Barry Pierce's Reviews > Another Country

Another Country by James Baldwin
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really liked it
bookshelves: 20th-century, read-in-2014

Such an excellent novel. This is Baldwin's Ulysses. A cast of genius and memorable characters, impeccable prose, and such relentless realism makes this the brilliant novel that it is. Baldwin has outdone himself by writing this novel. Just flawless.
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Reading Progress

October 30, 2014 – Shelved
October 31, 2014 – Started Reading
October 31, 2014 –
page 183
October 31, 2014 – Finished Reading

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message 1: by Emily (new)

Emily K. Just wondering- why you didn't give it 5 stars?

Barry Pierce Emily wrote: "Just wondering- why you didn't give it 5 stars?"

Because this isn't a five star novel.

message 3: by Tiffy (new)

Tiffy L. I was just wondering, what makes something a five-star novel in your opinion? Like is there certain criteria it has to hit with you, or is it the overall tone to a book? I was wondering this for a while but this seemed like the perfect time to ask

Barry Pierce Tiffy wrote: "I was just wondering, what makes something a five-star novel in your opinion? Like is there certain criteria it has to hit with you, or is it the overall tone to a book? I was wondering this for a ..."

Just read my "about me". It explains my ratings.

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