Lower Class Quotes
Quotes tagged as "lower-class"
Showing 1-15 of 15
“Like a gloomy and sinister paradox since its apparition until now, socialism suffered terrible and terrifying metamorphoses. With the name of the most human doctrine—Socialism—the most ominous and naughty crimes against humanity were done. The National Socialism of Hitler created Auschwitz and Majdanek and the People’s socialism of Stalin — Gulag and Kolima! And both of them buried more than fifty million people! That’s monstrous!”
― Socialism Is Dead! Long Live Socialism!: The Marx Code-Socialism with a Human Face
― Socialism Is Dead! Long Live Socialism!: The Marx Code-Socialism with a Human Face
“Just like the myth of the people’s or popular capitalism, which was propagated since the mid1950s in the countries to the west of Berlin Wall, to the east and the north of it, since the same time it was introduced the myth of the people’s or popular socialism. But the suggestion is always the same. Under any “people’s” power—from people’s capitalism to people’s socialism—the greatest illusion suggested to the oppressed classes is that the people are sovereign, i.e., that all the people dominate over themselves. In this respect, even John Kenneth Galbraith makes Marxist conclusions, which even in the Internet epoch have the same power: “Young people are suggested that in a democracy the entire power belongs to the people!” (“The Anatomy of Power”)
Yet, old people know that this is not true!”
― Socialism Is Dead! Long Live Socialism!: The Marx Code-Socialism with a Human Face
Yet, old people know that this is not true!”
― Socialism Is Dead! Long Live Socialism!: The Marx Code-Socialism with a Human Face
“The Rooster Coop was doing its work. Servants have to keep other servants from becoming innovators, experimenters or entrepreneurs. The coop is guarded from the inside.”
― The White Tiger
― The White Tiger
“In the lower classes the school master does not work for the parent, but against the parent. Modern education meanshanding down the customs of the minority, and rooting out the customs of the majority.”
― What's Wrong with the World
― What's Wrong with the World
“Or as my dad always says: it only becomes a social problem when the working man joins in.”
― Lies Sleeping
― Lies Sleeping
“I noticed, rich people never toss away their pennies in their driveways, middle-class always chuck them there, and stray dogs lick up what little pennies they find on poverty ground.”
“The main reason that violence correlates with low socioeconomic status today is that the elites and the middle class pursue justice with the legal system while the lower classes resort to what scholars of violence call “self-help.”
― The Better Angels of Our Nature: Why Violence Has Declined
― The Better Angels of Our Nature: Why Violence Has Declined
“People fell into the error of imagining that an art which portrays the life of simple folks is also intended for simple folk, whereas the truth is, in reality, rather the opposite. It is usually only the conservatively thinking and feeling ranks of society that seek in art for an image of their own way of life, the portrayl of their own social environment. Oppressed and upward-striving classes wish to see the representation of conditions of life which they themselves envisage as an ideal to aim at, but not the kind of conditions they are trying to work themselves out of. Only people who are themselves superior to them feel sentimentally about simple conditions of life. That is so today, and it was no different in sixteenth century. Just as the working class and the petty bourgeoisie of today want to see the milieu of rich people and not the circumstances of their own constricted lives in the cinema, and just as the working-class drama of the last century achieved their outstanding successes not in the popular theatres but in the West End of the big cities, so Bruegel's art was not intended for the peasantry but for the higher or, at any rate, the urban levels of society.”
― The Social History of Art: Volume 2: Renaissance, Mannerism, Baroque
― The Social History of Art: Volume 2: Renaissance, Mannerism, Baroque
“People like you and I would have long been crushed by this world. We are saved because we believed in something.”
― The Thugs & a Courtesan
― The Thugs & a Courtesan
“As the daughter of a train driver and a nurse who grew up constantly strapped for cash, I'm fascinated by- and a little bit suspicious of- people who have made loads of money. To me they're like another species altogether, a breed of sleek and dangerous cats.”
― The Guest List
― The Guest List
“How often do the poor in the US get to stand in front of their nation's Marie Antoinette's and shove the stale, mass-produced cake of lower class reality back into their mouths?”
“Elm Street was the dividing line between the two worlds. On either side of this line there were families who had trouble making both ends meet, but those who lived below the intersection didn't bother to conceal it.”
― All the Days and Nights: The Collected Stories
― All the Days and Nights: The Collected Stories
“Lower castes and other oppressed groups have less access to basic amenities and education and fewer prospects for social progress than their upper-caste counterparts.”
― Why Nepal Fails
― Why Nepal Fails
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