Gergana's Reviews > The Bees
The Bees

You might like this book if:
1. You enjoy Watership Down
2. You are curious about bees and their way of life
3. You want to read something bizarre and different
4. You are looking for a book with an original dystopian society (not another Hunger Games/Divergent copycat)
The Bees is a surprisingly 1. original, 2. action-packed and 3. emotional! For the first half of the book, I kept asking myself - why do I keep reading this? It's the weirdest, most bizarre thing I've ever had my hands on and it doesn't even have a human logic to it! Seriously, the whole book is written from the perspective of a worker bee, trying to fit in a strict, fanatic society, survive the calamities that befall her hive and guard her ultimate secret - (view spoiler)
I went into this book without knowing much about this particular insect and its way of life, but by the 60%, I had the strong, unbearable urge to watch Bee documentaries!There are some pretty good ones actually... Of course, apart from the fact that worker bees are supposed to die after they sting, the author really knows her stuff! Ok, but that's not even the point!
The world-building is amazing - the psychology and structure of a bee society is already interesting and weird enough, but add a little bit of dystopia, interaction with other species and real-life ecological issues and I cannot complain.
The character development is superb - the protagonist starts of as any other weak-minded, rule-obeying worker and she gradually becomes a strong and independent leader to her people. Her journey is truly fascinating, but I had a real problem with her being so brainwashed in the beginning.
The conclusion was epic! There is a lot of action and fights in this book (makes you feel sorry for the real bees), yet, the ending was also surprisingly emotional.
Thank you, Laline Paull, for bringing us a remarkable, highly-original and emotional story!
1. You enjoy Watership Down
2. You are curious about bees and their way of life
3. You want to read something bizarre and different
4. You are looking for a book with an original dystopian society (not another Hunger Games/Divergent copycat)
The Bees is a surprisingly 1. original, 2. action-packed and 3. emotional! For the first half of the book, I kept asking myself - why do I keep reading this? It's the weirdest, most bizarre thing I've ever had my hands on and it doesn't even have a human logic to it! Seriously, the whole book is written from the perspective of a worker bee, trying to fit in a strict, fanatic society, survive the calamities that befall her hive and guard her ultimate secret - (view spoiler)
I went into this book without knowing much about this particular insect and its way of life, but by the 60%, I had the strong, unbearable urge to watch Bee documentaries!
The world-building is amazing - the psychology and structure of a bee society is already interesting and weird enough, but add a little bit of dystopia, interaction with other species and real-life ecological issues and I cannot complain.
The character development is superb - the protagonist starts of as any other weak-minded, rule-obeying worker and she gradually becomes a strong and independent leader to her people. Her journey is truly fascinating, but I had a real problem with her being so brainwashed in the beginning.
The conclusion was epic! There is a lot of action and fights in this book (makes you feel sorry for the real bees), yet, the ending was also surprisingly emotional.
Thank you, Laline Paull, for bringing us a remarkable, highly-original and emotional story!
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Reading Progress
December 11, 2014
– Shelved
January 20, 2015
Started Reading
January 20, 2015
"Starting the Audiobook, no idea what to expect. I don't even know why I am so excited about it!"
January 20, 2015
"Bees get horny!
I just need some Animal Planet presenter to read this for me, and my mind will be 100% confused! Sir David Attenborough will do, thank you very much!"
I just need some Animal Planet presenter to read this for me, and my mind will be 100% confused! Sir David Attenborough will do, thank you very much!"
January 21, 2015
"Dystopia in a bee society. This is literally a book from the point of view of bees. We see the protagonist going through different "job positions" in the hive as she seems to be unnaturally good at everything. It doesn't feel like a Mary Sue though. There is obviously something wrong with the queen (I think) and it affects the rest of the bees.
So far - rather bizzare, but interesting read."
So far - rather bizzare, but interesting read."
January 21, 2015
"BE WARNED! This book will make you want to watch BEE documentaries!
Just checked other comments and reviews - I am glad I am not the only one getting obsessed with bees after reading this. Have to admit, this book is the weirdest thing and yet, I can't stop reading it. Laline Paull, were you a bee in a previous life?"
Just checked other comments and reviews - I am glad I am not the only one getting obsessed with bees after reading this. Have to admit, this book is the weirdest thing and yet, I can't stop reading it. Laline Paull, were you a bee in a previous life?"
January 22, 2015
January 22, 2015
Finished Reading
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message 1:
rated it 4 stars
Jan 22, 2015 08:28AM


I hope you enjoy it! Have to admit, it isn't an easy one. I was checking the progress status comments of other people as I was reading it, and I wasn't surprised when some of them gave up around the middle. You really have no idea where the story is going in the beginning and that can put you off. Thankfully, it gets better and better :)

Eeep! Thanks Cathy! I don't know why I thought it was in the official book summary. I hope I haven't spoiled the book for anyone. Thanks again!

If you enjoyed Watership Down, you'll definitely like The Bees :) It's a little bit difficult to get it, but the level of enjoyment will just keep escalating.