Pierce Brown's Reviews > Words of Radiance

Words of Radiance by Brandon Sanderson
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's review

it was amazing

Holy crap on a stick. I bow in supreme awe.

That's it.
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December 2, 2014 – Shelved

Comments Showing 1-22 of 22 (22 new)

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Matt I finished this book about a month ago, easily one of my all time favorites. Sanderson at the top of his game.

Jason I dunno, I think Red Rising was on par with it.

Katiana Uyemura Try "Steelheart," part of his Reckoners series (though the second book has not yet come out)

Lindsey DeLost Everything he writes is amazing! He's a master of magic systems but yes, stormlight archive is the best. And he's a sweet guy. Had the pleasure of meeting him a year ago ☺️

message 5: by Andrew (new) - added it

Andrew J. Nice.

Pierce Brown Jason wrote: "I dunno, I think Red Rising was on par with it."

Thanks, brother. I knew I liked the name Jason for a reason.

Jason Pierce wrote: "Jason wrote: "I dunno, I think Red Rising was on par with it."

Thanks, brother. I knew I liked the name Jason for a reason."

Ha, thanks. Keep up the good work.

message 8: by Heather (new) - added it

Heather If Pierce Brown recommends it like this, it's on my download list.

Gohan Lol I got the book but its missing some pages hoping to find it online any pointers?

FrogKnight Holy crap on a stick? how much stormlight do i have to give it in order to change it into jose jalapeno on a stick?

Layla ✷ Praise the sun ✷ Best review ever, haha. Short and memorable. To take away, please.

message 12: by Joey (new) - rated it 4 stars

Joey That about sums up my feelings on this one.

Dương Nguyễn hoàng OMG, i love both you and brandon sanderson, red rising and stormlight archive is my favorite series of all time. Thank you,sir

message 14: by Alex (new) - rated it 5 stars

Alex I am a stick.

Please don't crap on a stick.

Becky Marie I'm so pissed at myself for finishing it so fast and now I have to wait till November for the third one!!! Omg it was amazing this series is my new favorite series surpassing George RR Martin, Justin Cronin and JK Rowling

Max S ditto

message 17: by Bara (new) - rated it 5 stars

Bara "I am a crap on stick." "But you could be flaming shit." "I am a crap on stick."

Kiana I am a stick

Sophie Crawford I am a stick

JustJess Reads Best review for this book ever.

Charlie Become fire

Milana I am a stick.

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