jessica's Reviews > The Knife of Never Letting Go

The Knife of Never Letting Go by Patrick Ness
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's review

it was amazing
bookshelves: favourites
Read 2 times. Last read November 15, 2017.

i have never considered myself a maternal person. it takes effort for me to be around babies and children. i have always been told ‘its different when its your own kid.’ they couldnt be more wrong.

all it took was a young boy named todd, his dog, and how his love became the loudest sound in a world that is never silent. i would literally do anything for todd, my precious son. i felt like such an overprotective, yet proud, parent throughout this entire book.

and my bond with todd was only strengthened by the remarkable storytelling, a kind of storytelling that could only come from patrick ness. this is a story about bravery, loss, humility, acceptance, and growth. i clung to every word of this book and was transported into a world that ended up being a knife that went straight to my heart and never let go.

this touching story is nothing short of remarkable and one i know i will be reading for the rest of my life.

5 stars
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Reading Progress

Started Reading
March 24, 2015 – Shelved
March 24, 2015 – Shelved as: to-read
March 24, 2015 – Finished Reading
Started Reading
November 15, 2017 – Finished Reading
December 30, 2019 – Shelved as: favourites

Comments Showing 1-18 of 18 (18 new)

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jessica thank youuu! :)

Alex ✰ Comets and Comments ✰ Wonderful review, Jessica! <3 x

jessica thanks so much! x

Ashley So amazingly happy you loved this 💕

jessica awww. thank you!! <3

message 6: by Addy (new)

Addy Smith So glad you loved it!! Looks like a good book.💜

jessica thank you!! and it really is!! :)

Kasia you're gonna love the next 2 books!!

message 9: by Rosie (new) - added it

Rosie Waters i started reading this a couple months ago but couldn't get past the first few chapters, should i give it another ago?

jessica was it because of the language/the way todd talked? i remember getting really annoyed by it the first time i read this. but it gets easier to read as you continue.

message 11: by Amy (new) - added it

Amy Yessss! I feel you. I mean, I’ve always been a momma person, but I felt the same about Todd (and the story) as you did. Just wanted to protect him so hard. This is a series I gift to the young readers in my life, when they get to that age when they’re ready for older books. I hope the movie does it justice.

jessica awww. what a lovely comment!! so happy you enjoyed this, as well. and if/when i have my own kids, i will definitely be giving this book to them when they reach that age! :)

message 13: by Dash fan (new)

Dash fan Beautiful review Jessica 💜

jessica thank youuu! x

Zitong Ren I’m glad you liked this book

jessica thank you! :)

Ashley I'm so so so glad you ended up loving this, jess!

Sehej It is great that you developed a bond between the main character todd and yourself. This book did contain many examples of bravery and perseverance. It took Todd alot of courage to leave on his own.

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