbecoming of mara dyer

message 13: by Pinky (new) - rated it 1 star

Pinky No the first book is called Asylum... Mara Dyer is a completely different series. It's so good! I have a review about it...

message 14: by Carolina (new)

Carolina Jaime Well, you took the risk of reading it despite bad reviews. Sometimes it pays off. Sorry it didn't this time. :/

message 15: by Pinky (new) - rated it 1 star

Pinky I know. I thought it might've got better! Anyway thanks Carolina!

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