Nataliya's Reviews > The Host

The Host by Stephenie Meyer
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did not like it

I must be a masochist. Why else would I pick this book up in the first place, let alone finish it? And it was so NOT worth it. To sum up my impressions of this story - WAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!! WHYYYYYYY??? *
* This refers to the pointless waste of an entire tropical forest on the printing of this 600+ pager in which NOTHING happens. I kid you not. **

** Well, what else did I expect from a woman who created sparkly virgin vampires??? Hanging my head in shame. ***

*** In my defense, here is the quote from this trainwreck book: "Perhaps without the lows, the highs could not be reached." Maybe I expected the highs (just teeny-tiny highs) after Twilight the sparkly book I don't speak of? ****

**** This definitely had the aforementioned lows, but also a conspicuous absence of highs. And it didn't even have the unintentional hilarity of Twilight sparkly series. WAAAHHHHHH!!!!!
EXTRA! EXTRA! READ ALL ABOUT IT! There will be a movie.
It IS happening (unlike the book, in which nothing is). Ok, it's old news, but I am behind on my pop culture. The important thing is - the movie stills are out. And they highlight the very important way in which it differs from Twilight - the male love interest is wearing a *gasp* SHIRT!!! In both pictures. Proof:

Alright, enough of the silliness. Let's get to business. This book COULD HAVE HAD potential. The premise can be interesting - our planet overtaken by mind-controlling centipedes souls, it takes people a while to realize that the invasion had happened, and the resistance emerges. Add to it that the invaders are apparently looking for little more than world peace - and this has the beginnings of a fun sci-fi-ish story. Alas, that didn't happen.

Our lovely protagonist, ladies and gentlemen! (My vision)

Let's immediately clarify - this "sci-fi romance" (as I have seen it described) is neither sci-fi nor romance. Instead we have a watered-down story of sometimes angry overprotective men pushing around and ordering around the helpless, meek, anxious, and "selfless" heroine - and occasionally carrying "their women" around (as all men are prone to doing in Ms. Meyer's books). There is a lot of brooding, glaring, staring, whispering, and murmuring (was Ms. Meyer paid extra for every instance of "murmur" in the book? It would seem so). The narration is weak, lazy, and overly dramatic. The characters are caricatures. Pages and pages go by without ANYTHING happening. Boring. YAWN.

This book deserves ZERO stars. It is to literature what Gigli was to movies (Anyone remember that awfulness? Probably not, as I was likely the only sane human who saw it. Again - masochism). Your time is precious; please don't waste it on The Host. Do anything else instead - like watching paint dry, which still would be more enjoyable.
Edited to add (in bewilderment): This "book" has a 3.86 rating on GR. Am I reading the same thing as everyone else? Was my copy of this book defective in any way?
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Comments Showing 1-50 of 251 (251 new)

message 1: by Kim (new)

Kim You're a brave woman to have done this. Let's just hope your recovery is quick.

Nataliya Thank you. I am considering billing Ms. Meyer for my future therapy sessions.

message 3: by Richard (new)

Richard Derus Nataliya wrote: "Thank you. I am considering billing Ms. Meyer for my future therapy sessions."

GREAT IDEA! Let's get a class together and sue her misogynistic Mormon hiney!

Nataliya Richard, are you also a victim of her writing? (I only call it writing because she did put words on a page, so I guess that qualifies).
Mormon is not a issue; everyone has a right to religious freedom, including expressing their values in their written works. Misogynistic though - I agree, I have a huge problem with seeing that in her books; they are chock-full of it.

message 5: by Richard (new)

Richard Derus I have a copy of New Moon given to me by a well-meaning now-ex (though for entirely unrelated reasons), which was given with the chirpy little quip, "research for your vampire book!" If looks could kill...but I read the bloody (!) thing.

It was *heinous* and it was *severely* misogynistic.

Nataliya Haha, that alone can be a good reason for being an "ex"! I read all 4.5 Twilight books - mostly in horrified fascination of how terrible those were. They are so bad that they actually become unintentionally hilarious. It's too bad so many young girls think those depict "true wuv" and not an abusive relationship. Not to mention the writing, which is atrocious and could have benefited from a copy editor.

[Name Redacted] Given how widely her books are detested/lambasted among Mormons, i think attributing to her religious affiliation the horrific quality of her work might be uncomfortably close to bigotry.

Also, what galls me most is the fortune she's made out of this.

Nataliya Ian wrote: "Given how widely her books are detested/lambasted among Mormons, i think attributing to her religious affiliation the horrific quality of her work might be uncomfortably close to bigotry.

Also, w..."

I think the "horrific quality of her work" is due to the fact that she is an awful writer. It definitely has nothing to do with her religious beliefs but has everything to do with her evident disregard for good plotting, storytelling, and even basic grammar. And yet she's laughing her way to the bank.

Nataliya I just checked the GR rating for this book - it's 3.86. Really? Really?

message 10: by Richard (new)

Richard Derus How many many many reviews of the book are there, and mostly written by the smitten? It's inevitable and unsurprising that there are a lot of five-star ratings. There are a lot of people for whom the ideal of romance is in these poorly written and badly edited pages.

It's today's Varney The Vampire. There is not, nor do I expect ever to see, anything new under the sun.

Nataliya You are of course right, Richard. Speaking of Varney the Vampire - I got through a few chapters of that monster - it is absolutely hilarious in its badness. That's what happens when writers are paid per word! (Wait, maybe that's how Ms. Meyer's payscale works? Mystery solved!)

message 12: by Richard (new)

Richard Derus You made it past p1?! Your fortitude impresses me.

Imagine that dreck paid at a penny a word! Ye gods and little fishes, she's need a Brink's truck to pick up each paycheck!

Nataliya Richard wrote: "You made it past p1?! Your fortitude impresses me.

Imagine that dreck paid at a penny a word! Ye gods and little fishes, she's need a Brink's truck to pick up each paycheck!"

A few years ago I stumbled upon a couple of websites that had summaries/parodies of Varney. So I read a dozen or so chapters to firsthand experience the amazing awfulness. Then I realized that there was a limit for how much of that I can endure before needing professional help.

message 14: by Jason (new)

Jason Koivu You are a saint for the sacrifices you make on our behalves! It is because of selfless individuals like you that I will never be subjected to such dreck as this.

message 15: by Candiss (new)

Candiss Ah, you surely have ovaries of titanium, Nataliya. I don't think I could have done what you have done here.

Are you aware that a full-scale film of this is already in the works? It is to be directed by the guy who did Gattaca and will star the wonderful Saoirse Ronan and include William Hurt. I find this whole concept...disturbing.

Meyer must be drawing up plans for mansion(s) to be built of solid gold.

Nataliya Candiss wrote: "Ah, you surely have ovaries of titanium, Nataliya. I don't think I could have done what you have done here.

Are you aware that a full-scale film of this is already in the works? It is to be dire..."

"Ovaries of titanium" is being quickly added to my vocabulary. Thank you!

This "book" will now be a movie? What? How? Why? I want to preemptively gauge my eyes out. And how can anyone possibly find enough material to turn that into a fim?

Her solid gold mansion must also have diamond windows. And platinum plumbing.

Nataliya Review updated since I finally saw the stills from the movie trailer.

Nataliya Mary Elizabeth wrote: "LOL great review !! and I did see Gigli ... not sure what it was about though LOL"

Jennifer Lopez did some yoga in tight pants (at least that's why my guy friend - the one who dragged me to that movie - wanted to see it). Then other things may have happened, but I'm not sure - I was in the movie-induced stupor for most of the show.

message 19: by Stacia (new)

Stacia Even though I have not subjected myself to reading this book, I love your review. I loathe Meyer's writing after trying to read the horrible piece of garbage called Twilight. Maybe she needs to install a ghost-writer (who can actually write) into her golden mansion....

You wrote, "It's too bad so many young girls think those depict "true wuv" and not an abusive relationship. Not to mention the writing, which is atrocious and could have benefited from a copy editor."

Bingo! 100%, oh you woman of the titanium ovaries!

Btw, I think you'd enjoy this article called "What Would Buffy Do? Notes on Dusting Edward Cullen":

It makes me happy to know there are few sane people like us left in the world. LOL!

Nataliya Stacia, thanks for the link. It was awesome :)

I love the description of Twilight Sparkleson there - "who, in case you are not familiar, is a vampire that glitters like diamonds in the sunlight to attract prey — sorta like a stalky My Little Pony with fangs."

message 21: by [Name Redacted] (new)

[Name Redacted] Hey, as a proud Brony, I have to come out in defense of the Ponies. They're HARDCORE, and incredibly violent!



Nataliya Ian wrote: "Hey, as a proud Brony, I have to come out in defense of the Ponies. They're HARDCORE, and incredibly violent!



My sincere apologies to the Ponies. After watching these videos, there is NO WAY I'd risk offending any of them under any circumstances.

Spider the Doof Warrior I like this book....

Nataliya Synesthesia wrote: "I like this book...."

Different strokes for different folks, right? The world would be a remarkably boring and suffocating place if we all liked the same things!

Spider the Doof Warrior indeed. I find this book a distracting entertainment from the miseries of existence... I did like it slightly better than Twilight, which was... also entertaining, but New Moon is just annoying. Too much whining.

Nataliya Synesthesia wrote: "indeed. I find this book a distracting entertainment from the miseries of existence..."

In which case this book definitely serves its purpose :)

Synesthesia wrote: "I did like it slightly better than Twilight, which was... also entertaining, but New Moon is just annoying. Too much whining."

I nod in agreement. Four months of near-catatonia and a loooong time spent just moping around in semi-suicidality? Yeah. (I may derive pleasure from derisively snarking about Twilight and such, but I did actually read those books; I just don't think I'm quite the target audience).

Nataliya Kat wrote: ""Recommended for people you dislike"...heh-heh."

Yeah. I just couldn't help myself ;)

Spider the Doof Warrior I would be annoyed with myself if I moped over a damn pale marble statue when I could be doing something else.

Nataliya Synesthesia wrote: "I would be annoyed with myself if I moped over a damn pale marble statue when I could be doing something else."


message 30: by Evgenia (new)

Evgenia Thank god you got it over with!
I was looking at this book the other day but some forces ( apparently angels) made me leave it there untouched!

Lyndz Nataliya wrote: was Ms. Meyer paid extra for every instance of "murmur" in the book? It would seem so
Nataliya, my dear, you crack me up.

I was looking at how many stars I gave this one and I, for reasons unbeknownst to me, gave it a 2. I don’t remember why, but I am NOT going to re-read it to find out, that much I do know.
Great review as always. :)

Spider the Doof Warrior I liked the part when they were all snuzzling together.
And the drug names made me laugh. I'm easy to amuse.

Chloe This is all wrong.... You may hate this book but just talking about how bad twilight is, means you never really let it have a chance.

message 34: by [Name Redacted] (new)

[Name Redacted] That's not true at all. There are plenty of awful first-books (or even first-series) which the authors improve upon in subsequent works.

message 35: by Nataliya (last edited Apr 20, 2012 10:47PM) (new) - rated it 1 star

Nataliya Chloe wrote: "This is all wrong.... You may hate this book but just talking about how bad twilight is, means you never really let it have a chance."

Wrong? I beg to differ. I gave this book a fair chance, and did not give up halfway through even though I was tempted to do so. I hated some books even by my favorite writers (Stephen King comes to mind - he did write a few duds), but that did not stop me from enjoying the rest of his books. I actually picked up this book hoping that it will be better than "Twilight" and that Meyer's writing can improve, especially since she was writing for adult audience. Sadly, I did not find "The Host" to be any good. That's my opinion, and plenty of people may disagree with it, and I'm rather cool with that.

I thought "Twilight" - both the book and the movie - was hilariously awful, and I did mention it in this review of the book by the same author. I mentioned the movie mainly because I anticipate the future "Host" movie sharing quite a few traits with the "Twilight" one - like the helpless lovestruck protagonist, overprotective and abusive male characters, and general lack of plot.

message 36: by [Name Redacted] (new)

[Name Redacted] Stephen King is a good example of my point. I hated "The Stand" but I loved "'Salem's Lot" (and the associated short stories).

message 37: by Traveller (last edited Apr 21, 2012 04:51AM) (new)

Traveller Heheh. By the time I got the third Twilight film, I paused it halfway for some distraction (This is by now probably 6 months or so ago), and I could never in the meantime summon up the interest to watch the rest of it.
So... *yawn* ...whatever.

If this is even worse, then.... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Do you realize how hilariously self-evident this statement sounds?
"** "Perhaps without the lows, the highs could not be reached."
Highs and lows only exist in relation to one another in the first place, so... yeah, I'd pretty much say without there being lows there would not be highs to reach.

Nataliya Ian wrote: "Stephen King is a good example of my point. I hated "The Stand" but I loved "'Salem's Lot" (and the associated short stories)."

I hated "Desperation", "Insomnia", and "Tommyknockers" and had only lukewarm feelings for "The Stand", but enjoyed almost all the other books by him.

Nataliya Traveller wrote: "Heheh. By the time I got the third Twilight film, I paused it halfway for some distraction (This is by now probably 6 months or so ago), and I could never in the meantime summon up the interest to..."

The only way I can watch "Twilight" movies is with Rifftrax mp3 in the background, ripping the movie to pieces and pointing out all the stupidity.

Traveller wrote: "Do you realize how hilariously self-evident this statement sounds?
"** "Perhaps without the lows, the highs could not be reached." "

Oh yeah. Stating the obvious is the safe way to go, and sometimes may even appear profound to some people. Definitely unintentionally hilariously silly enough for me to stick it in my review :) Meyer's prose is filled with examples like that one.

Leilani Kelley I am more than halfway through this book and I felt the same way.
One of my coworkers says this is her favorite book. And I was like, "how!? Why!?" and this is what she says, "it gets better you have to finish!"
I stopped reading this book last year Because literally NOTHING was going on. Day after day the same exact thing, oh wait, then someone trips and falls. I couldn't stand the repetition!
I have decided to try and continue being as though at this time I cannot find a good book to read, might as well pick up one I have given up on. ....... >_<

Nataliya Leilani, if anything, this book actually gets worse in the second half. The repetitions and lack of any exciting events remain, and the unlikability of the heroine actually increases.

Spider the Doof Warrior .I thought differently, but YMMV.

message 43: by Missy (new)

Missy LaRae I'm wondering if SMeyer had a dream about this too and this is what came of it.

@Leilani - Read my book :-) It's good I swears >:)

Nataliya Synesthesia wrote: ".I thought differently, but YMMV."

Does that make me totally uncool if I had to google what 'YMMV' means?

Missy wrote: "I'm wondering if SMeyer had a dream about this too and this is what came of it."

Hehe. That's a possibility. I think the premise is interesting, it's the execution that's lacking.

Spider the Doof Warrior Naw. I'm a tv tropes addict. It's taking over my vocabulary.

Nataliya Synesthesia wrote: "Naw. I'm a tv tropes addict. It's taking over my vocabulary."

I love tv tropes! But I'm on rarely on that site because it's dangerous - i lose track of hours. But obviously I still have quite a few tropes to read/learn.

message 47: by Pooja (new) - rated it 1 star

Pooja I cannot agree more with you. The book was a COMPLETE waste of my time and money!! I cannot even imagine the amount of brain cells I have lost while reading the book...... My question to the world: How can a species, that is a relative of centipedes, gain world dominance???????????????

Spider the Doof Warrior They are not related to centipedes. They are some sort of ethereal floaty critters that need to merge with other species and such...

Nataliya Haha, I know that - but I could not help but picture them as silver centipedes when I was reading the book. Thus the picture :)

Spider the Doof Warrior Yeah. it is hard to NOT picture them that way. Big glowing centipedes

Though I did think it was sweet when Ian held the real Wanderer since she thought he'd throw her and step on her in disgust.

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