Alexa's Reviews > Royal Assassin

Royal Assassin by Robin Hobb
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's review

it was ok
bookshelves: genre-fantasy

Buddy read with Markus! Who unlike me, wrote a coherent and thoughtful review you can read here.
752 pages.

This book was 752 pages long.


Dune is less than 752 pages.

If you combine The Fellowship of the Rings and The Two Towers together, it's still less than 752 pages.

And in both cases, even with the comparable page count they managed to condense a LOT of story between their covers.

In this case we had 752 pages of filler. Very little happened, and the plot almost didn't move. You could have condensed the action in what? 200 pages? Here's a resume of what happens:

Fitz bonds with a new animal.
There's a "romance" angle that I hated.
Verity goes on a quest.
Regal is still the bad guy.
We still don't know anything about the red ships.

That's mostly it. There are plot lines here and there that are left unresolved, and the book ends with a very interesting twist. But most of it was insufferably boring and I only finished it because I was buddy reading it with a friend.

I will still read the next book, because I really liked the first one and I want to know what happens with the red ships. But I'm not sure I'll read anything else in the Elderlings series.
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Reading Progress

August 21, 2014 – Shelved
September 2, 2014 – Started Reading
September 3, 2014 –
5.0% "The recap was boring, the first chapter confusing... not a good start at all."
September 4, 2014 –
11.0% "I'm so annoyed with everyone in this book..."
September 4, 2014 –
23.0% "Boooooooored"
September 5, 2014 –
31.0% "Aha! Finally something interesting happened!"
September 5, 2014 –
34.0% "Wait, Kettricken is sad again? I'm getting tired of tracking her mood changes..."
September 8, 2014 –
September 8, 2014 –
45.0% ""He was mocking me. I was certain of it now."

Oh Fitz... you are SO DENSE!"
September 9, 2014 –
56.0% "It seems we're finally getting some plot development. Hurrah!"
September 12, 2014 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-17 of 17 (17 new)

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message 1: by [deleted user] (new)

Way too long for me man. The only thing that long I'll even remotely think of reading is ASOIAF.

Sumant I really loved this book and definitely loved night eyes story line.

Alexa @Kat - I actually don't mind if the book is long. There are some door stoppers that I'll happily read and re-read several times. But this was so long and nothing happened! So frustrating! Also, you need to finish reading ASOIAF! :D

@Sumant - I really loved Nighteyes too! But I was really annoyed with Burrich, Chade, Shrewd and almost everyone else. I really hope I like the next book.

@Danae - Thank you! I hope so too. And I totally get what you are saying... You'll probably love The Way of Kings by Brandon Sanderson. Is over a thousand pages but I re-read it all the time because it's just SO good.

Athena Shardbearer I could re-read The Way of Kings a MILLION times!

message 5: by Conor (new)

Conor Nice review Alexa. I'll probably get around to this series eventually but not any time soon.

Markus Hah, this review sums things up nicely, Alexa. You just made me start reconsidering the rating I was going to give this one. And this is the first time I really don't want to write a review for a book.

Alexa The page count just amazed me. I thought it felt eternal because it was so slow, then I realize it's a freaking door stopper! And that doesn't make any sense! Why make it so long but have so little plot? I would have given it more stars if she had condensed the story in 400 or so pages.

Markus Alexa wrote: "The page count just amazed me. I thought it felt eternal because it was so slow, then I realize it's a freaking door stopper! And that doesn't make any sense! Why make it so long but have so little..."

Couldn't agree more!

Ornella Lol, I was actually nice and gave 3 stars. Unfortuneately I was never able to finish the third book. I don't think Navs did either, but I think she was planning to eventually.

The anger and the slow pace just really started getting to me and just no.

Alexa Boo :( I'm definitely reading the third one because I want to know what happens. But I understand, there were several times were I was really angry with this book.

Ornella Alexa wrote: "Boo :( I'm definitely reading the third one because I want to know what happens. But I understand, there were several times were I was really angry with this book."

I was so beyond pissed. I just don't understand why the hell they can't just kill Regal and be done with it. Regal freaking kills everyone else! So who cares?!! And everyone knows he is a little shit but no one calls him out on it. WHATEVER.

It just makes me angry all over again lol. Also, I cheated and read the last few chapters and oh man...That's what cinched the whole DNFing for me. Um, don't read the comments on Navs thread for this one xD

message 12: by Allison (new) - added it

Allison I only read the initial trilogy once and it's so long ago I can't really remember much of it. I liked the Liveship trilogy a lot more and have re-read it more recently - I didn't even realize it was part of the same world the first time I read it. So you might want to consider still giving it a chance.

Alexa Thank you Allison! The original plan was to read all her books, so I might give it a chance in the future.

Damian Dubois Although I love all of Hobb's books that I've read so far my personal favourites are the Liveship books. How can you go wrong with sentient seaships and Pirates... ;)

Farshad I totally agree with your post. I honestly couldn't bring myself to even finish the book as it was just boring me to death and I've long decided to not bother and waste precious time with books that just don't interest me all that much.

I see all those other raving reviews and I just have to constantly remind myself that people have different opinions and I'm not just the weird one out.

Marie -The Reading Otter I... DNF'd when that romance started to take up more page time. I like Fantasy Romance, but it didn't work for me in this book. I was way more interested in everything else that was going on, and I really hated the fact that (view spoiler) nobody seemed to care or think that he was or would do anything else. Nighteyes was cool, but I just hated the romance so much I couldn't bring myself to keep caring about reading it.

Ostrava It just felt like Hobb kept writing and writing, without an idea for structure in mind. She knew what she wanted to get out of the volume, she knew where it had to end, and basically wrote her way there. It could have easily been shaved out of a hundred or two hundred pages worth of fights with Molly and other forms of filler.
I enjoyed it and liked it, and I also don't regret reading it, yet I kept thinking about how I could be spending my time more productively elsewhere, which is never a good sign in reading.

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