Choko's Reviews > Slave to Sensation

Slave to Sensation by Nalini Singh
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bookshelves: paranormal-romance

*** 3.66 ***

A buddy read with the Paranormal Romance friends at BB&B!

The world is divided. It is populated by Psy and Changelings, and human races, all different in their ways of life, mores and codes, things they hold dear. We learn nothing about the humans here, unfortunately. The Psy have been bread out of emotions, which are considered as weaknesses and flaws, a hurdle keeping them away from perfection. The Psy hold power by "linking" into a network of all Psy individual minds, feeding their mental state and supporting as well as spying on all of them. If a Psy is detected to "feel", they are either "rehabilitated" for life, or killed... The Changelings on the other hand, OWN their emotions, experience all the levels of closeness to each-other, and live to what they see as the fullest. With the severe differences between them, it is easy to see how hostile the two can be to each-other. It gets even worse when women from the packs of Changelings began being found dead, obviously killed by Psy, but a murderous Psy should not exist... What has happen??? This is what the Alpha of the Panther pack Lucas has determined to find out and avenge!

Sasha thinks she is dying... She is a Psy, a daughter of one of the high Counsel, but she is broken... Something is very, very wrong with her - she FEEL!!! (the horror!!!) She has been trying to hide it for a while, trying to belong, but lately it has been getting harder and harder... She has a chance to prove herself to her mother by working on a business deal with the Changelings on a building project with DarkRiver. This is when she met Lucas and her life changed for ever more...

This is a love story. A Changeling (shifter) and a Psy find out about each-other and their different worlds. But even more than a love story, this is about the human attributes we put value to and what devoting to one extreme or another can do to our way of life. It is the constant battle we live between the thinking of our minds and the urges of our hearts... It is about the conflict of being who and what we are...

I enjoyed this book more than I thought I would. Yes, it is a typical Paranormal Romance, and yes, it has many of the tropes this genre relies on, but after all, isn't that why we come back for more??? Why fix it when it works, right?:):):) I am planning on finishing this series, so this is the best recommendation I can give:)

I wish you all happy reading and many, many good books to come!!!
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Reading Progress

August 12, 2014 – Shelved as: to-read
August 12, 2014 – Shelved
March 14, 2016 – Started Reading
March 14, 2016 – Shelved as: paranormal-romance
March 17, 2016 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-32 of 32 (32 new)

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Aileene I love love LOVE this series. I hope you will enjoy too.

Choko I hope so!! Thank you:-)

message 3: by [deleted user] (new)

Lol, I love your ratings! Not 3.5, not 4, but 3.66 :-)

I'm super glad you enjoyed it! Good news: the series gets better as it progresses. And since you were curious about the humans let me just say: you'll learn more about them in future books (though the psy and changelings are the MCs in the series).

message 4: by Alp (new) - rated it 5 stars

Alp Yay! I'm glad you enjoyed it, Choko. I love this series soooo much!
Great review!!! :)

✦❋Arianna✦❋ Awesome review, hun! ;)

Choko Vicky (the Blowtorch-Wielding OotCDCB™) wrote: "Lol, I love your ratings! Not 3.5, not 4, but 3.66 :-)

I'm super glad you enjoyed it! Good news: the series gets better as it progresses. And since you were curious about the humans let me just sa..."

Thanks - I do want to know more about them. If the Changelings are considered so low by the Psy, I wonder how the humans rate in their society... I am looking foreword to reading more:)

Choko Alp wrote: "Yay! I'm glad you enjoyed it, Choko. I love this series soooo much!
Great review!!! :)"

I liked it a lot too!!! Thank you, Alp:):):)

Choko Arianna wrote: "Awesome review, hun! ;)"

Thanks, Ari!!! I try to write something about every book I read these days, because it is only fair to the author, but sometimes I am just rambling and make no sense:):):) hahaha - I hope this is not too disappointing:)

✦❋Arianna✦❋ Choko wrote: "Arianna wrote: "Awesome review, hun! ;)"

Thanks, Ari!!! I try to write something about every book I read these days, because it is only fair to the author, but sometimes I am just rambling and mak..."

Definitely not, hun! ;) Hope you enjoy the next books in the series as well! ;)xx

Aileene So glad to know that you enjoyed this and planned to continue on reading the series. Ms Singh won't disappoint you.

Jilly I'm glad you liked it, Choko! I love this series. The world is really cool and I liked most of the couples. Can't wait to read your reviews on it. :)

Choko Aileen, it seems like a good series to follow:-) Thank you for the good words!

Choko Jilly!!!! I have missed you! Thank you and yes, I will stick with the series:-)

Tomorrow, KA, right?

Jilly Choko wrote: "Jilly!!!! I have missed you! Thank you and yes, I will stick with the series:-)

Tomorrow, KA, right?"

Yes! I can't wait! I've missed our weekend KA tradition! :)

Choko Grrrrreat!!!

Jessica's Totally Over The Top Book Obsession Awesome review sweetie :)

Choko Jessica wrote: "Awesome review sweetie :)"

Thank you so much, Jessica:):):)

Melissa ♥ Dog/Wolf Lover ♥ Martin I ordered mine yesterday from thrift books :-D

Choko Great, M!!! I think you will love it!!!

Melissa ♥ Dog/Wolf Lover ♥ Martin I hope so and I got the one with this pretty cover :-D

Melissa ♥ Dog/Wolf Lover ♥ Martin For some reason I thought I liked your review on this the other day and we talked about it! Must have be de jevu!! Or however you spell it

Choko Hahaha:-) I finished this one just today:) But yea, foresight it must be!

Melissa ♥ Dog/Wolf Lover ♥ Martin It's weird. I wonder if I dreamed it! I told you all I'm crazy. Lol

Choko We all are. This is why we get along so well:-)

Melissa ♥ Dog/Wolf Lover ♥ Martin Bwahahaha! I know :-D

message 26: by Jo (new) - rated it 5 stars

Jo Great review, Choko!! I'm so glad you liked it. Yay :-)

Choko Liked it a lot:) Romance - best genre ever!

Choko Thank you, Rosie:-)

message 29: by KaleidoscopicCasey (last edited Mar 18, 2016 06:52AM) (new) - added it

KaleidoscopicCasey This is another one that has been on my TBR forever. Your review makes me want to bump it up on that list. Maybe I can make it happen this summer. It sounds like a nice hot summer read.

Choko It reads fast and it would be perfect for an afternoon in the summer:-)

XxTainaxX Curvy and Nerdy I've read and enjoyed the Guild Hunter series so I think I'll cross over to this one. Great job on the review :)

Choko Thank you so much, Taina:-) I am planning on tackling them both in the future too...

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