Unhealthy Quotes

Quotes tagged as "unhealthy" Showing 1-30 of 44
Steve Maraboli
“The reason many people in our society are miserable, sick, and highly stressed is because of an unhealthy attachment to things they have no control over.”
Steve Maraboli, Unapologetically You: Reflections on Life and the Human Experience

Michael Bassey Johnson
“Don't destroy yourself by allowing negative people add gibberish and debris to your character, reputation, and aspirations. Keep all dreams alive but discreet, so that those with unhealthy tongues won't have any other option than to infest themselves with their own diseases.”
Michael Bassey Johnson, The Infinity Sign

Charlotte Eriksson
“I am not a finished poem, and I am not the song you’ve turned me into. I am a detached human being, making my way in a world that is constantly trying to push me aside, and you who send me letters and emails and beautiful gifts wouldn’t even recognise me if you saw me walking down the street where I live tomorrow
for I am not a poem.
I am tired and worn out and the eyes you would see would not be painted or inspired
but empty and weary
from drinking too much
at all times
and I am not the life of your party who sings and has glorious words to speak
for I don’t speak much
at all
and my voice is raspy and unsteady from unhealthy living and not much sleep and I only use it when I sing and I always sing too much
or not at all
and never when people are around because they expect poems and symphonies and I am not
a poem
but an elegy
at my best
but unedited and uncut and not a lot of people want to work with me because there’s only so much you can do with an audio take, with the plug-ins and EQs and I was born distorted, disordered, and I’m pretty fine with that,
but others are not.”
Charlotte Eriksson, Another Vagabond Lost To Love: Berlin Stories on Leaving & Arriving

T.F. Hodge
“Having beef with someone is unnecessary and avoidable. Whatever the issue, if not positive, it is an opportunity to cut the excess fat from an unhealthy dietary network. Simply excuse yourself from the table of negativity and lean forward in peace.”
T.F. Hodge, From Within I Rise: Spiritual Triumph over Death and Conscious Encounters With the Divine Presence

Robert Fulghum
“And sure, I know if you eat this way you'll die. So? If you don't eat this way you're still going to die. Why not die happy?”
Robert Fulghum, All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten

Stefan Molyneux
“The greater the gap between self perception and reality, the more aggression is unleashed on those who point out the discrepancy.”
Stefan Molyneux

Stefan Molyneux
“The manic relief that comes from the fantasy that we can with one savage slash cut the chains of the past and rise like a phoenix, free of all history, is generally a tipping point into insanity, akin to believing that we can escape the endless constraints of gravity, and fly off a tall building. “I’m freeeee… SPLAT!”.”
Stefan Molyneux

Nathaniel Branden
“Genuine self esteem – please understand this – genuine self esteem is not competitive or comparative. Genuine self esteem isn’t expressed by self-glorification at the expense of others, or by trying to make yourself superior to everyone else, or diminishing others in order to elevate yourself. Arrogance, boastfulness, the overestimation of your abilities, reflect low self esteem, even though we’re often encouraged to believe the opposite. In human beings, joy in the simple fact of existence is a core meaning of healthy self esteem. Thus understood, how can you possibly have too much of it?”
Nathaniel Branden

Steve Maraboli
“Just like your body and lifestyle can be healthy or unhealthy, the same is true with your beliefs. Your beliefs can be your medicine or your poison.”
Steve Maraboli, Unapologetically You: Reflections on Life and the Human Experience

Brittany Burgunder
“No food will ever hurt you as much as an unhealthy mind.”
Brittany Burgunder

Brittany Burgunder
“Just because something is familiar, doesn't mean it's safe. And just because something feels safe, doesn't mean it's good for you.”
Brittany Burgunder

Leigh Bardugo
“Her gaze turned distant. 'Have you ever heard of the arsenic eaters?'
Alex blinked, confused. 'No?'
'They would ingest a little bit of arsenic every day. It made their skin clear and their eyes bright and they felt wonderful. And all the while they were just drinking poison.' When Mira turned her eyes back to Alex, they were sharper and steadier than Alex ever remembered them being, free of the usual determined cheer. 'That's what being with your father was like.”
Leigh Bardugo, Ninth House

Prem Jagyasi
“When negative thoughts about anything – be it a person, an unhealthy habit, a circumstance or a work deadline – surround our existence, we tend to feel helpless, for our energies are draining faster than we had anticipated.”
Dr Prem Jagyasi

Criss Jami
“I think that there are excellent and poor thinking habits just as there are healthy and unhealthy eating habits; and when a man really knows how to think, you cannot necessarily assert that he thinks too much in a strictly negative connotation. Perhaps this is in a sense food for thought, whereas the other is fool for thought.”
Criss Jami, Diotima, Battery, Electric Personality

Iris Murdoch
“I know people can be awful dooms for each other.”
Iris Murdoch, The Black Prince

“let your love cover me like skin.
i want the whole world to see.”

Mokokoma Mokhonoana
“We are so used to eating unhealthy food that we deem obsessed with health people who watch what they eat.”
Mokokoma Mokhonoana

Asa Don Brown
“Any healthy relationship involves work, discipline, motivation, purpose, intent, and desire.”
asa don brown

“Capitalism tends to do to art what value meals do to cuisine. Think of what the food industry in our nation has done to our food. When dollars and cents are the sole purpose for the manufacturing and distribution of food, the food suffers. We suffer. The mass production, hormones and pesticides that have allowed the food industry to make more money have made our food less nutritious than it ever has been. Animals are treated cruelly. People get fat and sick and die.”
Michael Gungor, The Crowd, The Critic And The Muse: A Book For Creators

Awdhesh Singh
“You must treat an evil-doer in the same spirit as a doctor treats a patient and develop sympathy for him. It is better to maintain distance from unhealthy people and protect yourself rather than become intimate with them and later curse them for infecting you with their viruses.”
Awdhesh Singh, 31 Ways to Happiness

Josh Hatcher
“One of the biggest things that hold men back from being the fathers, husbands, and leaders they are meant to be is that we are often unfit, unhealthy, or otherwise limping along.”
Josh Hatcher

Kristen Arnett
“I'd hated that because it didn't feel how I expected romance to feel: stressful and kind of blood-soaked, a constant power struggle.”
Kristen Arnett, Mostly Dead Things

Evelyn Tribole
“So Where’s the Chocolate Group? As we have said, we’re not going to pull a fast one. There are no forbidden foods, because deprivation doesn’t work. All of the above guidelines are intended as a balance over time—which means even if you eat a candy bar, it will eventually average out. When you have let go of the diet mentality and have made peace with food, you will discover that you sometimes have a desire for food that has no nutritionally redemptive powers. We call this food play food. We prefer this term to one of the most commonly used terms to describe what’s considered unhealthy foods—junk food. The term junk food implies that there is no intrinsic value in this food—in fact, that it probably should be thrown in the garbage can. But we feel that this thinking is unwarranted. There are times when a piece of red velvet cake or a stick of licorice is just the food that will satisfy your taste buds. And eating these types of foods doesn’t mean you are an unhealthy eater.”
Evelyn Tribole & Elyse Resch, Intuitive Eating: A Revolutionary Program That Works

Kamaran Ihsan Salih
“In a healthy education, two sides should have the right teachers and students if the right of one of them is marginalized, an unhealthy education will come out of it.”
Kamaran Ihsan Salih

“Living a healthy lifestyle may lead to losing health.”
Tamerlan Kuzgov

Rebecca Yarros
“You'll break the first time they put you in the sparring ring, and that's before the dragons sense that you're...' He shakes his head and looks away, his jaw clenching.

'I'm what?' My hackles rise. 'Go ahead and say it. When they sense I'm less than the others. Is that what you mean?'

'Damn it.' He rakes his hand over his close-cropped light-brown curls. 'Stop putting words in my mouth. You know what I mean. Even if you survive the threshing, there's no guarantee a dragon will bond you. As it was, last year we had thirty-four unbonded cadets who have just been sitting around, waiting to restart the year with this class to get a chance at bonding again, and they're all perfectly healthy-'

'Don't be an asshole.' My stomach falls. Just because he might be right doesn't meant I want to hear it... or want to be called unhealthy.

'I'm trying to keep you alive!”
Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing

“i could tell that the speed was affecting my heart rate and i could only sleep for a couple of hours at the time, sometimes the only thing i ate was beer, it’d all gotten very extreme. (…) at one point i walked by a kinda scary looking homeless woman and said ‘good morning’, and she spat back ‘don’t good morning me, you got the devil in you, and i can see it’, and i lost it, because she was right, i did have a devil in me, the devil came in the form of medical grade prescription diet pills and they were controlling my mind and killing my heart. (…) and so here was my life, working out exactly the way i wanted to, and i blew it, because i couldn’t handle taking pharmaceutical grade speed daily, i just didn’t have the grit or the gumption…and i didn’t have any kind of plan or a mentor, i just figured it would work out fine (…) no one said ‘hey, this weird plan can give you permanent seizures’, i just kinda went for it.”
Karen Kilgariff, Stay Sexy & Don't Get Murdered: The Definitive How-To Guide

Kamaran Ihsan Salih
“When you put a healthy person in an unhealthy society, he becomes unhealthy.”
Kamaran Ihsan Salih

Asa Don Brown
“When entering a new relationship, set solid boundary lines and do not allow yourself to leap over them.”
Asa Don Brown

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