Jessica ❁ ➳ Silverbow ➳ ❁ 's Reviews > Fool Moon
Fool Moon (The Dresden Files, #2)

Jessica ❁ ➳ Silverbow ➳ ❁ 's review
bookshelves: angels-and-or-demons, not-your-ordinary-creatures, some-kinda-magic, weres-shapeshifters, urban-fantasy, buddy-reads-are-the-best, rabid-reads-reviews, audible
Jan 23, 2015
bookshelves: angels-and-or-demons, not-your-ordinary-creatures, some-kinda-magic, weres-shapeshifters, urban-fantasy, buddy-reads-are-the-best, rabid-reads-reviews, audible
Reviewed by: Rabid Reads
BR with my peeps at: Buddies Books and Baubles
Specifically: Robin (Bridge Four) , Jennavier , Jenny , Lila , oOSarahOo , Sh3lly (Not all those who wander are lost) , and Steven
I don't know if it was the lowered expectations from being told by every-friggin'-body that DRESDEN doesn't start "getting good" until book 3 or 4, or if it was how much cooler the book was than the TV episode based on this same installment, or something else entirely . . .
The why doesn't really matter, what matters is the outcome, and the outcome is that I thought this book was fan-friggin'-tastic.
FOOL MOON was a vast improvement from STORM FRONT. Harry was more winsomely Harry, and while still occasionally awkward, after the first 25% or so, it petered off considerably. In the end, I was completely won over by his adorkableness.
I was not won over by Murphy. I hesitate to comment on how hard I am not shipping her and Harry right now, b/c I already did that while I was actually reading it, and was inundated by assurances that she has good reasons for being the unreasonably mistrustful, impulsive, violent harpy that she currently is.
I BELIEVE you. When EVERYONE is of the same opinion, it's silly to deny its likelihood. (<-----this needs a qualifier: when like-minded bookish people are ALL of the same opinion, I accept that it is most probably a reflection of what MY OWN opinion will be. After I've formed it. For myself. I AM NOT ENDORSING HERD MENTALITY.)
That doesn't change the fact that right now she's an unreasonably mistrustful, impulsive, violent harpy.
Beyond Harry himself improving, there was also a solid plot with solid good guys and bad guys (the lack of which being my biggest complaint about STORM FRONT).
Some kind of werewolf is killing people in Chicago. And by "killing," I mean ripping, tearing, eviscerating, etc.
I've said it before, and I'll say it again: boys are gross. #sorrynotsorry
It's up to Harry to find out who. And also what. I said "some kind" of werewolf b/c there are apparently a lot to choose from, each varying degrees of, "Oh, shit."
The werewolf lore was very interesting, especially that twist at the very end. An insect-like demon giving teasers about Harry's mother, and more escapades with Harry's ability to "soulgaze" kept the pages turning, and I felt like Butcher really raised the bar.
However, it wasn't perfect.
There were eye rolls when a nerd was characterized by looking like he should have a pocket protector, and when Harry told the Bad Guy that he's "scum" . . . *rolls eyes*
He also says things like this:
And this:
And after he calls the Bad Guy "scum," he rallies and gives an epic smack down, with this as the parting shot:
It's an interesting juxtaposition of "ne'er-do-wells" and black magic : legos analogies and "should have had a pocket protector" nerds and "ka-blowie"s. BUT. I see very good things.
On a completely random note, are any of you familiar with Jimmy Fallon's "Ew" sketch from SNL ( B/c Jimmy's character has a stepdad named Gary, and every time Harry does something adorkable or something stupidly dangerous, in my head I'm yelling "Harry!" in the same voice that Sara (no "h" b/c h's are ew!) yells, "Gary! Ew, go away, Gary!" and it cracks me up. *shrugs awkwardly*
Anyway, suffice it to say that I am well and truly hooked by Dresden. Well done, Butcher. Well done. *tips hat*

You people are crazy; that was AWESOME.
I do the same thing with Kate Daniels. I know the world-building isn't a strong point in the first installment (I know, but I don't care), so I'm careful to qualify my recommendation, confident that it really doesn't matter, b/c Kate's awesomeness is self-evident (and if you disagree, I'll meet you by the monkey bars at recess *pounds fist menacingly into palm*).
As a reviewer, it's important that I at least maintain the facade of rationality . . . So I disclaim.
I just wanted you all to know that I'm on to you: "the series starts getting good around book 3 or 4 . . ." <-----pfffffft. It's plenty good right now ;)
My other reviews for this series:
Storm Front (The Dresden Files, #1)
Grave Peril (The Dresden Files, #3)
Summer Knight (The Dresden Files, #4) by Jim Butcher
BR with my peeps at: Buddies Books and Baubles
Specifically: Robin (Bridge Four) , Jennavier , Jenny , Lila , oOSarahOo , Sh3lly (Not all those who wander are lost) , and Steven
I don't know if it was the lowered expectations from being told by every-friggin'-body that DRESDEN doesn't start "getting good" until book 3 or 4, or if it was how much cooler the book was than the TV episode based on this same installment, or something else entirely . . .
The why doesn't really matter, what matters is the outcome, and the outcome is that I thought this book was fan-friggin'-tastic.
FOOL MOON was a vast improvement from STORM FRONT. Harry was more winsomely Harry, and while still occasionally awkward, after the first 25% or so, it petered off considerably. In the end, I was completely won over by his adorkableness.
I was not won over by Murphy. I hesitate to comment on how hard I am not shipping her and Harry right now, b/c I already did that while I was actually reading it, and was inundated by assurances that she has good reasons for being the unreasonably mistrustful, impulsive, violent harpy that she currently is.
I BELIEVE you. When EVERYONE is of the same opinion, it's silly to deny its likelihood. (<-----this needs a qualifier: when like-minded bookish people are ALL of the same opinion, I accept that it is most probably a reflection of what MY OWN opinion will be. After I've formed it. For myself. I AM NOT ENDORSING HERD MENTALITY.)
That doesn't change the fact that right now she's an unreasonably mistrustful, impulsive, violent harpy.
Beyond Harry himself improving, there was also a solid plot with solid good guys and bad guys (the lack of which being my biggest complaint about STORM FRONT).
Some kind of werewolf is killing people in Chicago. And by "killing," I mean ripping, tearing, eviscerating, etc.
I've said it before, and I'll say it again: boys are gross. #sorrynotsorry
It's up to Harry to find out who. And also what. I said "some kind" of werewolf b/c there are apparently a lot to choose from, each varying degrees of, "Oh, shit."
The werewolf lore was very interesting, especially that twist at the very end. An insect-like demon giving teasers about Harry's mother, and more escapades with Harry's ability to "soulgaze" kept the pages turning, and I felt like Butcher really raised the bar.
However, it wasn't perfect.
There were eye rolls when a nerd was characterized by looking like he should have a pocket protector, and when Harry told the Bad Guy that he's "scum" . . . *rolls eyes*
He also says things like this:
Christ. I wished the police were as savvy as these ne’er-do-wells.
And this:
That was black magic, and it was easy to use. Easy and fun. Like Legos.
And after he calls the Bad Guy "scum," he rallies and gives an epic smack down, with this as the parting shot:
“If we were in public, Mr. Dresden, I’d have you killed for speaking that way to me.”
“If we were in public,” I told him, “you’d try.”
It's an interesting juxtaposition of "ne'er-do-wells" and black magic : legos analogies and "should have had a pocket protector" nerds and "ka-blowie"s. BUT. I see very good things.
On a completely random note, are any of you familiar with Jimmy Fallon's "Ew" sketch from SNL ( B/c Jimmy's character has a stepdad named Gary, and every time Harry does something adorkable or something stupidly dangerous, in my head I'm yelling "Harry!" in the same voice that Sara (no "h" b/c h's are ew!) yells, "Gary! Ew, go away, Gary!" and it cracks me up. *shrugs awkwardly*
Anyway, suffice it to say that I am well and truly hooked by Dresden. Well done, Butcher. Well done. *tips hat*

You people are crazy; that was AWESOME.
I do the same thing with Kate Daniels. I know the world-building isn't a strong point in the first installment (I know, but I don't care), so I'm careful to qualify my recommendation, confident that it really doesn't matter, b/c Kate's awesomeness is self-evident (and if you disagree, I'll meet you by the monkey bars at recess *pounds fist menacingly into palm*).
As a reviewer, it's important that I at least maintain the facade of rationality . . . So I disclaim.
I just wanted you all to know that I'm on to you: "the series starts getting good around book 3 or 4 . . ." <-----pfffffft. It's plenty good right now ;)
My other reviews for this series:
Storm Front (The Dresden Files, #1)
Grave Peril (The Dresden Files, #3)
Summer Knight (The Dresden Files, #4) by Jim Butcher
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Fool Moon.
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Quotes Jessica ❁ ➳ Silverbow ➳ ❁ Liked

“Put some clothes on, you weird, yellow-eyed, table-dancing, werewolf-training, cryptic, stare-me-right-in-the-eyes-and-don't-even-blink wench.”
― Fool Moon
― Fool Moon

“I felt my face stretch in a victorious smile. The potion had worked. I was inside. I had to suppress an urge to break into a soft shoe routine. Sometimes being able to use magic was so cool.”
― Fool Moon
― Fool Moon

“A mangled corpse in the middle of a blood-drenched floor. Berserk FBI field agents drawing guns and shooting to kill. A little kung fu, a little John Wayne, and a few casual threats.
So far, I thought, my nerves jangling, just one more night on the job.”
― Fool Moon
So far, I thought, my nerves jangling, just one more night on the job.”
― Fool Moon

“Things were weird enough without needing to ride around in a van with a bunch of naked, somewhat geeky college students.”
― Fool Moon
― Fool Moon
Reading Progress
January 23, 2015
– Shelved
April 13, 2015
Started Reading
April 13, 2015
"My belly protested again, growling its neolithic craving for charred meat.
I am well-acquainted with this craving."
I am well-acquainted with this craving."
April 13, 2015
"“Who is this?”
“Har—” I started to say, but Murphy’s snort cut over my words.
“No one,” she said. She flashed me a look that said, very clearly, to shut up. That annoyed the hell out of me.
“Harry Dresden,” I said, making the words loud and clear. Murphy and I exchanged a glare.
There's the Harry I know and love."
“Har—” I started to say, but Murphy’s snort cut over my words.
“No one,” she said. She flashed me a look that said, very clearly, to shut up. That annoyed the hell out of me.
“Harry Dresden,” I said, making the words loud and clear. Murphy and I exchanged a glare.
There's the Harry I know and love."
April 13, 2015
"My gut told me that the woman in the car had been following me, but then again, my instincts had cried wolf before.

April 13, 2015
"This wizard soul gaze thing is awesome. BUT. What I really want to know is are we ever going to get it from the reverse POV?
Harry? What's in your soul, Harry? I WANTS TO KNOW."
Harry? What's in your soul, Harry? I WANTS TO KNOW."
April 14, 2015
"“If we were in public, Mr. Dresden, I’d have you killed for speaking that way to me.”
“If we were in public,” I told him, “you’d try.”
BOOM. Badass Harry is badass."
“If we were in public,” I told him, “you’d try.”
BOOM. Badass Harry is badass."
April 15, 2015
"“Christ, Dresden, you’re covered in blood. How bad is it?” . . . “You’re under arrest, by the way."
. . . “Twenty-two?” I complained, still breathless. “Couldn’t you have made some thirty-eights, some forty-fours?”
“Bitch and whine,” Murphy snarled at me.
Okay, so I'm beginning to see the appeal, LOL."
. . . “Twenty-two?” I complained, still breathless. “Couldn’t you have made some thirty-eights, some forty-fours?”
“Bitch and whine,” Murphy snarled at me.
Okay, so I'm beginning to see the appeal, LOL."
April 15, 2015
"I smiled at him and contemplated his shocked expression to my own satisfaction.
Then I drew in a breath, and my renewed will with it, lifted the rod in my right hand, murmured a phrase in a language I didn’t know, and blew the tires off his fucking truck.
Hell, yeah! *fist pumps*"
Then I drew in a breath, and my renewed will with it, lifted the rod in my right hand, murmured a phrase in a language I didn’t know, and blew the tires off his fucking truck.
Hell, yeah! *fist pumps*"
April 15, 2015
"Billy flashed her a grin. “I almost got him, though.”
“You almost got yourself killed,” she said, but her voice had softened a few shades. I noticed that she hadn’t moved her hand from the other side of Billy’s chest, and he was looking up at her with an expectant expression. She fell silent, and they stared at one another for a minute. I saw her swallow.
Please, help me. Young werewolves in love.
“You almost got yourself killed,” she said, but her voice had softened a few shades. I noticed that she hadn’t moved her hand from the other side of Billy’s chest, and he was looking up at her with an expectant expression. She fell silent, and they stared at one another for a minute. I saw her swallow.
Please, help me. Young werewolves in love.
April 15, 2015
"“Quiet,” I whispered. “Don’t move.”
Denton hissed, but froze in place. “Dresden, I should kill you right now.”
“Try it,” I said, and thumbed back the hammer of the gun. “But after the loud noise, remember to keep going down the tunnel and toward the light.”
Harry Dresden . . . you are a funny, funny man."
Denton hissed, but froze in place. “Dresden, I should kill you right now.”
“Try it,” I said, and thumbed back the hammer of the gun. “But after the loud noise, remember to keep going down the tunnel and toward the light.”
Harry Dresden . . . you are a funny, funny man."
April 15, 2015
Finished Reading
Comments Showing 1-44 of 44 (44 new)
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message 1:
rated it 5 stars
Apr 15, 2015 06:02PM


YES, I was talking to you, Steven. *snickers* Consider me hooked ;)

Series like this one are why, no, I don't think it's crazy to buy 10+ books when they go on sale for $2 - $3 bucks each, even though I haven't read the first one yet. I mean, I don't do it a lot, but when I do . . . the odds have been ever in my favor ;)

YEP. Total Dresden noob. kind of enjoying it, actually ;)

Yes, I know I'm in the minority there, but Skin Game, the newest installment, made me feel like Butcher has the story and characters going in the right direction again.
BTW there is a short story compilation titled Mean Streets, and supposedly there are one or two more of those on the way. They are also beginning to collect the Dresden comics, which Butcher at least co-plots, into trades.

And to be honest, Butcher off his A game is still better than the majority at their best ;)

Around here, we say "Back roads, brah, back roads!!" lol :)

And to be honest, Butcher off his A g..."
Even if Ghost Story felt 'different' I still thought it was great. Like you said, Butcher off his A-game is still better than majority of the books I read.

Yes, ..."
Thanks for the heads-up about Ghost Story, and, yeah, I knew about Mean Streets. I'm one of those readers who has to read ALL THE THINGS in a series I really like, but I'm also one of those readers who has to do that in the proper (publishing) order, so I'm pretty sure I've got a few more installments before I get to any of the short stories.

I am positive that are correct!

Around here, we say "Back roads, brah, back roads!!" lol :)"
LOL. I like yours better. Much more threatening than monkey bars ;)
message 18:
Jessica ❁ ➳ Silverbow ➳ ❁
(last edited Apr 16, 2015 05:19AM)
rated it 4 stars

And to be honest, Butc..."
Sometimes--and it's not b/c I'm contrary by nature (b/c I'm really not)--it's the "different" books that I like the best. Like River Marked from the Mercy Thompson series. Almost everyone bloody hates that installment, but it's my favorite. And even if this doesn't turn out to be one of those cases, I completely ascribe to the "A Butcher book is still better than an anybody-else book."

message 22:
Jessica ❁ ➳ Silverbow ➳ ❁
(last edited Apr 16, 2015 05:50AM)
rated it 4 stars

Steven wrote: "I have a feeling with all the Fae stuff coming up that Fool Moon won't make the number one slot soon ;)"
That's what is making me so excited. B/c really, I already think it's pretty damn awesome . . . so if book 4 is where it "gets good" . . . EEP ;)
*fist bumps* b/c River Marked was EPIC.

I'm with you. Dresden is a really great character, and I'm really excited to see where all the hints are going.

At least that is my hope. I did like this one better than the first.

At least that is my hope. I did like this one better than the f..."
Exactly. That's what I'm thinking ;)

The same reason I haven't, LOL: FIFTEEN BOOKS in the series. EEP ;)

*sing songs* Firrrrst you shake it, and thennnn you bake it. You shake it, then you bake it.

^ This! x 1,000! :D

Brilliant review, Jessica! Glad you liked this one more than many people (*ahem* like me) led you to believe! :D

YES. I really want to know what the deal with his mother is especially.

Brilliant review, Jessica! G..."
Thanks, David! And hey, I'll take lowered expectations over hype any day ;)

I agree with you. I just started reading Fool Moon. And I LOVED Storm Front too.. I don't get why people say that the first two books aren't that good. They seem pretty good to me..

We both fall into the crowd though that some of the later books almost made us drop the series (thankfully Skin Game has pulled me back in for now).

We both fall into the crowd though that some of the later books almost made us ..."
Book 12 I loved... Book 13 was blah. Book 14 was a step up from 13, but not near the quality of book 12. Book 15, Skin Game, was great!

What I don't want is to be reading book 4, 7 etc. in a series and wonder why I'm still reading it. Unfortunate example Tanya Huff's Torrin Kerr, which I really want to like, but finally just gave up on.

I agree with you. I just started reading Fool Moon. And I LOVED Storm Front too.. I don't get why peopl..."
WAT!? Dude, I’m in a buddy reading group that is Ilona Andrews and only Ilona Andrews. If you want an invite, lemme know. 👭📚

She often works from home and she working her way through The Iron Druid series. I'm beginning to think Oberon is why she's still at it, because we have 60 pound overgrown puppy. When I'm in the car I'm giving Kim Harrison's Rachel Morgan another try (I'm liking book 3 much more than books 1 and 2).

I agree with you. I just started reading Fool Moon. And I LOVED Storm Front too.. I don't ..."
If I remember correctly you're the reason why I added her books to my TBR list/pile.