Suffering Cruelty Quotes

Quotes tagged as "suffering-cruelty" Showing 1-6 of 6
Andrei Lankov
“To not have your suffering recognized is an almost unbearable form of violence.”
Andrei Lankov

Rachel Carson
“By acquiescing in an act that causes such suffering to a living creature, who among us is not diminished?”
Rachel Carson

Steven Magee
“We live in truly unbelievable times. Autism is an epidemic in most western
countries, western governments are nothing more than corrupt corporations, and corporations are
routinely suppressing information regarding the toxicity of many common household items. The result
is that many people are unnecessarily suffering from easily preventable developmental problems,
sickness and cancer.”
Steven Magee

Glenway Wescott
“During their last years it was as if they lay on one deathbed — the dying hands interlaced by habit, by hatred of each other and love of God, the dying mouths murmuring truths without pity and complaining still.”
Glenway Wescott, The Grandmothers: A Family Portrait

Romain Gary
“They died... Have you ever seen a baby elephant lying on its side, with its trunk inert, gazing at you with eyes in which there seem to have taken refuge all those so highly praised human qualities of which humanity is so largely devoid?”
Romain Gary, The Roots of Heaven