Cee's Reviews > Affinity

Affinity by Sarah Waters
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bookshelves: historical, lgbt-queer, romance

When I started this book, I had no idea how sad Affinity would make me. Because it does, and it has, for at least two days even after finishing the book.

Affinity is the tale Margaret, a young lady living in nineteenth-century London. After her father's death, Margaret has fallen ill for half a year. Now everything is slightly better, she has taken it upon her to visit the female inmates at the Millbank prison as Lady Visitor. Here she meets the spirit medium Serena, who starts to intrigue her more with every visit.

This novel unfolds very, very, very slowly. It's way shorter than the other book I have read by Sarah Waters, Fingersmith, but it doesn't contain as many plot twists as that one does. Affinity feels a lot slower. I didn't mind that much, because I happen to love the historical period, and I can easily be entertained by the gloomy mood. Still, after a while I started to wish for the end, because about ninety percent of this novel is build-up.

And when the end comes, it hits hard. I won't spoil anything for you, but I can assure you that if you have come to be affectionate towards any of the characters, it will stay with you. I personally didn't see it coming it all. It all wraps up neatly together, but not in a way you would normally get with this type of novel.

The character of Margaret is a very flawed one. We see most of the story through her eyes, and her weakness shows through every experience she has. She's not very easy to like, but I really did want her to get a happy ending, in any form or another. Madness, substance abuse and depression are a few of the underlying themes, but I wish they were more pronounced. Without explaining Margaret's mental condition, she's really just a weak woman that doesn't appreciate the things she has in life.

Affinity's strength is the vividness of the descriptions of Millbank. I could perfectly imagine the creaking iron, the cold labyrinth-like corridors, the sound of a key turning in its lock. Ms Waters is a master in painting a gloomy atmosphere.

I recommend this book if you really feel like reading something that will make you shiver. It's not as accessible as Fingersmith is, but it's still a great historical novel. Not for the inexperienced reader, as the novel is written in slightly lofty archaic language and style.
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Reading Progress

September 27, 2010 – Shelved
August 9, 2012 – Started Reading
August 9, 2012 – Shelved as: historical
August 9, 2012 – Shelved as: lgbt-queer
August 9, 2012 – Shelved as: romance
September 4, 2012 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-7 of 7 (7 new)

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message 1: by Elaine (new)

Elaine I too cannot shake this feeling. I feel as betrayed as Margaret.

message 2: by Cee (new) - rated it 4 stars

Cee Elaine wrote: "I too cannot shake this feeling. I feel as betrayed as Margaret."

It's such a punch in the gut, isn't it?

Helen G Doesn’t appreciate...? She’s an intelligent, depressed, unmarried gay woman in Victorian Britain. She’s not allowed to study or engage in any real work. Marriage is a non starter given her orientation. Her mother drugs her most nights. I wouldn’t appreciate what she has either.

message 4: by Cee (new) - rated it 4 stars

Cee Helen wrote: "Doesn’t appreciate...? She’s an intelligent, depressed, unmarried gay woman in Victorian Britain. She’s not allowed to study or engage in any real work. Marriage is a non starter given her orientat..."

I can't really speak for my review here, since I wrote it 9 years ago (when I was 16). I think my age definitely coloured my perception of the characters. It would be interesting to reread Affinity, because I think my opinion would be wildly different now.

message 5: by Tiffany (new)

Tiffany I love your review, Celine! I've never heard of this book, so if you want to re-read it maybe we can buddy read it and have discussions on what we think about the book.

In general, I think that revisiting a book that centres on topics like this one does is good. Just to see if we have grown to understand the concepts of these books. I had to read a book for school called 'April Raintree' and was kind of meh about it, but in my adult years, I've grown to appreciate the book for its themes and overall message it tells its readers. It would definitely be interesting to see if your perspectives have changed since your last read.

message 6: by Cee (new) - rated it 4 stars

Cee Tiffany wrote: "I love your review, Celine! I've never heard of this book, so if you want to re-read it maybe we can buddy read it and have discussions on what we think about the book.

In general, I think that re..."

Thanks Tiffany! Sometimes books just go over our heads when we're young. I would love to buddy read Affinity! I'm planning on reading the rest of Waters' books anyway, so might as well start here :D

message 7: by Tiffany (new)

Tiffany I will have to find a copy, but just tell me when you want to read this book so I know when to get a copy by. 😁

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