Matthew's Reviews > The Handmaid's Tale

The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood
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's review

really liked it
bookshelves: post-apocalyptic-dystopian, library, 2016

An interesting book to read right now for a couple of reasons. One, I just finished 1984 and it was very much a world like the one in 1984. Two, the storyline closely reflects the fears of the current political climate in America.

It is hard to say that a story like this is "great" as that has a positive connotation. I was very enthralling, but terrifying at the same time. As a man, I don't think this story has as deep of an impact on me as it would if I was a woman.

If you like dystopian, you must check this book out. If you are fired up by the recent election, you may want to hold off a bit . . . it will only make it worse.
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Reading Progress

February 26, 2015 – Shelved
February 26, 2015 – Shelved as: to-read
October 30, 2016 – Started Reading
October 30, 2016 – Shelved as: 2016
October 30, 2016 – Shelved as: library
October 30, 2016 – Shelved as: post-apocalyptic-dystopian
October 30, 2016 –
page 30
9.65% "Interesting that I have decided to read this at the same time as 1984"
October 31, 2016 –
page 66
21.22% "Blessed are the meek"
November 1, 2016 –
page 85
27.33% ""We have been warned to not look too happy""
November 2, 2016 –
page 127
40.84% "Birthing ceremony"
November 3, 2016 –
page 150
48.23% "Forbidden Scrabble"
November 4, 2016 –
page 190
61.09% ""I would like to know . . . what's going on?""
November 6, 2016 –
page 206
66.24% "Alternate plans"
November 7, 2016 –
page 228
73.31% "Photograph"
November 8, 2016 –
page 240
77.17% "Clubbin'"
November 9, 2016 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-34 of 34 (34 new)

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Laura Funny, I gave this one 5 star and 1984 4 star. Perhaps I was able to relate more in the Handmaid's Tale.

Stephanie Dique Great review!

Kandice This is one I've read numerous times, and as a woman, it means different things to me at different stages of my life.

Matthew Laura wrote: "Funny, I gave this one 5 star and 1984 4 star. Perhaps I was able to relate more in the Handmaid's Tale."

I can imagine - 1984 is more about the twisted doctrine while this is about the people (and a lot of the doctrine is left to the imagination). Both great though!

Matthew Stephanie wrote: "Great review!"


Matthew Kandice wrote: "This is one I've read numerous times, and as a woman, it means different things to me at different stages of my life."

I was uncomfortable for the women around me while I was reading this.

Erin Life is dystopian I can't handle it in fiction right now.

Matthew Stranger than fiction . . .

Renata Great review - honest and I open minded. Read as a mother of very young children- wonder how it would strike me today. I'm often flabbergasted by how women can seem so unaware of the social fragility of there freedom and status in society. And yes, I do think life is stranger than fiction at this time - wonder what Kurt Vonnegut would be saying now...

message 10: by Mei (new)

Mei Great review, Matthew! :)

message 11: by F (new) - rated it 5 stars

F Great review. I read this last month and loved it!

Melissa ♥ Dog/Wolf Lover ♥ Martin Great review! I can't believe I haven't read this yet after so many friends like it. I'm so behind. Uggg

Basia Oh, 1984 remains my fave book of all time. Handmaid's Tale is up there for me too. Have you read We?? I can't possibly recommend it highly enough.
Great review. Love seeing a male point of view on this topic. Thanks.

message 14: by Syahransyah (new)

Syahransyah It's my favorite..I like it.

✘✘ Sarah ✘✘ (former Nefarious Breeder of Murderous Crustaceans) We agree about a book...again. This is beginning to seriously freak me out, I'm supposed to hate what everyone else loves and vice versa. Do you think we were separated at birth or something?

P.S. Great review, Matthew;)

Matthew Renata wrote: "Great review - honest and I open minded. Read as a mother of very young children- wonder how it would strike me today. I'm often flabbergasted by how women can seem so unaware of the social fragili..."

I cannot even begin to imagine!

Matthew Melissa ♥ Dog Lover ♥ wrote: "Great review! I can't believe I haven't read this yet after so many friends like it. I'm so behind. Uggg"

Frankie wrote: "Great review. I read this last month and loved it!"

Mei wrote: "Great review, Matthew! :)"

Thanks :)

Matthew Basia wrote: "Oh, 1984 remains my fave book of all time. Handmaid's Tale is up there for me too. Have you read We?? I can't possibly recommend it highly enough.
Great review. Love seeing a male point of view on..."

Thanks for the recommendation! And thanks for taking the time to check out my point of view! :)

Matthew ✘✘ Sarah ✘✘ (former Nefarious Breeder of Murderous Crustaceans) wrote: "We agree about a book...again. This is beginning to seriously freak me out, I'm supposed to hate what everyone else loves and vice versa. Do you think we were separated at birth or something?


It's possible! :)

And, I am glad we have been in agreement so far, makes me wonder which book is going to be the one to tear us apart!? Hopefully none!

And thank you! :)

message 20: by Dawn (new) - added it

Dawn Excellent point about the election!

✘✘ Sarah ✘✘ (former Nefarious Breeder of Murderous Crustaceans) Matthew wrote: "And, I am glad we have been in agreement so far, makes me wonder which book is going to be the one to tear us apart!? Hopefully none!"

I found it: The Shadow of the Wind. My new theory is: we were separated at birth, but you are my evil twin.

message 22: by Joe (last edited Jan 23, 2017 07:51PM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Joe Matthew wrote: "An interesting book to read right now for a couple of reasons. One, I just finished 1984 and it was very much a world like the one in 1984. Two, the storyline closely reflects the fears of the current political climate in America."

Great review, Matthew. I must be on the same reading program that you were with 1984 and then The Handmaid's Tale. Two novels that mean something entirely different since November 2016.

Matthew Thanks, Joe! Yes, dystopian right now feels like more that just a cautionary tale.

Matthew Victoria wrote: "Great review! I just reread 1984, and I want to reread Fahrenheit 451, maybe I am in the right mindset for this book?"

Thanks! Yes - this is definitely a book to read if you are in a 1984/F-451/Brave New World kinda mood.

Kristi Krumnow I'm reading this one now because of your claim that it's a propos of recent elections. creepy idea Margaret Atwood but she's fairly avant garde in dystopic literature . Some of other works continue to live unwelcome-ingly in my mind.

Matthew Kristi wrote: "I'm reading this one now because of your claim that it's a propos of recent elections. creepy idea Margaret Atwood but she's fairly avant garde in dystopic literature . Some of other works continue..."

That is the main thing about dystopian literature - I love it, but then I stop and go "DANG! This is scary how possible this all is! Maybe I shouldn't be enjoying it so much . . ."

message 27: by Jennifer (new)

Jennifer Masterson Great review, Matthew. I've been watching the show. It's so good. You are right about the election. The show freaks me out a bit.

Matthew Jennifer wrote: "Great review, Matthew. I've been watching the show. It's so good. You are right about the election. The show freaks me out a bit."

I haven't tried the show . . . I like the book, but I am not sure if I will watch it. Right now my TV watching is more escapist . . . and this would not be very escapist!

message 29: by Jennifer (new)

Jennifer Masterson Yeah it's not escapist but the show is very well done.

Matthew Jennifer wrote: "Yeah it's not escapist but the show is very well done."

My wife just recently watched all the episodes that have been released and I think she is going to rewatch them with me - I am looking forward to it.

Eileen Great review! Lately, it seems like just as I get ready to read a book, I see that you've already read it, lol! I'm taking a deep breath and starting this book even though the current political situation has been driving me crazy. But I would be very curious what Margaret Atwood herself thinks about the current times vs what it was in 1986.

Matthew Eileen wrote: "Great review! Lately, it seems like just as I get ready to read a book, I see that you've already read it, lol! I'm taking a deep breath and starting this book even though the current political sit..."

Thank you! I am glad to hear you are checking out so many books that I have. Yes - this book is intense in the current political climate and, believe it or not, this review of my contributed to some controversy for me. So, I know that sharing reviews of books on touchy subjects can be dangerous!

Eileen For sure! But I have to admit that ever since I started spending more time on Goodreads and less time on FB, things have become far less stressful, ha!

Matthew Eileen wrote: "For sure! But I have to admit that ever since I started spending more time on Goodreads and less time on FB, things have become far less stressful, ha!"

Very true - very very true!

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