Kat Kennedy's Reviews > Howl’s Moving Castle

Howl’s Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones
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it was amazing
bookshelves: kat-s-book-reviews, leaves-awesomeness-behind, favorites

For some reason I've been reading a lot of really great books lately. I feel that itch to find something I can tear apart and relish in the destruction. However, Howl's Moving Castle didn't provide me with that opportunity.

It is an amazing and fantastic book. The characters are so very different, funny, quirky and lovable that I was sucked in right away. The storyline was intriguing and fun to read. The writing was quite good and the world was utterly fascinating.

If you've watched the movie then you needn't worry about being spoiled of the book or ending. They are actually nothing alike. The movie, whilst I really enjoyed it, to the original premise and basic character traits and made its own story from there.

Sophie is hilarious. She almost makes me want to be an old lady, just so I can be cantankerous and boss people around. Howl is funny and sweet as the brilliant yet vain, thoughtless, mysterious wizard. The whole story is great and I highly, highly recommend it.
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Reading Progress

June 24, 2010 – Shelved
June 25, 2010 – Started Reading
June 25, 2010 –
page 72
21.88% "I love it! It almost makes me want to be an old lady so that I can be cantankerous and rude too!"
June 25, 2010 – Finished Reading
October 7, 2010 – Shelved as: kat-s-book-reviews
October 7, 2010 – Shelved as: leaves-awesomeness-behind
October 3, 2011 – Shelved as: favorites

Comments Showing 1-13 of 13 (13 new)

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Kat Kennedy For some reason I now feel that I absolutely MUST read this book... NOW!

message 2: by Tatiana (new) - added it

Tatiana Isn't it great, how many bad books we can avoid by just reading out GR friends' reviews?

Aerin I was just looking for this one at the bookstore yesterday - and they didn't have it. I think I need to redouble my efforts to get my hands on it...

message 4: by [deleted user] (new)

I had no idea this was a book. I liked the movie (though I could have done without Bale's monotone) and I'm really looking forward to reading this.

Kat Kennedy Yes, Richard, Bale was awfully monotonous, wasn't he! They needed someone with a little more flair in their voice acting.

Aerin, yes, do! It really is such a fun book!

Tatiana = I know! I don't have to wade through crap anymore to find something good to read!

message 6: by AH (new) - added it

AH I've been wanting to read this since I found it out was a book.

Nicole I did love the characters and the atmosphere of this book, but found myself really jolted when he (maybe I should say *spoiler alert*) jumped into modern day. I then spent most of the book waiting for a big twist at the end that it was all a video game or something! I'm easily confused, so I just wish she left that little bit out. Maybe I need a second read...

Kat Kennedy Meh, it didn't bother me too much, but I can understand how it would have been confusing. I was confused for a little bit too before I figured it out.

Aliza Yeah, when I read this for the first time, the whole modern/magical world really confused me. I'll try to explain it for anyone who read the books and are confused: All the characters except for Howl and Wizard Sulliman come from the magical land of Ingary, which is in a magical world that is unaware of the unmagical world that is in another dimention (I think) where Howl and W.S. were born. Howl and W.S. found a way to get from their world to Ingary, and stayed there ever since except when Howl goes to vist. (A.K.A. Get drunk or court some lady.)

message 10: by Joel (new) - rated it 5 stars

Joel having read more than a few DWJ books, i have found that the plots rarely make complete sense. i think they work better for kids, who can go with the flow since the world rarely makes total sense to them anyway. as an adult, i spend too much time trying to parse plot points and get a bit frustrated.

that said, i love this book.

message 11: by Samantha (new)

Samantha Mason I barely remembered the film, and whilst having been told this was "definitely a kids book" before reading - i was pleasantly suprised! It clips along at a nice pace, and there is a plot twist I found unnecessary quite early on, but the themes of finding ones place in the world had just enough adultness to keep me interested. 100% better than the ghibli film.

Yarslov My 7yr fell in love with the movie and when we found out that it was a book, she begged me to go to the library to get it. She is so funny because when the parts of the movie are in the book she runs out of her room to tell me all about it. I haven't read it because she is a book hog, but I love how she loves this book.

message 13: by Lukonge (new)

Lukonge .M. Achilees I can't stop reading this, one of few books inspired me to write mine. Check it out dear author. "The dream from Dust" now free for 5 days. Blessed

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