Sheltering Quotes

Quotes tagged as "sheltering" Showing 1-3 of 3
N.K. Jemisin
“And so this is Um-Helat: a city whose inhabitants, simply, care for one another. That is a city’s purpose, they believe—not merely to generate revenue or energy or products, but to shelter and nurture the people who do these things.”
N.K. Jemisin, How Long 'til Black Future Month?

Stephen J. Day
“The return of the rain, beating out time on London's rooftops and pavements. Early morning Zombies sheltering beneath copies of the Standard whilst others ran screaming for cover in doorways because water from the heavens is holy and melts the undead.”
Stephen J. Day, Horizontal - The Recumbent Adventures of Philias Switchmoat

Laurie Seidler
“Language is a door. Words en-trance and are an entrance; they draw you in. When you read, the book you cradle disappears and the tales within unfold in your mind. Writing is a shelter of words and reading an interior adventure.”
Laurie Seidler, 22 Shelters: Lessons From Letters