Meandering Quotes

Quotes tagged as "meandering" Showing 1-10 of 10
Erik Pevernagie
“Power and glory are two dialectic energies working in common ground. Taking a glimpse of the meandering under swell of glory in the shade of power, can be very inspiring and illuminating. ("The power and the glory" )”
Erik Pevernagie

Erik Pevernagie
“Beauty is not a warrant for wellbeing and so does happiness not hinge on social success, but is only tangible via intricate, meandering discovery journeys in the mind. ("Absence of beauty was like hell")”
Erik Pevernagie

Munia Khan
“Crossing the limit is not my style
My footsteps meander less than a mile
I travel the world perhaps in a minute
Yet a dream, to me, is never infinite!”
Munia Khan

Dave Cenker
“Destiny has an ironic way of manifesting itself.”
Dave Cenker, Second Chance

Beverley Nichols
“On and on we wander in these pages--and we never reach the point because, happily, there is no point to reach.”
Beverley Nichols, A Thatched Roof

L.H. Leonard
“Most of the streets in Buchanwick were paved, but none followed the straight lines most soft-foot towns insisted on toeing.
White Hawk didn’t like straight lines. He said rivers didn’t run straight, so why should streets? He said a meandering street made you wonder what waited around the next bend. And so, the streets of Buchanwick meandered.”
L.H. Leonard, Path of the Spirit Runner

Kristen Henderson
“...we’re not even really hiking,
more like meandering in cinematic light.”
Kristen Henderson, Drum Machine

“Meanders overall, are in effect considered to be dynamically stable states, that facilitate homeostatic mechanisms. They actually help to innately maintain relatively stable or constant internal conditions (e.g. biochemically, ecologically, water quality, energy required... etc), as they interact to stimulus, changes or challenges, in and around the river surrounds. What's even more astonishing too, is their ability to be simultaneously transforming their surroundings in the process; quenching thirsts, bringing nourishment and delivering new opportunities that sustains new LIFE... around every bend!”

Susan Isaacs
“I'd never learned to work efficiently as long as I had an internet connection. If a paragraph or even a phrase in a manuscript I was considering rang the deja vu gong, I suspected plagiarism, so I'd search around for a bit. Maybe I'd find something, maybe not, but then I'd meander, unaware I was meandering. When I came back to reality, I'd discover I was watching a Lauryn Hill video or ordering a lilac-scented candle. Once I found myself studying a topographic map of Wyoming with no clue how I got there.”
Susan Isaacs, Takes One to Know One

“GO WITH THE FLOW... river network constructs or flow patterns and MEANDERS may... conceivably be designed with some intentionality in mind. Could it be that their crafted principally to be the most efficient, effective and sustainable way of travelling from 'A' to 'B'?”