Anna's Reviews > Ross Poldark

Ross Poldark by Winston Graham
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bookshelves: historical-fiction, read-in-2015, 3-stars

Rating 3.5 stars

The BBC recently aired their new version of Poldark, and whilst I and a nation of women went gaga for the brooding and shirtless Aidan Turner (oh dear God *drool*), I also adored the beautiful Eleanor Tomlinson and the sizzling chemistry they had together. When Ross and Demelza fell first in passion (the dress scene *swoon*) and then in love (the singing scene *sigh*), so did I with them. Just gorgeous.

Away from the TV show, the first book in the series, Ross Poldark, took a while to get going for me, probably because I was waiting impatiently for them to notice each other so I could re-live my favourite moments; Demelza's devotion and Ross's realisation are as much a joy to read as they are to watch.

It's not all sighing and swooning though as Ross can be a self-righteous pain in the arse at times, and I'm simply not buying his pining for Elizabeth; why would such a practical and passionate man be so hung up on that insipid cold-fish? Yeah yeah yeah, first love n' all that, but c'mon, a choice between sitting around looking pretty and taking tea, or having funny, feisty, adorable Demelza getting stuck into village life and looking after you in both the kitchen and the bedroom - it's no contest. Ross and Elizabeth don't have a single drop of chemistry, whereas Ross and Demelza crackle with it on every level.

As for the rest of the plot, when Ross and Demelza aren't centre stage, my attention begins to wander; with the exception of Ross's cousin, Verity, I'm nowhere near as interested in the other characters or storylines, which may not bode too well for the future books in the series. However, I'll be reading Demelza next as her story with Ross has completely captivated me. I'm also hoping that knowing the TV series became more engrossing as it progressed, so too will the books.

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March 16, 2015 – Shelved
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April 28, 2015 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-6 of 6 (6 new)

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Diane Lynn Glad you liked the book. It sounds like the tv series played up the crackle between Ross and Demelza a bit more than Graham did in the books. Those two have a lot of ups and downs. I agree, Verity is a great character.

Anna Yes, having now also read Demelza, their on-screen chemistry is far greater than it is in the books.

Will we see Verity again now that she's (view spoiler)?

Diane Lynn You don't need to worry that you've seen the last of Verity. :)

Anna Great news, she's such a sweetheart!

message 5: by Lisa (new)

Lisa Omigosh the singing scene on the new TV show where Ross falls in love with Delmelza was one of the best scenes I've ever seen on any TV show. I can't wait to read the books!

Anna That scene makes me melt every time I see it! Hope you enjoy the books. Having now also read Demelza, I'm sadly rather disappointed by them; Aidan and Eleanor have far more sizzle and tingle. Shallow is as shallow does ;-)

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