Prosperity Quotes Quotes

Quotes tagged as "prosperity-quotes" Showing 1-30 of 34
Hendrith Vanlon Smith Jr.
“Capitalism is the only system whereby the only way to self-serve is to serve others first.”
Hendrith Smith, Essays on Capitalism & The U.S. Economy

Keisha Blair
“As we mark Global Holistic Wealth Day, let's strive for balance that nourishes our souls, minds, bodies, and communities, fostering wealth that transcends financial prosperity”
Keisha Blair

“Your big ideas will lead to big accomplishments. Big accomplishments lead to greater prosperity — not just financially, but in all aspects of life.”
Daphne Michaels, Mountaintop Prosperity: Move Quickly to New Heights in Life, Work and Money

J. Nedumaan
“The true value of a person is not in his prosperity but in his simplicity”
J. Nedumaan

Scott  Perry
“Prosperity is earning enough through your efforts to be able to get up the next morning and do it again.”
Scott Perry, Endeavor: Cultivate Excellence While Making a Difference

Clara Toma
“A fi pregătit(ă) să primești înseamnă să știi că meriți. Să știi din adâncul ființei, nu din calculele minții.
A fi pregătit cu adevărat să primești înseamnă că ai intrat deja în acord, în rezonanță, cu principiile divine.”
Clara Toma, Alchimia prosperității. Idei și practici pentru crearea și păstrarea abundenței în viața noastră

Monica Lombo
“Si deseamos que la prosperidad y el bienestar hagan de nuestro hogar su morada, deberíamos cuidar —con pulcritud y esmero— aquellos tesoros que se nos dieron. Aquello que, con dignidad, llamamos «nuestro».”
Monica Lombo, Los ladrones del alma (Libroespejo del alma)

“Trying to get prosperity through seed of faith is running after shadows”
Sunday Adelaja

“When I am in the vibration of prosperity and abundance I am cosmically connected to my world and the Universe.”
Debbie A. Anderson

“Success in America comes in over a million flavors... all you have you have to do is try one.”
Johnnie Dent Jr.

Dr Tracey Bond
“To any soul born of God, fortune is a default birthright...transact with a higher algorithm for prosperity on earth, as it is Heaven. Financial increase doesn't won't find its way to you, if your spirit is set to repel it...fight the spirited mindset that wars against your increase...your living inheritance." {#KOGGD excerpt}”
Tracey Bond

Gift Gugu Mona
“Where there is God, there is joy. Where there is joy there is liberty and where there is liberty, there is prosperity.”
Gift Gugu Mona, Daily Quotes about God: 365 Days of Heavenly Inspiration

Rob Liano
“Live to work or work to give?”
Rob Liano

“Had Joseph been released when he pleaded for the Chief Butler to help him, he would have been working for the Butler and NOT for Pharaoh. Joseph would have been waiting on the Butler instead of Egypt waiting on him. We need to learn to trust God, trust the process, and be patient. God's plans are higher and more generous than our own.”
Shaun Brooks

Mwanandeke Kindembo
“Women are not striving for great equality of prosperity, but they are seeking greater equality of rank. Because they've managed to achieve the former attribute.”
Mwanandeke Kindembo

“You deserve to be mentally healthy and prosperous.”
Angel Moreira

“Don't focus on the number of fish with you now, let your eyes be on the One who can multiply them”
Gabriel Ladokun

Brittany Burgunder
“Often, the gift of hitting rock bottom is that it persuades you to change and move forward.”
Brittany Burgunder

“Knowledge makes one popular, and wisdom makes one prosperous.”
Isaac A. Yowetu

“When health is nurtured, wealth is earned, and prosperity is embraced, life becomes a symphony of joy and fulfillment.”
Henry Johnson Jr

Monica Lombo
“Si queremos que nuestros mañanas sean distintos de nuestros ayeres, si deseamos que la prosperidad y el bienestar hagan de nuestro hogar su morada, deberíamos cuidar —con pulcritud y esmero— aquellos tesoros que se nos dieron. Aquello que, con dignidad, llamamos «nuestro».”
Monica Lombo, Los ladrones del alma (Libroespejo del alma)

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