Markus's Reviews > Nine Princes in Amber

Nine Princes in Amber by Roger Zelazny
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bookshelves: 2016, fantasy

All roads lead to Amber..

Nine brothers fight for the inheritance left behind by the disappearance of their father. The ultimate prize is the throne of Amber, the one real world, of which all other worlds are mere shadows and reflections.

Nine Princes of the Amber is an interesting fantasy introduction with an intriguing concept. I really enjoyed reading the early parts, where the prince Corwin wakes up in a hospital on Earth with no memory of his past. I expected a more traditional fantasy when picking up this book, but instead got a story of Corwin and his companions travelling between worlds and attempting to reach Amber while also struggling to regain his memory and understanding of what’s going on.

This combination of science fiction and fantasy was pretty interesting, and made even more so by the fact that the protagonist himself, as a result of his amnesia, holds as little information as the reader to begin with about the world of Amber and how it works. Thus the reader is able to follow Corwin’s journey and learn with him.

Unfortunately, Zelazny’s writing is not very good, at least not at this early stage. It seems to blend many different styles of writing, which often ruins the atmosphere of the story and the setting, and also contains a number of mistakes throughout the book. Additionally the simplicity of the plot and the shallowness of characterisation made the quality suffer slightly. However, these are all negatives that can be easily corrected in sequels, and I’m ready to give dear Roger the benefit of doubt because of how intriguing the concept is.

Overall, this is a very short and enjoyable introduction to one of the great fantasy series of the previous century.
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Reading Progress

August 13, 2014 – Shelved
May 9, 2016 – Started Reading
May 9, 2016 –
40.0% "Now this is interesting fantasy."
May 11, 2016 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-9 of 9 (9 new)

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message 1: by Karen (new)

Karen I quite enjoyed books 2 - 5. But I'd say don't bother with continuing after that...

Markus Karen wrote: "I quite enjoyed books 2 - 5. But I'd say don't bother with continuing after that..."

Interesting. Does it get much worse?

message 3: by [deleted user] (new)

Do not forget Corwin is very confused at this point which results in confused narration. The plot is anything but simple - as you go further.

Unlike the vast majority of people I really like books 6-10 as well.

If you do not like the first two books, you might as well stop after the second one.

Markus Evgeny wrote: "Do not forget Corwin is very confused at this point which results in confused narration. The plot is anything but simple - as you go further.

Unlike the vast majority of people I really like books..."

That's fair enough. It just made this book an adequate introduction rather than a memorable one. But I am currently enjoying the second book.

Lilyan same exact feelings. I LOVED the beginning and thought this is going to be epic but was greatly disappointed. I hoped the second book would rectify it. Unfortunately, it disappointed.

Markus Lilyan wrote: "same exact feelings. I LOVED the beginning and thought this is going to be epic but was greatly disappointed. I hoped the second book would rectify it. Unfortunately, it disappointed."

I'm glad we agree. I actually like the second book about as much as this, but I'm not that far in.

Layla ✷ Praise the sun ✷ Funnily, I had this book right next to me when I read your review. Haven't read the book yet though.

message 8: by Karen (new)

Karen Well books 1 to 5 are all written from the same perspective, but then it changes for 6 to 10 & I won't tell you who it is since that would be spoilery but I didn't like his character as much, and the story in general feels quite different

Markus I think I already know who he is. Can't read a fantasy series without spoiling something for myself.

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