Wendy Darling's Reviews > My Lady Jane

My Lady Jane by Cynthia Hand
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4.5 stars This revisionist retelling of Lady Jane Grey's brief reign and romance shouldn't work--but it does! It's deliriously dotty and clever, with affectionate nods to great absurdist historical comedies like THE PRINCESS BRIDE, Monty Python, and even, I think, Black Adder and LADYHAWKE. The ridiculously punny humor had me giggling from beginning to end.

It's also superbly well-crafted, especially considering the three POVs were written by three different authors, and the historical details and context are inserted with just the right touch. Most notably, the strict mores and sexism of the time are observed and acknowledged before they are slyly subverted, particularly in the fantastically endearing and capable women (only one of whom wields a weapon).

It's hard to believe a tragic moment in history could be turned into such a delightful confection of joyous alternate history, but The Lady Janies have done it.

Review to come. Love it to pieces.
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Reading Progress

July 29, 2014 – Shelved
May 13, 2016 – Started Reading
May 17, 2016 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-10 of 10 (10 new)

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Jess I am so excited to read this.

message 2: by Agnes Theresa (new)

Agnes Theresa You had me at Monty Python! Can't wait to get my hands on it!

Wendy Darling Jess--DO! It's such a fun book. In a year of really great funny YA books, it still stands out.

Tawny--yay! It's out in just a few weeks. :) Most of the inspiration seems to come from PRINCESS BRIDE, but I think you'll see what I mean about the Holy Grail-ishness of it as well.

Jenn Hurrah! It's been on my radar for a few weeks and it just popped up on the library on-order list.

message 5: by asdfghl (new) - added it

asdfghl I can't wait! But does she still end up like her historical counterpart?

Wendy Darling Jenn--I'm glad to hear that! Hope you are early in the queue for the book. I didn't know what to expect from it (basically, I knew Jane + authors), but it turned out to be a fantastic book. I'm still impressed by it/am thinking about it now.

Wendy Darling asdfghl--Wellll. I don't like to answer spoiler questions, but I kind of understand in this case. A hint: (view spoiler) That should probably answer your question.

message 8: by ♔ VEE ♔ (new) - added it

♔ VEE ♔ I love Cynthia Hand and I can't wait to read this!

Robyn Courtney Brodrick At first I was skeptical about the premise, but my manager encouraged me to read it. I am so glad that I did, one of my favorite books that I have read this year.

Stephanie I'm not finished yet, but I am so surprised by this book! Very funny. And reading this alongside watching this season's Game of Thrones is even funnier.

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