Women Inspirational Quotes

Quotes tagged as "women-inspirational" Showing 1-16 of 16
“A strong woman builds her own world. She is one who is wise enough to know that it will attract the man she will gladly share it with.”
Ellen J. Barrier, How to Trust God When All Other Resources Have Failed

Taylor Jenkins Reid
“Here’s a lesson for everybody, take it from me: Handsome men that tell you what you want to hear are almost always liars.”
Taylor Jenkins Reid, Daisy Jones & The Six

“I'm proud of her; she's proud of me. There is no competition animosity, envy, or jealousy. We're just secure, confident women doing our thing while supporting each other. I call that a SiSTARship and it is the essence of a Smart Woman Achieving Greatness. (SWAG)”
Sabrina Newby

Ronald Reagan
“Big Cabinet meeting on our program through Justice dept. to wipe out legal discriminations against women. We've changed 27 laws, have 60 more in process & today approved some more.”
Ronald Reagan, The Reagan Diaries

Robin Caldwell
“We all have a choir to preach to; people who will receive and believe immediately, and people who will spread the word. However, those of us who are messengers want to reach those in need of a change of heart and mind. We need the choir to grow.”
Robin Caldwell

Janette Oke
“She sat silent, looking straight ahead. What did he care about the hot sun on her head? What did she care? Nothing worse could possibly happen to her.”
Janette Oke, Love Comes Softly

Maureen Chiquet
“I wrote Beyond The Label to open up the aperture through which we look at the world. I want us to reconsider what it means to be a woman, a mentor, a wife, a mother.”
Maureen Chiquet, Beyond the Label: Women, Leadership, and Success on Our Own Terms

Namrata Kumari
“When you expect a man to create your world of dreams, you fall into the doctrine against women and strengthen what we are supposed to fight back and demolish.”
Namrata Kumari

“She's a sucker for freedom and wildness but doesn't mind being a slave to her curiosity”
Spirited Blogger

Cynthia  Anderson
“Children can still hear you even when they aren’t listening. (It’s their superpower.)”
Cynthia Anderson, One Mom To Another: Be Kind to Yourself, Embrace the Good, Find Joy in the Everyday

Avijeet Das
“Women have long been subjugated to live a life of sacrificing their dreams. From time immemorial, women have been led to believe that their life is meant to serve others. That they should not have dreams of their own. That they should give up their careers for the sake of their families. You, the woman, are the captain of your ship and master of your soul. Let no one decide for you what is good or bad for you. Whether you should get married or not. At what age you should tie the nuptial knot. And most importantly whether you would become a career oriented woman or a home maker. The decision to all the above choices in life must be made by you and you must never let society make you change your mind!”
Avijeet Das

“A woman with strong character can be easily labelled as a bossy *itch while her male counterpart is a firm leader, only a woman can be punished for being ambitious while a male colleague ambition is a great box 9 talent demonstration”
Sally El-Akkad

“Here’s the truth: Menopause doesn’t diminish who we are; it reveals a new depth. I’m more grounded now, focused on what truly brings me joy, and more in tune with my needs and
boundaries. I’ve become more patient and compassionate with myself, more certain of my worth, and fiercely dedicated to self-care. I stand firmly in and am thankful for the wisdom that comes with this stage of life. It’s not the years that change us, but the choices we make in navigating them.”
Gabrielle Jordan, Help! My Face Is Falling!: Aging: No Grace Required

“As long as we had each other, I believed we could outrun the consequences.”
Diana Kouprina, Borderline: A Poetic Memoir