Jason Hough's Reviews > Zero World

Zero World by Jason M. Hough
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(Review from the author)
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Cheers! I hope you all enjoy Zero World. I'm very proud of it!
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Reading Progress

February 12, 2015 – Shelved as: to-read
February 12, 2015 – Shelved

Comments Showing 1-22 of 22 (22 new)

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Neil Hepworth We can't wait to get our grubby little fingers on it...!

Brett Sayles ^What Neil said.^

message 3: by Jason (new) - added it

Jason Hough Cheers, gents!

Tammy Amazing, Jason! Most fun I've had in a long time:-)

message 5: by Jason (new) - added it

Jason Hough Tammy wrote: "Amazing, Jason! Most fun I've had in a long time:-)"

So glad you enjoyed it!

Jackie Machardy Great fun!...Can't wait for the (hopefully) next installment!

Neil Hepworth It was an outstanding book - I really hope you go back and write more stories in this new universe of yours. I'll read every one. :)

message 8: by Michael (new)

Michael Hockinson Starting this soon.

Highkerpat Very exciting and full of action! Can't wait for your next one.

message 10: by Jason (new) - added it

Jason Hough Highkerpat wrote: "Very exciting and full of action! Can't wait for your next one." Thanks!

Sharon Phillips I really loved this book, just as unique and exciting as your Dire Earth books! The people i recommended this book to at the bookstore i work in, loved it too! We all cant wait for your next book, whichever universe it is in!

message 12: by Paul (new) - rated it 5 stars

Paul You should be proud of it. It's excellent. I look forward to the next

message 13: by Jason (new) - added it

Jason Hough Paul wrote: "You should be proud of it. It's excellent. I look forward to the next"

Cheers, Paul!

message 14: by Timothy (new) - added it

Timothy Ward Congrats on the Day review, Jason!

message 15: by Eyeheartpie (new) - added it

Eyeheartpie Is this going to be part of a series?

message 16: by Jason (new) - added it

Jason Hough Eyeheartpie wrote: "Is this going to be part of a series?"

I hope so, but I've got a few other books being released before I'd be able to start on it. Should have a better answer for you this summer. Stay tuned!

[boredom.is.overrated] Loved this book! When is your next book due out?

message 18: by Jason (new) - added it

Jason Hough [boredom.is.overrated] wrote: "Loved this book! When is your next book due out?"

Gratitude! Sorry it's a bit of a wait, but I'll have 3 books coming out next year. You can join my mailing list via my website if you want to get news on those (I only post when I have news, so it's not going to flood your inbox). http://www.jasonhough.com

message 19: by Amy (new) - rated it 3 stars

Amy $1.99 on Kindle today, June 2, 2016.

Looking forward to reading it!

message 20: by Jason (new) - added it

Jason Hough Amy wrote: "$1.99 on Kindle today, June 2, 2016.

Looking forward to reading it!"

Enjoy, Amy!

message 21: by Omar (new) - rated it 5 stars

Omar This is an amazing book, Jason. Hope it turns into another book or two. I'm on to the Darwin Elevator series now (though, being Australian, I should mention that they're called lifts... ;)

Loving the Darwin Elevator series just as much. Everyone should buy that too.

message 22: by Jason (new) - added it

Jason Hough Omar wrote: "This is an amazing book, Jason. Hope it turns into another book or two. I'm on to the Darwin Elevator series now (though, being Australian, I should mention that they're called lifts... ;)

Loving ..."

Cheers, Omar. So glad you enjoyed it!

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