Jim Misko's Reviews > A Wolf Called Romeo

A Wolf Called Romeo by Nick Jans
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it was amazing

A Wolf Called Romeo, is an emotional roller-coaster. Up, when author Nick Jans is interacting with the wolf or discussing others who formed a tight relationship, and down when the scientific and legal interludes cool his fine narrative. There are comfortable level portions that are informative, and allow a reader to rest his heart rate until it comes back to walking, talking, and interacting with the wolf called Romeo. In Alaska we often get opportunities to interact with wild creatures, but this long lasting intimate, tolerable affair far surpassed an occasional relationship. Plus—this book is a work of beauty. Get it. Read it. Don’t loan it out unless you keep the dust cover in the cupboard while it’s gone.
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Comments Showing 1-4 of 4 (4 new)

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Lynne Spreen Sounds really good, thanks for this!

message 2: by Jim (new) - rated it 5 stars

Jim Misko anyone interested in interacting with wild life should read this book and will be greatly uplifted by it. What a fantastic experience initiated by the wolf himself. And it lasted year after year. This is a book you will recall daily and remember forever and tell your grandkids about the wolf called Romeo.

message 3: by Carol (new)

Carol Mann Looks good!!!

message 4: by Jim (new) - rated it 5 stars

Jim Misko the book is in its 3rd printing and the author, Nick Jans, is going to be on numerous cruise ships from Seattle to Alaska telling the story and selling the book. The photos are worth the price. The narrative is a super extra.

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