Debbie "DJ"'s Reviews > A Man Called Ove

A Man Called Ove by Fredrik Backman
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's review

it was ok
bookshelves: humor, fiction

When I began reading A Man Called Ove, I thought what a clever tale of an angry old man. The kind that believes rules and regulations are of utmost importance, that see the world filled with stupid people, and is always right. The way the author describes him and his actions are hilarious, as I have known a few Oves myself. They have their principles!

The only person Ove had and loved dearly, was his wife, Sonja. She has just passed away, and all Ove wants to do is kill himself, but those pesky neighbors keep getting in his way!

I was enjoying all the fun until about the 40% mark, then I started getting angry myself. It is always others who make Ove begrudgingly do the right thing. It was always his wife who made all the excuses for him as a basically non-functioning adult.

There were two items in particular that I really didn't like. The first was his cat, a stray, whom if not for his neighbors he would have let die. The second is a neighbor called Jimmy. Jimmy is overweight, and the constant references to food hanging out of his mouth, and stains on his shirt were just plain rude.

I pressed on even though it was getting tough to read. There was one paragraph near the ending about getting older that touched my heart, but other than that, it was just more of the same.

The author, Fredrik Backman, is a blogger, and this is his first novel. He is a good writer, and I can see how blogs of Ove would be fun, but as a whole book it just didn't work for me...but, I am in the minority!
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Reading Progress

August 11, 2014 – Shelved as: to-read
August 11, 2014 – Shelved
January 26, 2015 – Started Reading
January 28, 2015 –
25.0% "Hilarious! A cantankerous old man who just wants to die. Damn those neighbors, they keep getting in his way! (Priceless reference to "Dexter")"
February 7, 2015 –
February 10, 2015 –
85.0% "Not as smitten with this character Ove as in the beginning. Think the book could have been shorter."
February 16, 2015 – Finished Reading
April 1, 2015 – Shelved as: fiction
April 1, 2015 – Shelved as: humor

Comments Showing 1-50 of 121 (121 new)

Debbie "DJ" Enjoying this one.

Lynda Can't wait to hear your thoughts.

Debbie "DJ" More than half way slowed down by life!

Jennifer Great book!

Gordana Vuckovic-Glusac Thanks for the review! You've saved my time. ;)

message 6: by Caroline (last edited Feb 16, 2015 11:30AM) (new)

Caroline Great review Debbie!

As a cantankerous old lady I have every sympathy for cantankerous old men....but this sounds too over the top. I also find it hard to identify with people who at root are not kindly folk.

Plus I would have been upset by both the things that you mention.... As a plump cat owner it sounds like it would press all my buttons.

Tooter I was on the fence about reading this one. Thanks for the nudge :)

message 8: by Dem (new) - rated it 2 stars

Dem I am close to finishing this one Debbie and your thoughts mirror mine. I like the character of Ove and I love his story growing up but it's not hitting favourites radar. Great Review.

Debbie "DJ" Lynda wrote: "Can't wait to hear your thoughts."

Bummer Lynda...I really did like the beginning, it just went too far for me.

Debbie "DJ" Gordana wrote: "Thanks for the review! You've saved my time. ;)"

I know a lot of people liked this one, but after awhile it just wasn't fun anymore...for me :)

Brenda Bad luck you didn't enjoy this one..I loved it:) We're all different aren't we!

Debbie "DJ" Caroline wrote: "Great review Debbie!

As a cantankerous old lady I have every sympathy for cantankerous old men....but this sounds too over the top. I also find it hard to identify with people who at root are no..."

Cantankerous old lady? You? I highly doubt that! But yes with the book, too much.

Debbie "DJ" Dem wrote: "I am close to finishing this one Debbie and your thoughts mirror mine. I like the character of Ove and I love his story growing up but it's not hitting favourites radar. Great Review."

I was feeling rather lonely with the great reviews. Agree with the first part of the story, maybe just too long?

Debbie "DJ" Tooter wrote: "I was on the fence about reading this one. Thanks for the nudge :)"

You bet Tooter. :) Just my opinion though.

Debbie "DJ" Brenda wrote: "Bad luck you didn't enjoy this one..I loved it:) We're all different aren't we!"

Totally agree Brenda! I know I'm in the minority. :)

message 16: by Glenn (new)

Glenn Russell I enjoy the charm of the book (I'm listening to the audiobook) but a number of the happenings seem contrived.

message 17: by Carol (new)

Carol I appreciated this review, Debbie. I just added this book and your review gave me pause. Sometimes we must have the courage to be a "lonely" reviewer. :)

Debbie "DJ" Aw Carol, thanks. One of my favorite books last year, a close friend didn't like. How can that be? Ha! If you do get a chance to read this one, would really like to hear your thoughts. :)

Debbie "DJ" Glenn wrote: "I enjoy the charm of the book (I'm listening to the audiobook) but a number of the happenings seem contrived."

Hey Glenn! Thought the first half did have charm. As far as contrived, um...yes.

message 20: by Glenn (last edited Feb 17, 2015 10:47AM) (new)

Glenn Russell Debbie "DJ" wrote: "Glenn wrote: "I enjoy the charm of the book (I'm listening to the audiobook) but a number of the happenings seem contrived."

Hey Glenn! Thought the first half did have charm. As far as contrived, ..."

Thanks for your note here. Yes, I think we are in agreement. Would Ove use a low-quality rope? Would he have tried to asphyxiate himself at a time of day when he could be interrupted? Would he jump from a bridge at a busy train station as opposed to a more remote location? Considering his hyper-meticulous nature, I think not on all counts. Occasionally I have the sense an author is using his main character as a puppet rather than having the actions and events evolute organically. This is one such book.

message 21: by Mona (new) - added it

Mona Good review, Debbie. I started this (read the chapter in which Ove was irascibly buying a computer), then put it aside. I'm not sure I want to pick it up again. I've known more than a few of these types who only function when someone else makes them..We'll see...

Debbie "DJ" Glenn wrote: "Debbie "DJ" wrote: "Glenn wrote: "I enjoy the charm of the book (I'm listening to the audiobook) but a number of the happenings seem contrived."

Hey Glenn! Thought the first half did have charm. A..."

Very observant! Haden't given much thought to all these discrepancies, but couldn't have worded it more perfectly. It does indeed feel as if the author is using Ove as a puppet.

Debbie "DJ" Mona wrote: "Good review, Debbie. I started this (read the chapter in which Ove was irascibly buying a computer), then put it aside. I'm not sure I want to pick it up again. I've known more than a few of thes..."

Hey Mona, yeah, it's pretty much the whole book. Would love to hear your thoughts if you decide to finish :)

Debbie great review. I guess this was our buddy read after all. We got to bitch about it together! Damn book!

Debbie "DJ" Haha! An unplanned buddy read. MUST find another. :)

MomToKippy I found this funny for about 3 pages!

Debbie "DJ" Haha, I know EXACTLY what you mean! I kept trying, but it only got worse. :(

message 28: by Kelli (new)

Kelli I think I took this off my list!

Debbie "DJ" Don't want to dis a book, just know it wasn't for me!

message 30: by Carla (new) - added it

Carla Palmeiro I got bored very quickly and did not finish it.

Debbie Carla, wish I had copied you and dropped it mid-stream. It annoyed me so much, I'm still bristling. Nicer thoughts--Aquarium, Aquarium, Aquarium!

Harry I enjoyed the book! Ove reminded me of Carl MØrck in Jussi-Adler's "department Q" novels. That deep seated resentment in the older generation that the world actually had the nerve to change and the younger generation reaching out a hand to compensate for that resentment..very comical.

Christine A definite "skip" for me, Debbie. Thanks for the warning.

Debbie "DJ" Harry wrote: "I enjoyed the book! Ove reminded me of Carl MØrck in Jussi-Adler's "department Q" novels. That deep seated resentment in the older generation that the world actually had the nerve to change and t..."

Ove was only 59. If that's an "older generation" I'm getting close to trouble! I also don't seem to feel any deep seated resentment.

Debbie "DJ" Christine wrote: "A definite "skip" for me, Debbie. Thanks for the warning."

Hey Christine, yeah, reading about a mean man and thinking he's funny, just isn't for me.

message 36: by Mike (new) - added it

Mike I kinda like the comparison that Harry makes about Ove reminding him of Carl Morck. I've been enjoying that series develop and I'm still very interested in Ove.

Looking forward to tackling this someday. Enjoyed your review and the discussions.

Debbie "DJ" Never heard of Carl Morck, Mike. Really hope you like Ove...just not for me.

message 38: by Ross (new) - rated it 2 stars

Ross Did I read the same book? Nothing funny or charming. Huge disappointment!

Debbie "DJ" Couldn't agree more Ross!

Tamsen Very popular review, Debbie! I couldn't agree more!

Debbie "DJ" Not sure how popular my opinion was, but so happy you agree!

Susan Usually we share our opinions of books, I think I will pass:) Thanks Debbie!

Debbie "DJ" Hey Susan, Have you ever met one of those old men who who are put out by everything? Who make your life miserable if you didn't follow all rules explicitly. Who...Ha! Guess I ran into one today, so having a visceral reaction to this book right now! Yikes!

Susan Yup. I have. But you are usually spot on with books.

message 45: by Çimen (new) - added it

Çimen Oops! I was just thinking about starting this one. Maybe I should take a step back for the time being :)

Debbie "DJ" Oh dear, I always hate to keep anyone from reading a book. It's only my opinion. :)

message 47: by Çimen (new) - added it

Çimen I have both this one and "My Grandmother Asked Me to Tell You She's Sorry". I'll give them a go :)

Debbie "DJ" Oh good, would really love to see what you think.

Diane Great review, DJ! I also started out really liking the book, and then became more disenchanted with the story.

Debbie "DJ" I hate to say that's great to hear Diane. lol! But darn, am so in the minority on this one!

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