Melindeeloo's Reviews > Crave

Crave by J.R. Ward
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bookshelves: angels

Dark and gritty, and full of dangerous (and a few tormented) males...

Another soul is at the cross roads and up for grabs. Heaven is ahead by one soul, but Hell is up to bat and the first team (Heaven or Hell) to get a majority in seven skirmishes wins it all. With this second entry, Ward solidifies her new Fallen Angels series and get past some of the things that bothered me in the first book: Jim Herron, the sole entity ‘allowed’ to influence the soul’s decision, has definitely gotten his wings, and Jim’s relationship with his crew - Adrian and Eddie - is beginning to gel, and there are not too many heavenly interventions - the angelic mentors didn't really grab me last time. Jim's nemesis also gains a great deal of depth with her 'help sessions' and 'her collections'.

In Crave, Jim has more of a vested interest in this skirmish since several of the players are people from his not so distant human past as a black ops soldier. This when combined with the fact that I also liked the pairing for the romance better this time are also strong plusses in Crave’s favor. Jim's former black ops comrade Isaac and lawyer Grier Childes both are solid characters and the intense attraction between them as they are thrown into danger together seems real - even though it is hard to imagine a HEA for a pair from such different worlds.

Crave is definitely darker than the Covet and there are some difficult to read moments when one of the characters is tortured and violated - and in the aftermath of that as well. I can see Ward’s purpose in this, as it affects relationships between several characters, but it still was hard to take.

I guess the bottom line with Crave was that I enjoyed the immediate story of Isaac and Grier and thought that Crave effectively advanced the elements of the larger series arc. With all that happened, I felt as if that there was a real battle going on and not one with a quick and easy resolution – and I didn’t find the outcome to be predictable. Despite my discomfort with the extent of the darkness, I still am interested in seeing how things unfold for Jim and how the battle progresses in future books.
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Reading Progress

September 19, 2010 – Started Reading
September 19, 2010 – Shelved
September 23, 2010 – Finished Reading

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Sharon ∞❥ is an emotional book junkie ❥∞ did u get this so early?

Melindeeloo I am constantly on the hunt around the internet for something new and got lucky and found this one early.

MelissaB Great review Mel! Can't wait to read this one.

Melindeeloo Have you switched over to e-reading? Your PBS list has been pretty small lately:)

MelissaB Well, I collect some in paper form but I usually preoder those because I don't like to wait. If you ever have any good new ones, feel free to send me a PM if you want. I do use my Kindle for a lot of reading too but I also read a lot of older books in paper so I get those from PBS.

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