KarenH's Reviews > Victor

Victor by Julia Templeton
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A sexy, light-erotica historical romance served up cougar style...right up KarenH's proverbial alley!

Lily Winthrop is a beautiful 38-year-old widow who has spent the majority of her adult life married to a man whose sexual appetite was sated exclusively by very young men. Lily knows nothing of true passion and sexual pleasures until she catches the eye of Victor Rayborne at a country party she is attending as chaperone to her 2 nieces. Victor, Lord Graston, is the second of three brothers who, together, are being forced into finding wives in order to claim their inheritance. Handsome beyond belief with long black hair, piercing blue eyes, muscular bods and jumbo-sized whowhos, the "Rakehells from Rochester" have more than lived up to their nickname by cutting an impressive swath through the fairer sex of the ton. For Victor, however, life as a rake quickly becomes history never to be repeated when he meets Lily. He is captivated by the prim and proper widow, and is relentless in his pursuit to win her heart.

What can I say? Victor was not only heart-stopping sexy but was a refreshingly upbeat, fun-loving hero (no tortured souls here) as well. Lily was a mature, morally upright woman who, although sexually naive at first, was eager to trade innocence for experience in Victor's arms (and bed, and tub, and...) She also learned by Victor's lead that living for one's self brings far more happiness and contentment than adhering to a strict moral code dictated by general opinion.

Of course, a true rake's road to monogamous bliss & an HEA would be rife with female roadblocks. Fortunately, Julia Templeton is well aware of this and the story is spiced up nicely by former lovers as well as future hopefuls. Being human, Victor does make a few mistakes but they are slight and Lily wisely reacts accordingly. There is a conniving ex-mistress that is ruthless in her pursuit of Victor; but, as in all good romances of this nature, she gets the permanent kick to the curb.

I'm giving this book 5**. Although it wasn't one of the best books I've ever read, it was exactly the type of book I was in the mood to read and I thoroughly enjoyed it from beginning to end!

*My only complaint is that I did not want to envision Victor looking like Nathan Kamp, but even that is a weak protest... Nathan looks damn fine in that cover shot.
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Reading Progress

July 7, 2010 – Started Reading
July 7, 2010 – Shelved
July 9, 2010 – Shelved as: light-erotica
July 9, 2010 – Shelved as: sexy-with-a-capital-s-hero
July 9, 2010 – Shelved as: definitely-worth-your-while
July 9, 2010 – Shelved as: cougar
July 9, 2010 – Finished Reading
April 23, 2011 – Shelved as: paperback-5-stars-plus

Comments Showing 1-17 of 17 (17 new)

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Kathleen Good review Karen. I can hardly wait for Rory to be released.

message 2: by Dina (new)

Dina "Handsome beyond belief with long black hair, piercing blue eyes, muscular bods..."

I understand why you didn't want to envision Victor looking like Nathan Kamp. That description fits Giulio to a T, LOL.

message 3: by AgentScully (new)

AgentScully and a jumbo-sized whowho!

message 4: by seton (new) - added it

seton Great review, KarenH.
That's Nathan Kamp?

KarenH Thanks Kath. Yeah, Rory is definitely the sluttiest of the three. Shannon seems so shy...she will definitely have to grow some to fend off the wicked women sure to be crawling all over him.

KarenH LMAO Scully...better jumbo than petite

KarenH Thanks, seton. Surely you don't need a monocle to recognize a face you've seen 4,872 times!

KarenH Dina wrote: ""Handsome beyond belief with long black hair, piercing blue eyes, muscular bods..."

I understand why you didn't want to envision Victor looking like Nathan Kamp. That description fits Giulio to a ..."

Am I that obvious??
[image error]

message 9: by Dina (new)

Dina Yum!!!

KarenH No kidding. He makes a great cover model

message 11: by K. (new) - added it

K. K2: Small request ... could you please "make MORE covers of our books staring GB?!! I was thinking I need to go get this one based on my "mood" and your tempting review ... but YOUR cover cinches the decision for sure! :) BTW -- I'm currently listening to LK's "Married by Morning" and you know who is DEFINITELY Leo for me! BEST LK I've read/listened to for quite awhile now. SmileyCentral.com

message 12: by Beanbag (new)

Beanbag Love Great review! I'm definitely interested. And your cover ... Holy Moly! *swoons*

message 13: by AgentScully (new)

AgentScully Awesome cover!! ***thud***

UniquelyMoi ~ BlithelyBookish KarenH wrote: "A sexy, light-erotica historical romance served up cougar style...right up KarenH's proverbial alley!"

Please don't think me dense, but.... so, is this a shifter novel?

message 15: by Dina (last edited Jul 10, 2010 12:55PM) (new)

Dina No, it isn't, UM. :)

Cougar (aka KarenH, LOL) = A 35+ year old female who is on the "hunt" for a much younger, energetic, willing-to-do-anything male. The cougar can frequently be seen in a padded bra, cleavage exposed, propped up against a swanky bar waiting, watching, calculating; gearing up to sink her claws into an innocent young and strapping buck who happens to cross her path. "Man is cougar's number one prey."

(The definition above was a courtesy of the Online Urban Dictionary.)

message 16: by UniquelyMoi ~ BlithelyBookish (last edited Jul 10, 2010 01:02PM) (new)

UniquelyMoi ~ BlithelyBookish Ahhhhh, well, my age is showing, isn't it? LOL


KarenH LMAOoooo...Okay Dina, I might resemble that remark but WITHOUT the padded bra!

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